Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2196487 Carmen and Medea were intently listening to Erika talk about her night at the bonfire; as they were curious about what kind of night she had and just how many people she ended meeting. I waited for them to be done, looking at my phone with my mind on full throttle trying to make sense of things.
They had to call me three times over to the circle since I had been zoning out. Everyone was ready and waiting for me. I apologized, trying my absolute hardest to dodge Lisa’s gaze. The bottle rolled, the bottle chose, and the loser was Lisa.
“I’m feeling perfectly fine, now. Just in case anyone was wondering,” she assured. “So no feeling sorry bullshit, if you please.”
“I wasn’t planning to take it easy on you or anything,” asserted Erika. “I have a promise to fulfill, and you’re going to help me.”
We all saw the video or were there; we all knew what happened at the Satanist’s. Erika felt it would be funny if we teased that ginger, skinny guy who called himself Dark Knight. Lisa was given a deck of cards, and asked if she knew how to play poker. Once she answered affirmatively, she was set.
And for the fourth time I visited that accursed cabin. It would be a little past midnight, and not many lodges remained active. The Satanists’ place was one of them. They had finally gotten tired of their candle light and were using electricity for once. I heard no more strange chanting coming from the inside, just some music.
Lisa knocked on the door. The music stopped, unlike all other times, the answer was very quick.
“You’re one of Erika’s friends, aren’t you?” the burly guy who Erika called Francis asked Lisa in a bored voice.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2196626 “I don’t know about friend. I’m her roommate. Can you call that guy named Larry for me?”
“What the hell do you want him for? Some other prank?”
“Just go ahead and call him, sheesh!” Lisa pouted. She did not seem the kind to have boys denying her stuff.
Francis called him, he shouted for “The Dark Knight.” Lisa proceeded to explain the situation. In her own words, the cabin she slept in played a very hardcore game of truth or dare in which we all tried to outdo one another, so she wanted to waste any time on anyone commenting if what she was doing seemed extreme.
“And what was your dare?” asked her Francis, unimpressed.
“Strip Poker against your friend, Larry. Do you want to see me naked, Larry?” Lisa teased.
“M-my name is Dark Knight,” he mumbled.
Other than his protest about how he wanted to be called, Larry seemed very on board with the idea. Francis closed the door of the cabin, so Lisa would have it easy by having a small audience of only two guys. They didn’t prepare any table, they just sat on the steps of the porch with Francis phone to illuminate them.
“Every time you lose, I get to hit you. You understand that, right?” Lisa somberly taunted. “I am wearing four things; and you have five tries. If you happen to win all five… we’ll figure that one out when we get there.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2196627 Larry bashfully nodded, shielding most of his face with his cards. The guy was a mess; he was lucky they weren’t betting and raising like in regular poker; just playing regular hands and at the mercy of the odds. I was envious of Lisa; unlike Carmen or me, she seemed in perfect control of the situation despite it being a strip game. Some of it was her huge confidence and she had to admit, her ego; but she was also lucky enough to get a weak opponent. I doubted she would be grinning so against Dan.
“Two pairs,” Lisa announced.
“Uh… I got, I-I got…!”
What kind of hand does Larry, The Dark Knight, have?
a) Three of a kind, he got lucky (He has 60% chance to win all his hands).
b) Full House, something is wrong here (Lisa auto-loses. There might be foul-play at hand).
c) Two of a kind, Lisa wins because of the suit, but Larry gets motivated (75% chance to win his hands).
d) We don’t know! (Completely random, 50% chance to win for everyone).
Anything else? You may vote for either or none!
1) Lisa forgot she’s not wearing a bra.
2) Larry gets progressively more full of himself as he keeps winning (no more shy guy).
3) Lisa beats the shit out of him whenever she wins, Larry has but three strikes (retribution).
4) Nightshade wakes up on hand 4 and makes a mess out of everything.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
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Always remember that you can make suggestions or ask for anything that is not in the options.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2196628 B. Not only is 'we’ll figure that one out when we get there.' quite a tempting phrase, it fits for the wannabe cultists to have mastered the dark arts of petty card tricks. I figure even if Lisa cottons onto it she'll get at least as far as A or C, and quite possibly more.
Honestly, all of the numbers look fun, so 1-4.
Wrong Person
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>>2196628 B. I want a guarantee to see the best humiliation for Lisa from this poker game. I would feel disappointed seeing any other result otherwise.
1. If Lisa is wearing three clothing items instead of four then Larry can argue for at least two forfeits from Lisa.
2. (optional) Would be a nice bonus for if Larry to let his winning streak go to his head and make Lisa do a couple of bold things for the forfeits.
I don't care for the other two options cause the third won't matter if Lisa loses all hands and I am afraid Nightshade will chase Lisa out of the cabin or pushing things too far that leads to a justified abort of the dare.
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>>2196628 B1, Lisa needs a reason to need have a cuddle buddy. Also she said she has to play to 5, that means at 5 she would have to give up all her clothes to Larry.
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D1. Reserve 4 for later.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2196628 “A Full House?” Lisa exclaimed, surprised. “You changed four cards, how did you get a full house?” she hollered approaching indignation.
“S-sorry…” Larry mumbled under his breath and looked away.
“Lisa, wasn’t it? Is this going to be a trend? Because if you’re gonna be a sore loser you can take your fine ass and get out of here,” Francis demurred. “It’s getting late and we’re humoring your dumb game.”
“N-no! Stoneheart! It’s… it’s… it’s okay!” Larry added in an uncharacteristically loud tone; he did not want Lisa to go.
“I’m not a sore loser. That was some bullshit luck and you know that it was,” still resented Lisa. She rudely threw her cards to the wooden floor and started unbuttoning her shirt.
Larry started shaking, expectantly hyperventilating. Francis stared, he wanted to look bored but his eyes gleamed with interest. Lisa stopped. “Shit,” she quietly cursed, and buttoned back up.
“Not going to strip, after all?” Francis goaded.
“I can take off whatever the fuck I please,” Lisa barked, noticeably unhappy, but no longer about the loss.
I remembered that she mentioned she was wearing four items of clothing, could it be because of that? She counted wrong; Lisa hadn’t been wearing a bra as far as I remembered; her enormous jugs had been bouncing all over the place all night to attest for it. Tops, bottoms and panties, that was all she had.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2196757 Lisa got her hands inside her blue pajama pants and started untying them from the inside. Without standing up, she slid them downwards to her knees, and then bent them to remove the piece of clothing completely. She carefully folded it and left it close to her person. Lisa was wearing the white underwear I had already seen during the administration of her suppository. Most of the front and back of her panties were still covered by the buttoned pajama top; but her long, well-toned legs were out in the open; and there was no hiding the white sides of her underpants.
