>>2112999Most of the externally rendered pictures in this thread need improvement. Starting with my own amateur contribution so I sound like less of a hypocrite.
>>2112562Hair is completely dry. Half of the specular maps are busted. Forgot to remove the stupid park bench, and stripper pole on the dock.
>>2112625Nyo's hair is bending at a perfect 90 degree angle instead of resting naturally. Everyone's bangs and 'tails are frozen in place.
>>2112788Tina and Nyo are clipping through each other.
>>2112789Hair clipping through breasts. Also the eyes are too matte.
>>2112796>>2112799Frozen hair. Breasts not deforming naturally.
>>2112810Fluid that is not viscous enough to be water dripping from dry hair.
>>2112817Frozen hair, frozen earrings, and Honoka's left hand is being possessed by a demon.
>>2112822Not enough SSS applied the nipple relative to the rest of the breast. Hair clipping and frozen hair.
>>2112839Supernaturally glossy clothing.
>>21128402 meter tall candles, all three of which are completely identical.
>>2112841Too much SSS
>>2112842Frozen hair
>>2112845>>2112846>>2112847Girls are wet, but their plant-suits are dry.
>>2112989Hair clipping, frozen hair.