To start searching by tags, in the search bar type (without "")
"tags:" then you can enter any of the tags you applied. (they are not case sensitive)
So to search for "midriff" type "tags:midriff" and it will show you all pictures with midriffs.
For advanced tag searching, use () and words like AND, OR and NOT
For example, if you want to find pictures of topless, wet redheads, type:
"tags:(topless AND wet AND redhead)"
And it will only show you pictures with those tags.
(The AND must be uppercase. as well as OR and NOT.)
You can use OR and NOT like this:
For example if you want pussy pics, or bottomless pics type
"tags:(pussy OR bottomless)"
or alternatively
"tags:(pussy AND OR bottomless)"
which will include pictures with both tags, or one of either respectively.
and if you want to exclude a tag, say, "yuri"
"tags:(NOT yuri)"
And it will filter out all yuri pictures.
If you want to search star ratings just type "rating:" and it will come up with a drop down menu for star ratings.
Now you can chain them together to get even more catered searches.
like so "tags:(nude AND wet AND redhead AND pussy AND OR bottomless NOT yuri) rating:5 stars"
Which will give you, obviously, five star rated pictures of nude, wet redheads showing pussy, or bottomless, or both with no yuris.
Hope this was helpful. I organize all of my collections this way, and it's always come in handy. Makes it quick and easy to search up what I want when the urge strikes me.