Francis didn’t seem that interested, he was probably more into boobs. Larry, on the other hand, had forgotten to breathe for nearly thirty seconds by the time Lisa was done, and he had let go of his cards while still holding his hand in front of him as if he still held them.
“Ready to play hand two?” asked Francis, he got a grunt as an affirmative response. He shuffled, and handed the two participants five cards each.
“I change three,” said Lisa. Larry didn’t say anything, his eyes trying to steal glances at Lisa’s panties; he just offered two cards to the dealer in silence.
“That’s a pair against a flush. Larry wins again,” announced Larry, seemingly starting to have fun.
“That’s bullshit! There’s something wrong here!” accused Lisa.
“Want to check the cards, or my non-existent sleeves, or something?” proposed Francis. “You can shuffle next time, if you want.”
“You’re… you’re not… not wearing a bra, are you?” asked Larry, for the first time addressing Lisa without mumbling. “I saw… sorry, but I saw a slip back then, when you were taking off y-your shirt. A-are you… are you…?”
“Yes, she’s baring her tits or she’s walking away,” taunted Francis. “What will it be, blondie?”
“My name is Lisa, Stonedouche Lame-o,” she corrected, offended; and went back to unbuttoning her top.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2196759 I hadn’t thought about it, but undoing one’s clothes when having massive breasts was a bit different that I was accustomed to. Every single button Lisa removed, her chests that had been held together fought to spread, so it was an arduous task to both keep unbuttoning and covering up. Lisa didn’t manage it, and her clear, pink nipples slipped plenty of times; Larry’s nose started to bleed, I had never seen that happen in real life. Nobody really minded him.
“Shit, girl! You’ve got some nice ones. Those things are made for sucking!” Francis stated the obvious.
For once, the comment got to Lisa. I hadn’t seen her blush in shame until now. She looked away, half flattered, half annoyed. She opened her top to completely reveal the girls and proceeded to remove it, fold it and place it above her pants. There was nothing covering her panties now; not that there were by any stretch of the imagination the focus of the attention. Lisa had beautiful breasts; they had a prodigious size and a firm and round shape, they gracefully bounced every time she moved her torso; she didn’t bother covering the peach-colored crowns.
“Here’s the cards, shuffle them,” offered Francis, he was shamelessly starting at Lisa’s tits. “Unless you want to call it quits. I’ve already seen what I wanted, so I don’t give two fucks,” he admitted.
With both Francis and Lisa ignoring poor, paralyzed, bleeding Larry, the cards were shuffled. Lisa drew five cards, and offered five more to Larry, who took some time more to react and grab them.
“What is wrong with this deck?” complained Lisa, yet again. “This is not normal. I change four!”
“I stay,” Larry stated, he was holding his face up and pressing his nose with two fingers.
“I got two pairs, what have you got, Larry?” Lisa fumed, adding a new shade of red to her face.
Since he didn’t answer, Francis grabbed his cards; then showed them to Lisa. “He’s got another full house.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2196760 Lisa growled, and then threw her hand and the whole deck of cards at random. “Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!” she called. “You’re cheating, I know it!”
Francis stood and grabbed Lisa’s shoulders. He tried to calm her down and told her she was free to go if she wanted, that it was okay. Lisa slapped him a few times in a blind rage; Francis stoically took the hits, trying his best to soothe her. I took a mental note to not play luck-based games against Lisa.
In a final tantrum, Lisa stood up, removed her panties nearly tripping herself, and threw them at Francis. Larry made one of those high-pitched sounds of his, like something deflating; he stared in paralyzed fascination. Lisa didn’t cover at first, but she revisited her choice and used one hand to hide her crotch. While not as ridiculously perfect as Medea’s, Lisa’s pussy was still quite a looker. The cleft at the end was pronounced, and she had a small, very stylish patch of blonde hairs just above.
“I take it this means you lose? The game is over?” guessed Francis, his hands held in front of him as if Lisa would jump like a wild beast to him without any warning. He had her panties in one of his hands. Larry recovered from his trance and violently snatched them, taking them to his nose and sniffing loudly.
“No! Motherfucker! You’re gonna stain them with blood!” Lisa fretted. “Francis, stop him!”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2196761 “I’ll uh… buy you another pair, or something. I know you don’t want to hear this now, but; shit, I can’t lie. You ass is a piece of art,” Francis answered, bending over to the side to take a better look.
It was cute and round, but mine was still better.
“Motherfucker!” Lisa repeated, so pissed she stopped covering herself. “Those are Victoria’s Secret!”
“Larr… Dark Knight, stop that shit. I just calmed her down, for fuck’s sake! Thirsty simp, I swear to God!”
Chaos ensued, but what was clear is that Lisa had no more clothes to lose. What were they to do?
a) Next time she concedes her panties to Larry.
b) Lisa gives the guy permission to touch her breasts.
c) Lisa must sit in an M form, to completely flash the goods.
d) Something else. Any forfeit you’d like?
And remember this is only the fourth. What about the fifth?
1) Lisa allows herself to be fingered.
2) Lisa abandons all of her clothes
3) Lisa poses for a nude picture.
4) Bonus: Lisa wins a single hand and goes in a nude rampage on Larry’s ass.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2196762 A2 sounds like a good time.
Wrong Person
>>2196762 D. Have Lisa be tied in a shibari style, naked or under her clothes (if she is not abandoning her clothes). She doesn't have to have her hands or feet restrained. (But it would be sexy option for her arms tied behind her back.)
2. A naked walk of shame with shibari rope on Lisa would be awesome.
Throwing out another idea that I am not voting on. Lisa could join one of those weird rituals as a forfeit. (like a pretend sacrifice to Satan or something. Medea could but in at this point to amend this ritual)
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>>2196783 I love this idea. I vote D2.
>>2196773 Change to
>>2196783 but in reverse order, i.e. 2→D
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2196818 I approve, switching my vote to that too.
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>>2196818 And add an image to my vote
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2196762 Francis held Lisa’s arm to keep her from going after Larry. The other arm, Lisa refused to employ for anything other than hiding her pretty slit.
“I got the solution for you,” Francis attempted to appease her. “You said five hands, right? But you’re already naked. If you lose next hand, Larry gets your undies fair and square, now about it?” he negotiated.
“Fuck you!” Lisa objected. “That pair is worth even more than the pajamas, and this pathetic fucker is ruining them!”
Francis yanked Lisa and forced her to sit. “Okay, then let’s make it official; if you lose once more we’re going to keep your clothes. Name your price, what if you win, though? Go crazy.”
“Like I’m going to continue playing with you cheaters,” she spat, slapping Francis’s hands away; but having desisted in reaching Larry, who was now in some sort of trance; his eyes forcefully closed as he held the expensive underwear Lisa had been wearing close to his face.
“How about this? I play instead of Larry,” Francis bargained, starting to pick up the cards Lisa had thrown all over the place in her recent tantrum. “You shuffle the cards, you cut the deck, you deal the cards. You can keep an eye on my hands at all times. If I lose; you search online whatever your clothes are worth, I’ll pay you three times that. And you get to punch Larry, straight in the nose.”
Lisa thought about it. It seemed very tempting.
“That’s easily over a hundred dollars,” she warned.
“Shit, seriously? That you’re buying skivvies that expensive makes you more of a moron than a victim, here,” he highlighted and Lisa flicked his ear, offended. “Sure, why the fuck not?” he agreed.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2196852 Francis gave Lisa the cards he collected. A few of them were unusable, muddy as they were, they’d be marked. Lisa shuffled the incomplete deck very carefully. She handed Francis cards alternating between the top, the bottom and the middle of the deck, and the same to herself. Francis nodded, saying the practice was acceptable. He picked up his hand.
Francis switched three, just as Lisa. Both of them got two of a kind; Francis barely won since his were sevens to Lisa’s twos. She had to admit there was no foul play possible, it was an actual defeat.
“Fuck!” she bitterly cursed. “Something is wrong with these cards!” she insisted.
“Take it easy,” Francis suggested, stopping Lisa from throwing the cards again. “You got one more try. We’re keeping the clothes, but if you win this last hand I still pay for them three times whatever they’re worth.”
“And if I lose?” she asked.
“I tie you up,” Larry joined the conversation, Lisa’s panties still on hand; there was no girl who would wear blood-stained panties as anything else than a last resort, but now the intimate piece of clothing was now rightfully his so he couldn’t be blamed, even if I still thought him a disgusting creep. “If you lose again, I tie you up.”
“So you can fucking rape me, you piece of shit?” Lisa sneered.
“Go away then,” Larry hugged the panties and spoke to Lisa without any stutters or fear. “We still get your clothes, and we saw you cunt.”
“Jesus, Lisa. No one is going to rape you,” assured her Francis.
“Don’t speak the name of that false idol, Stoneheart!” Larry boomed. “He was a dirty liar and a betrayer! A member of the brotherhood has no place talking about him.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2196853 “Don’t speak the name of that false idol, Stoneheart!” Larry boomed. “He was a dirty liar and a betrayer! A member of the brotherhood has no place talking about him.”
“But he’s got a point,” Francis moved on, a bit bothered by the rude interlude. “If you go away now, we get all your shit and we pay squat. What is getting tied up? He probably just doesn’t want you covering up.”
“I keep a joker,” negotiated Lisa. She grabbed one of the unusable cards, a joker. “I keep this joker and if I lose this loser gets to tie me or whatever.”
“Satan fathered no losers, and his son accepts your challenge!” dramatically mouthed Larry. I saw with disgust and disdain a tent rising in his pants, so did Lisa. He was eyeing her naked body, breathing heavily, with dangerous, crazy eyes focused on the supple mounds that nature had bestowed on Lisa.
Lisa shuffled the cards. She dealt four to herself, and five to Larry. Larry changed one card, so did Lisa.
“Four of a kind, asshole!” Lisa chanted, showing her hand with a defying gaze.
“The powers of my dark master have granted me… a Royal Flush!”
But it was wrong. The Ace of Spades was one of the unusable cards, I was sure of it; still, Larry held a ten, a jack, a queen, a king and an ace. He had a long sleeved hoodie; he was the cheater all along! I started walking towards them from our hideout behind their cabin to let Lisa know.
Medea stopped me, I turned and she denied me with her head. “We can only help if it would come to physical harm otherwise. Cheating and not getting caught is a part of Poker. Just hope that Lisa notices,” she whispered.
But she didn’t. Lisa commenced berating again; she threw the cards at Larry’s face, and tried kicking him while calling him a cheat; even if not knowing how. In the end, she couldn’t make a point and surrendered.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2196854 Larry rushed into the cabin, laughing. He came back with a long piece of rope. He was an awful sight with blood coming out of his nose and drool from his mouth, looking almost as insane as the guy they called Nightshade. Francis mediated whenever Larry tried to go further than it was agreed by placing dirty fingers over Lisa’s most sensitive spots, which was often.
With amazing expertise, Larry had the rope going around Lisa’s neck, and down her back coming back up from her crotch. The rope then got folded and pulled into several directions, making visually symmetrical openings at several places; most notably surrounding Lisa’s titties. Larry secured the rope until it started uncomfortably digging into the vagina, and then tied it behind her back, with Lisa’s hands.
“These are the proper dressings of a whore,” Larry mocked. “You are forbidden to remove these until midnight, or the spirits shall know!”
“Dude, it’s nearly one o’clock,” pointed up Francis.
“I mean until the next midnight, Stoneheart!” Larry turned with anger towards his friend. “First, you disrespectfully held my hands, now this! This is the last time you def- Ooow!”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2196858 Lisa kicked Larry’s in the side of his abdomen making use of commendable flexibility despite being tied. “I’m leaving,” she announced; leaving her clothes and the cards just where they were and walking all tied up in that bizarre contraption Larry had machinated. Every step seemed like agony, as the rope ate into her little gnash whenever she shifted her weight from one leg to the other. Her cheeks were covered by tears born out of anger.
a) Aria is dared to be Lisa’s slave for the next day. Rules are to be set about what she can or cannot ask. Will make skipping to night impossible. Finishes Game for the night.
b) Erika must find and egg, put said egg in her vagina, and act like a chicken, laying an egg in front of someone.
c) Carmen has to assist to the movie room tomorrow, and watch a whole flick in the nude.
d) Medea is to send her orgasm face to all her contacts.
e) Bonus: Do you want something to happen to Shibari’d Lisa beforehand?
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2196859 C, I find it quite amusing to have the daytime dare go to Carmen for the third time in a row.
And how about, for E, the knots start to come undone and Erika volunteers to fix them.
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>>2196859 C
As for E, it would be nice is she runs into the guy who video taped her before and he tapes her again.
Wrong Person
>>2196859 A. Time for Lisa and Aria bonding time. I think Aria had good amount of time interacting with everyone else but Lisa out of this group of four. So now is the time to fix that.
Also how Lisa going to get food with her hands tied. She is going to need a slave or servant to help her with getting "dressed", obtaining and serving food to her.
E. Maybe have the arms come lose or something so that Lisa arms can have so relief (for a least a little while) and Erika can modify the ties somehow.
(Also, Idea to throw out there, Larry may have coated the rope that went on her pussy with a little bit of aphrodisiacs. Not sure if that's too evil or not. Otherwise how is she going to sleep if this happens?).
Sorry B and C, you make this a hard choice. But I think A is worthwhile. I would like Aria to get to know Lisa more.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
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>>2196871 There's no reason the girls wouldn't remove the shibari immediately other than to mess with Lisa, which I just don't see happening. Spending all day tied up was never part of her dare.
If there's enough E's voting for that, I'll rattle my brain trying to find a justification. Otherwise, she has until the cabin at the absolute most to make something happen.
Don't discard the possibility of more shibari in the future as the dares scale up, though.
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A for the video that she have taken without permission As for those robes I would recommend keeping them as such but allowed to put clothing on top of them with the situation that she have just get well in mind.
Gnattering Yawn
I don't know where pastebin-guy from before is now, but since he hasn't shown up I compiled last thread into a pastebin (ZsyZ8C0t) so that along with the first one we've got a full archive of everything before this thread.
OP, what is with the end of July deadline, if you can share?
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2196974 Much appreciated.
>>2197046 It's an estimate. I'll probably be dead by then; we're clear for all this month, save something unexpected happens.
>>2196859 “Kinky,” commented Erika on Lisa’s appearance as she came closer.
It was an intricate knot around the whole body; it almost looked by clothing and it even somewhat covered Lisa’s shame by going across the opening of her vulva; if one were to cover the breasts it wouldn’t even be that different from what I’ve seen other girls wearing at the pool. Food for thought.
“Someone get this thing off me,” Lisa requested. “It’s too fucking tight!”
“On it,” said Erika. She took out her phone and took a picture, first. Lisa scoffed at her, but otherwise tacitly permitted it.
Even after struggling for a few minutes, Erika didn’t seem to be able to untie the thing. She had trying to undo the knot from Lisa’s hands, and the only thing she has managed so far was making the poor girl shriek in pain by yanking.
“This isn’t coming off,” Erika concluded. “We’re gonna have to cut it. Let’s head back for now.”
The walk back was not fun for Lisa. She constantly made exclamations of pain or discomfort, even stopped at once point to duck and rest. Carmen tried carrying her on piggyback, but Lisa said that spreading her legs only made it worse.
It got so bad Erika suggested to masturbate Lisa, so her vagina could expand and her fluids could help ease the pain; Lisa didn’t even immediately dismiss the idea, that’s how I knew it was serious. In the end Medea and I stayed behind to guard the tied girl while Erika and Carmen headed back in search for tools; since none of them had brought an actual knife.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197065 Of course it would have been much easier if we had let Medea work on the rope; but since Erika, as tall as she was, didn’t manage to work it, it would be too suspicious if Medea could do anything about it. Just a few minutes later Erika came back with a lighter. Through some careful maneuvering, she burned the rope managing not to hurt Lisa, finally setting her free.
“Thank you, Erika!” Lisa beamed at her, rubbing her wrists. “I’m going to get my hands on that Larry jackass tomorrow, I swear. You wouldn’t have thought to bring me something to wear, would you?”
“You were crying like you were going to die, so I came back as soon as possible,” Erika avoided. She probably had just not thought about it. “No one is even out at this hour; let’s just go.”
A little naked stroll with no witnesses about was no problem for Lisa. Carmen was waiting back at the shack. Lisa looked at her with the tiniest fraction of scorn, after all Carmen had just staid after saying she was going back to search for stuff to help Lisa with.
“It’s getting late. I’m going to give the last dare and be done with it,” Lisa announced.
“Keep the tradition going,” cheerfully coaxed Erika. “Make a dare for the next day, until The Game starts again.”
“Yeah, that’s more or less what I had in mind,” Lisa revealed, and without further ado, she spun the bottle.
A weird gleam from behind’s Lisa’s eyes as the bottle landed on me didn’t escape my attention. I immediately knew it was bad news. Would I be the one wearing nothing but a towel for a whole day?
“Aria. Oh, Aria,” Lisa licked her lips. “You wouldn’t deny a dare from me, would you, Aria?” she insinuated that I had no choice in the matter and I better accept whatever she proposed.
I nodded, and gulped.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197066 “You know? Aria’s really sensitive to the light,” Erika butted in. “Even if you have her go out in underwear or something, maybe you should let her wear a baseball cap or something. See how she’s so pale?”
“I’m not doing a repeat dare of what we asked of Carmen,” clarified Lisa. “Aria, I dare you to be my slave until tomorrow night.”
“Y-your slave?” I dumbly parroted.
“Doesn’t that mean you can ask her to do dares all day long? How is that fair?” surprised me Carmen by intervening. Erika nodded in agreement.
“How about we leave it to Aria, then?” suggested Lisa. “What restrictions would being my slave have?”
a) No restrictions at all. Other than nothing that brings physical harm, anything goes.
b) No public nudity. Everything else goes.
c) Aria will be like a maid or a servant. Anything you could ask an employee, Aria will do.
d) Aria is like a Genie. She gives Lisa 5 wishes with no limitations, after that she’s done.
e) Lisa’s orders have to be approved by someone other as a safe mechanism.
“Are you sure, Aria?” Erika asked for confirmation. “This sounds like a very though one.”
“She already said she would do it,” argued Lisa.
“She indeed has,” said Medea: that’s when I knew it was official. I was now in service of Lisa, effective immediately.
Medea picked her decanter up, and The Game came to an end for the night. The girls began to change into sleepwear, and each headed for their bead, except for me. Lisa did not waste any time.
“You’re not sleeping on your bed tonight,” she ordered. “Go take off your clothes. There’s… something I’m going to need you for.”
1) Aria takes off her panties.
2) Aria keeps her panties.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2197067 I'm partial to D here. Plenty of room for Lisa to demand crazy things but she can't frivolously waste all of Aria's time tomorrow, meaning Aria can get put in all sorts of embarrassing situations but still can get her own stuff done, like dealing with Melanie or meeting up with Elmira again or whatever else the day has in store.
Everything major Lisa would have planned can still go through, she just has to be more deliberate about it.
Oh, and 1. We're growing a tail tonight and shouldn't let our underwear get in the way.
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>>2197067 It's hard to choose. Should it be C ?
Wrong Person
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>>2197067 A. I would like to test what kind of person Lisa is. It will be interesting if OP continues to give voting options like "obey" or "refuse" instead of voting options that Lisa will have Aria, do as a way to change things up. That way it will be a surprise to see what will happen next, during Lisa's dare.
1. Easy enough so far
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2197069 Actually, no, I'm voting for A1. We haven't seen enough penalty games, and Lisa being able to demand anything from Aria at any time is a good way to prompt one of those. With luck, it could even be like Carmen's penalty and have something to do with Aria's wardrobe.
>>2197067 D 1.
I'm trying to keep my pictures as /e/ as possible. Most of my collection is /dþ.
>>2197088 I have to go back and say A/E. I liked the idea of D, but A would really show off who Lisa is.
I want to twist E to fit with A. Aria can temporarily reject an order to get someone else to judge it, rather than having someone follow them around.
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>>2197067 D,1 it would be a waste of a day if Lisa had unlimited orders
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>>2197096 With a penalty for Aria each time she ok objects and the other person finds the command to be fair.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197067 She was asking me to strip so soon? I had the realization that no matter how guilty I felt about trying to steal compromising videos of her, it was a bad idea to tell her that I would be her slave with no restrictions.
“Actually? No. Keep your clothes on,” Lisa changed her mind. “I don’t want people thinking weird stuff. Here, come closer,” Lisa called me with a hand gesture, and I complied. “Go into your bed, but once the lights go out, sneak into mine,” she whispered.
My heart eased. Until then I thought Lisa would have me streak or something of the like. I had more or less an idea of what she wanted me to do, and honestly if she had so much as asked I would have gladly obliged, dare or no dare. Following my instructions, I stepped into my bed as I normally would, and waited.
Medea didn’t change to go to sleep; she went with her dirty T-shirt dress still on. Carmen covered herself with a pink nightgown using no underwear, and then climbed to her bunk. Lisa hasn’t dressed back up since she came back, and went to her bed in the buck. Lastly, Erika took off her jeans and jacket, and just remained in her panties; she was the closest to the light switch and turned it off when she saw everyone was set.
I gave it ten minutes. I remained motionless, but focused on staying awake. Then, I slowly started taking off my pajamas, I gave care more importance than speed; I assumed panties were perfectly optional as there was no way they would get in the way. I decided to take them off as well.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197102 The hard part over, and honestly getting a little excited, I jumped down noiselessly to the floor. Certain that the darkness would cover both my unnatural movements and my ears; I crawled to Lisa’s bed in no time at all. I tugged the sheets to announce my arrival, and Lisa moved to give me space to lie on, and so I did.
Lisa embraced me from behind, covering both our naked bodies with the bed sheets. She was a bit cold to the touch at first, but that quickly subsided and I felt a comfortable warm being shared between the two of us. She hugged me tightly.
“Aria, you’re so warm!” she happily sang, nuzzling her face against my hair. “How are you so warm? You’re like an electric blanket or something.”
I had to focus very hard on not purring. Lisa’s enormous breasts were gently massaging my back, one of her hugging hands was touching my boobs, and my butt was in direct contact with the opening between her legs, I unequivocally felt it.
“Your hair is so soft,” she kept praising me. “What do you do with it? You’re like, designed for this. No joke. Nights are so cold in this place, why don’t we just sleep together from now on?”
“Is it me, or you’re using me as a stuffed animal?” I wasn’t even offended, I was actually curious.
“So what?” she didn’t deny it. “We can be each other’s teddy bear. If you say no, I’m going to sneak into your bed anyway. Just you try and stop me.”
I giggled. “I don’t know. Do we have to be naked every time?” I asked as if I didn’t prefer it that way.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197103 “Not convinced yet?”
Lisa moved one of her hands and gripped my shoulder, hard; she moved her hand around pressing with her fingers. I complained at first as I could, trying to stay quiet so we wouldn’t call attention; but after just a few seconds of being painful, her touch became enjoyable, then downright pleasant.
“Pretty realistic purr,” she commended me. “This is just a taste.”
I didn’t answer back, just moved myself backwards, tucking myself in against her. Sure, we could be sleeping buddies.
“Aria. Wake up. Aria!”
“Damn it, wake up!”
Someone shook me, and I turned. A pair of round, pretty, bare boobs were shaking in front of me. Was it a dream? I blinked, they were still there. I blinked again. The breasts went back, revealing their owner. They were Erika’s.
“Finally!” she quietly raged.
“E-Erika?” I fretted. “This… this isn’t what it looks like!” I nervously added remembering what happened yesterday, and that I had just been found out sleeping naked in the same bed as Lisa.
“Shit, I really hoped it wasn’t; but it is,” she insisted, looking very sad all of sudden. “I took a look, it’s the real thing.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197104 “N-no! We’re not… like that!” I defended. “She was just using me for warmth, honest!”
“What the fuck are you talking about? Haven’t you noticed, you dolt?” she condescendingly asked me.
Erika rudely grabbed my head, and forced me to turn it to my left. There was something trashing under the sheets.
“What’s that?” I wondered, a little alarmed.
“What do you think?” Erika said at the time she moved the sheets aside.
It was long, black and covered in fur; a thrashing appendage that made all its way into my back.
“Aaaaand there she goes,” chided Erika, who was getting blurrier by the second. “It’s lights out for Aria.”
a) Aria’s new tail has a white spot at the very end.
b) Arias new tail is completely black.
I warned you there was no going back. There isn’t. Anything else, though?
1) Aria’s transformation is complete.
2) Aria’s nails are razor sharp and grow back quickly.
3) Aria’s body hair will now grow white, including her pubes.
4) Hair stubbornly grows around Aria’s breasts and crotch, covering the essentials (think Felicia of Darksiders)
>>2197105 What is Aria's hair color and skin color by now?
Wrong Person
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>>2197105 B. I am a black cat lover
2. Sharp nails are useful for all sorts of things, like climbing, fighting, and cutting clothes. So might as well add useful stuff to this transformation.
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>>2197105 A 2 + 3 + 4
Addition to 4, she has a chest tuft of hair that makes her look well endowed in a t shirt (if not groomed properly)
>>2197115 Hair color is black with her ears have white tufts inside the inner ear. I think skin is just normal caucasian.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2197105 A2/3, it'll make Aria quite an interesting person.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197115 Aria is white. She has pale skin with jet black hair.
If you had to picture her as a cat, she would be bicolor (mostly black coat, white underbelly and tip of tail). She has no specific breed she'd be close to, her human part dampens that too much.
She might not be Caucasian in the strict sense anymore, as that's a way to classify a skeleton. If anyone tried to classify her they'd be forced to conclude "She's an Aria". Her genome must look quite interesting.
>>2197184 Correct. Her grandfather from her mother's side was Japanese, but it's hard to tell.
I like your description of the ears, it'll go in the character page.
>>2197105 I didn’t faint; I just swooned a little bit. Erika’s comments were uncalled for. I still needed a bit of help to get out of Lisa’s bed. Erika helped my weight over her shoulder and placed me over her own mattress. She left me there while I… figured things out.
“Medea! Wake up!” Erika quietly called, climbing the bunk, no doubt eager to tell her the news.
Two deep breaths were all I allowed myself to take. I prepared my mind; I leaned to the side and placed one hand above my butt, there it was. At the lowest part of my back, something thick and furry started making way. I gripped it, and I knew I was touching part of myself. I had the hand go up, forcing the mysterious appendage to flex towards me. Once it felt I was reaching the end of it, I moved it in front of my face.
It was trying to move from side to side. It had short, black hair – or fur – with a white tip. It was a tail. My tail.
“I expected this would happen,” Medea voiced her thoughts on her way to me. “I was certain after examining Aria back in the showers. Her coccyx had started to shift and grow.”
“What do we do now?” Erika asked her.
“Same as we did about her ears. We hide it, wait for Aria to get used to them, and then she goes on with her life.”
“Easy for you to say,” I recriminated with teary yes.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197224 “Is it?” Medea raised an eyebrow, amused.
“N-no… sorry. That was unfair,” I realized that Medea had her own peculiarities to deal with. They weren’t as physically obvious as mine, but they didn’t seem like a walk in the park; which she couldn’t take without protection.
“Aria, you’re going to have to be very careful from now on,” Erika warned me. “These are not like your ears or your eyes that we can kind of explain as fashion statements. You have to be careful about being seen naked.”
Much easier said than done. It was not as if I ended up without clothes in front of people because I wanted to.
Without any warning or request for permission, Erika grabbed my tail, probably curious to examine it. It felt awful, chills ran up my spine and a weird, ticklish sensation gave me an anxiety that I had never experimented. I wanted Erika to let go, I tried moving the tail and it readily responded to my commands as naturally as any other part of me; but in only prompted Erika to tighten her grip, and that felt even worse.
“Let go, please!” I pleaded in an unprecedented loud voice, that made Carmen and Lisa shifts in their bed.
But Erika did let go. I sat up, and rolled my tail around to the back, to shield it from further contact.
“Sorry,” Lisa apologized. “So you’re sensitive there?”
“Aria, you have to calm down,” Medea requested.
“I am calm!” I protested. As calm as one could be after finding an extra limb on their body.
“No, you are not. You are nearing a panic attack. Your tail is trashing aimlessly,” Medea evidenced, pointing at me.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197225 “And her ears are all the way back,” noticed Erika. “I think the hair is standing on end a little. This girl should never play Poker.”
Medea sighed. “Go wake Lisa up, if Aria is to be her slave; we have to explain the situation.”
a) Stop! I can hide it. I don’t want Lisa to know.
b) Let Erika wake Lisa up.
And remember that potion Lisa took?
1) No side effects whatsoever, Medea got it perfectly right.
2) The potion was very long lasting. Lisa will have a minor regeneration effect during the day.
3) Some blood fury got transferred. Lisa will be temperamental and easy to anger; her physical performance will increase. It will wear off in a few hours.
4) Some blood fury got transferred. Lisa will have her lust amplified by orders of magnitude until it wears off. Probably not good for Aria.
5) Medea screwed up. She bottled a blood bond and Lisa falls in love with her.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
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>>2197225 But Erika did let go. I sat up, and rolled my tail around to the back, to shield it from further contact.
>“Sorry,” Erika apologized. “So you’re sensitive there?” “Aria, you have to calm down,” Medea requested.
//Sorry, dunno why that happens. Won't let me delete the post to correct it.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197224 “Is it?” Medea raised an eyebrow, amused.
“N-no… sorry. That was unfair,” I realized that Medea had her own peculiarities to deal with. They weren’t as physically obvious as mine, but they didn’t seem like a walk in the park; which she couldn’t take without protection.
“Aria, you’re going to have to be very careful from now on,” Erika warned me. “These are not like your ears or your eyes that we can kind of explain as fashion statements. You have to be careful about being seen naked.”
Much easier said than done. It was not as if I ended up without clothes in front of people because I wanted to.
Without any warning or request for permission, Erika grabbed my tail, probably curious to examine it. It felt awful, chills ran up my spine and a weird, ticklish sensation gave me an anxiety that I had never experimented. I wanted Erika to let go, I tried moving the tail and it readily responded to my commands as naturally as any other part of me; but in only prompted Erika to tighten her grip, and that felt even worse.
“Let go, please!” I pleaded in an unprecedented loud voice, that made Carmen and Lisa shift in their beds.
But Erika did let go. I sat up, and rolled my tail around to the back, to shield it from further contact.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197229 “Sorry,” Erika apologized. “So you’re sensitive there?”
“Aria, you have to calm down,” Medea stressed.
“I am calm!” I protested. As calm as one could be after finding an extra limb on their body.
“No, you are not. You are nearing a panic attack. Your tail is trashing aimlessly,” Medea evidenced, pointing at me.
“And her ears are all the way back,” noticed Erika. “I think the hair is standing on end a little. This girl should never play Poker.”
Medea sighed. “Go wake Lisa up, if Aria is to be her slave; we have to explain the situation.”
a) Stop! I can hide it. I don’t want Lisa to know.
b) Let Erika wake Lisa up.
And remember that potion Lisa took?
1) No side effects whatsoever, Medea got it perfectly right.
2) The potion was very long lasting. Lisa will have a minor regeneration effect during the day.
3) Some blood fury got transferred. Lisa will be temperamental and easy to anger; her physical performance will increase. It will wear off in a few hours.
4) Some blood fury got transferred. Lisa will have her lust amplified by orders of magnitude until it wears off. Probably not good for Aria.
5) Medea screwed up. She bottled a blood bond and Lisa falls in love with her.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2197226 B4 sounds like an excellent way to get Aria a penalty game, but 5 would do very interesting things to Lisa's character arc.
Can I vote for B 4 + 5 together?
>>2197226 B4. The group is going to find out eventually. Better now than a dare from Lisa that exposes her more.
For 5, who is the "her" at the end? I assume you mean Lisa falls in love with Madea and not Aria.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197232 >>2197234 First, reason you don't link to an non-existant post is because it was deleted, it had a stupid mistake.
Second, sure. 2 to 5 don't look like mutually exclusive, we can work with that.
Third, yes, The last "her" is for Medea. Aria doesn't even appear in that paragraph.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2197232 >>2197235 Good to hear, formalizing as B 4/5 then.
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>>2197235 I didn't even notice the error until after I posted. Mobile sucks for finding /e/ picture, so it generally takes me a while to reply after clicking on a post.
I had to ask about the pronoun. Warning - I can be a massive idiot sometimes.
>>2197231 B4, while 5 could be interesting Lisa will never want to use Aria as a teddy bear again if she is blood bonded to Medea and Medea doesn't seem like the type to be someone's teddy bear.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2197262 I feel like Lisa would *want* Medea as a teddy bear but since she never had any sexual reasons for teddy bear Aria I expect Lisa would still be happy with Aria as a teddy bear.
Meanwhile, in my opinion, Lisa's disdain for 'dyke shit' is holding her back, and especially today with Aria as her slave I can see plenty of enjoyable shenanigans proceeding from this.
>>2197105 Vote for 1 for this>>2197231 Vote for B2+4 Anonymous
>>2197269 Idk, bloodbonds are weird they fuck people up bad, to the point where they toss aside the rest of their lives to follow the one they are bonded to like a slave, I'd be really careful about one, Lisa won't be Lisa anymore if she is bonded.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2197273 Hmm, given the way things were phrased I doubt it's that intense, but still worth it to check.
Camp of Dares, approximately how intense would the love from option 5 be?
Wrong Person
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>>2197231 B. I do not see how Aria can hide her tail comfortably.
3. I think it would be funny to see a hulk Lisa going on a rampage protecting Aria from any assholes that bother Aria and her tail.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197275 At one drink? Not that extreme. She won't be able to stop thinking about Medea, and will start actively trying to be around her, rationalizing her feelings. Medea will be very important to her; but if Medea is shitty to Lisa she will still be able to hate her, just not forget her.
At three drinks? She'd be Medea's unconditional puppet. She'd obey without question, killing and dying for her. Nothing else in her life would matter, or come even close to it. Being scolded by Medea would be a torment that can send Lisa into a suicidal depression, being praised by her would be a sentiment not even a mother meeting her baby for the first time could imagine.
Medea's blood doesn't naturally blood bond, being a Dhampir hybrid; she can't even create ghouls. Medea just may randomly get that result out of a potion containing her own blood because 1) Alchemy is bullshit and 2) Medea's father is an exception among exceptions no one could have possibly calculated for.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2197290 Thanks for the clarification, I'll stick with my current vote then.
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>>2197231 B5. Lisa only had one drink so it's fine.
>>2197290 Change my vote
>>2197271 to anti-5
Gnattering Yawn
>>2197305 It was only one drink though, so we're only talking about what's going on in the first paragraph. Lisa will still have the same agency and autonomy, the change large enough to shake up the story but small enough to keep Lisa Lisa.
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>>2197231 B 4 and 5. Sounds great!
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
Story has been ready to go for over an hour; 5 keeps getting in and out.
Close votes are fun, sadly they usually disappoint the most people.
>>2197231 “Okay, time out”, Erika interjected, extending her arms to the side with her palms one facing Medea and one to me. “Aria just grew a tail. Don’t you guys think this is the line we draw about dares? I think we should figure out what’s going on and THEN we get to keep playing.
I locked eyes with Medea, questioning her. Stopping The Game was not an option. Medea needed it for something important, and every dare was a promise; going against it might even curse me, and I had just about enough magic in my life as it was. What would we tell Erika, though?
“Can’t we just, keep appearances for as long as possible?” I humbly requested, “I know my life is going to get crazy after camp. My dad is going to freak out; I probably will be on TV or something. But on the meantime, can we just, keep things normal?” I was trying to manipulate Erika, but over half of what I said was true.
I didn’t want my transformation to monopolize our time; I would much rather just get used to it and figure things out as they happened. Medea gave a nod of approval. We both glared at Erika, and easily disarmed her. She shrugged.
“Alright, if that’s what you want,” surrendered Erika. She started scratching behind my ears. “I think the fair thing to do is letting you get the last word about what happens about this thing. Just be careful. Try not to draw attention.”
“Deal,” I lifted my mandible, hoping she would scratch my neck next, but to my disappointment, Erika stopped altogether.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197311 “Let me get Lisa, then,” she walked to the bed she had dragged me from, and in one quick motion she swiped the sheets from Lisa’s body. “Huh, she didn’t grow anything weird. She’s a lucky one,” Erika commented to herself.
Lisa was facing away from us, her rear looked very human and there were no odd ears coming out of anywhere. Hopefully that would end Erika’s theories about Nazi suppositories. Lisa went into fetal position and started grunting.
“Not now! I’m tired!” she grumbled. “Go away!”
“We have to talk,” insisted Erika, lifting a bare foot to push Lisa’s butt cheeks in an attempt to make her move. “Get up.”
Lisa could only take being pestered for so long, she kicked back at Erika, and then rose. Not even then did she look fully awake. Lisa’s eyes were half shut and she looked like the current incarnation of grogginess iself.
“What time is it?” Lisa yawned.
“A little after seven,” Erika dismissingly answered. “We need to talk ab-”
“Seven in the morning? Erika, what the fuck?” Lisa complained, trying to steal the bed sheets back. “And where’s Aria? It’s colder than a witch’s tit in here!”
“Aria is exactly what I need to talk you about,” Erika seriously replied, she seemed to be in no mood for the usual bickering between the two. Meanwhile, Medea at my side pouted about a senseless idiom being offensive and outdated.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197313 “Yeah, I actually kind of wanted to talk to you about her,” Lisa hinted, rubbing her eyes. She yawned again. “Listen, she’s young and impressionable; and you’re steering her wrong. Do you have any idea of what I caught her doing yesterday?”
“Growing a tail?” Erika humorlessly asked; she didn’t even moderate her volume so Carmen above couldn’t hear.
“Do you remember her eyes yesterday, Lisa?”
“The contacts?” Lisa gurgled, drowning a yawn. “She’s going through a phase. She’s also been wearing Medea’s cat ears since yesterday morning. And she’s been purring. I think it’s a complex about the dare the other day. Maybe we should go easy on her for a while.”
“It’s more than a phase. Let’s go, Aria is on my bed. You really should talk to her.”
I couldn’t speak to Lisa once they brought her. It felt too awkward. I let Erika and Medea do the talking for me. Erika explained what she suspected about the old doctor, and Medea went around showing parts of my body to Lisa, and encouraging her to touch so she could make sure they were real.
I fully expected Lisa to behave oddly around me after the explanation, but her change of attitude was actually as readily apparent for Medea; Lisa freaked out both by having her hands grabbed by tiny Medea, and by having said hands placed over the non-human parts of my body.
I tolerated the rough treatment on my ears, but when Lisa yanked my tail I hissed and warned her not to do it again.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197314 Medea also showed something that I hadn’t noticed; my nails were different. The middle part was longer than the sides, they were really pointy. Just as Medea told me would happen if I didn’t calm down, I had a panic attack and asked her crying how much would I change, worried that I’d just become a full cat in another few days. Medea did her best to calm me down, and Erika had her hands full with Lisa.
Erika tried to explain to Lisa that we had to be very careful on the dares today to not exposing my nature willy-nilly. Lisa got angry, saying she was not a moron and that she understood that perfectly well; she grabbed my hand, gave her back to Erika and dragged me, then pushed me to her bed.
“It’s too early to deal with this shit,” she exhaustedly admitted. Lisa picked up the sheets on the ground and covered us both. She hugged me.
Erika and Medea had a short discussion and decided to let things be, returning to bed shortly afterwards.
“Why am I the last one to find out?” Lisa challenged.
“You’re not the last one,” I dodged. “Carmen doesn’t know, either.”
“Yes, she does. She heard the whole thing, there's no way she didn't,” Lisa countered. Well, that was just great. “Shit. You’re so warm,” Lisa turned me so my back was to her front and held me tightly.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197315 I was ready to allow her to do as she pleased, but I questioned the wisdom of my decision soon after. Lisa’s hands kept moving lower and lower on my body. Eventually, in a very uncharacteristic action for her, she touched my vulva and started massaging it.
“L-Lisa, what…?” I fished for an explanation, but I was shushed.
“It will help you sleep,” Lisa tried to appease me, heavily breathing down my neck.
a) Someone interrupts Lisa knocking at the door. Aria is requested to the Camp’s Offices immediately.
b) The cabin sleeps until late, and Melanie makes an appearance with her friends.
c) Lisa takes Aria for an early shower. Medea accompanies them since she also feels filthy.
d) Aria decides to have a talk with Carmen. It was better if the truth came from Aria’s mouth.
e) Lisa has Aria please her.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2197317 D. The other options should still be up and Carmen deserves more than just overhearing it while half-asleep.
>>2197306 That's still a rather heavy bend on character emotion that make it seems like Medea is here to fuck up people's life
>>2197317 D then B, or just make another poll after finishing D
How about D and E together?
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2197328 Ah, I see where you're coming from now. I stand by my position, but I understand why you would disagree.
>>2197334 I can see that, yeah. Aria's priority is bringing Carmen into the loop properly but Lisa's having trouble with the amplified lust. Sounds fun, so D+E for my vote too.
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>>2197334 It's rude to talk with your mouth full but if our Story teller is clever enough to make it work I'll change my vote
>>2197330 To D+E, but if they are mutually exclusive just E.
Wrong Person
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>>2197317 D and E sounds fun together. But if have to, I would prioritize D.
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>>2197317 D into C/E, assuming that early shower is a bit later and isn't immediate.
Carmen does deserve to know, and it would be fun to have a shower scene with Lisa cleaning Aria and asking her to return the favor where 'no one would know'.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
Not gonna lie, it was kind of a challenge to engineer the situation requested.
Not complaining, though, it was fun.
>>2197317 Just because she had the most amazing pair of breasts that I had ever seen, a nice figure and a gorgeous face, it didn’t mean that Lisa could just to do whatever she wanted with me. No, not at all. Had I not been her slave, I would have surely spoken, protesting on her taking so many liberties with my body. Who the hell masturbates people without asking for permission?
Lisa congratulated me for my third orgasm, and took her fingers out of my vagina; she had me open my mouth and clean them. Lisa had something with having me taste my own juices. I didn’t mind in the slightest; I liked my own scent and there was nothing wrong with it, not to mention I had been meaning to… experiment with my newfound flexibility since yesterday evening, if I could get so much as a little breathing room.
“Nice and clean, that’s a good kitty,” she praised me childishly.
“Lisa, what has gotten into you?” I wheezed as soon as my mouth was freed. She had always voiced her dislike for homosexual relationships; and now she couldn’t keep her hands off me.
“I just want to make you feel good. Doesn’t it feel good? You’re purring, and you’re wet.”
Of course I was. She had been stimulating me non-stop. I would need to be made out of stone for it to be otherwise.
“It’s just… you told me this was going to help me sleep,” I recalled, “and it’s been half an hour and I haven’t gotten a wink of it. How about a little break?” I negotiated. “Please? I’m yours for the whole day.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197398 “Fair enough,” she conceded. “I am also tired. Or was. I don’t know if it’s the cat-girl thing, or because we slept naked together, or because I touched hands with… or, or if this is maybe how I cope with stuff; I’m just… Aria, I’m really fucking horny. I know this isn’t helping your lesbian phase, but I can’t help it. Believe me; I’d prefer you were a boy.”
“So can I sleep now?” I asked again. “Twenty minutes?”
“Fine, but get closer.”
It was a good nap. In Lisa’s credit, I will say that as soon as I closed my eyes I felt my consciousness fade. I had a nice dream as well; I was back at home, watching a movie in my room but using the TV from downstairs. I don’t remember what movie it was; but I remember I was brushing my tail.
A sudden sensation woke me up; it nearly made me jump as well. I opened my eyes; in front of me was something very cute, but much unexpected. I had seen it many times to be able to recognize it by sight; and even if I wasn’t the scent alone would have done it for me. Lisa’s pussy was upside down just in front of my face. The same sensation that woke me up made me shudder yet again.
“S-seriously… aahhh! Lisa?” I protested.
“It’s been twenty minutes,” she dutifully reported, and gave my nether regions another lick. Sounds of passion nearly escaped my mouth. “You do your part as well,” she commanded.
What was I to do? I couldn’t defy my master. I gingerly passed a hand over Lisa’s hips and grabbed ahold of her bottom; I took my tongue out and leaned forward to obey her orders. My body betrayed me by shivering just before I made contact with Lisa; she had just licked me again.
“It’s very different on girls,” Lisa mentioned. “How do you…? There’s nothing to suck! No one’s ever done it to me, so I don’t kn- Ahh! Y-yes, just like that, Aria!
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197399 I aimed to interrupt her as she tried to explain something to see how she liked it, but she didn’t mind at all. The initial learning left behind, Lisa threw the sheets aside and we went at each other like we meant it. For once I had the advantage; while Lisa was still figuring out how to please me, I had already gotten her soaked wet and was exploring her insides to check for any weaknesses I could exploit.
Just as it was getting good and I could feel I was about to make Lisa climax, I heard Carmen coming down the steps of the bunk bed. There was no running away; Lisa had me good by the ass.
“H-hey!” I said to Carmen, starting the most awkward greeting of my whole life.
Carmen was doing everything she could to avoid looking at us. She reached the floor, and began undressing.
“You two are too noisy. If I can’t sleep I might as well leave,” Carmen justified, still refusing to acknowledge what we were doing.
“Aria, keep going!” Lisa urged much louder that I would have liked. I give another lick at her vagina, to shut her up.
“I’m really sorry, I’m a slave, I… have to do this,” I tried salvaging the conversation with Carmen. “I really need to talk to you. About… what happened this morning.”
“Aria, you’ve stopped!” Despite the amazing pleasure that Lisa was making me feel, it was getting dwarfed by the annoyance of her constant demands. I stuck my tongue inside of her and drew a few circles. I then swallowed so I could continue talking.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Carmen deflected; she had taken off her nightgown and was now as naked as I was.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197401 “Carmen, this is important, I want you to hear it directly from me first.”
“Aria, please!” Lisa begged for more stimulation. I felt like kneeing her right on the nose.
“Not as important as licking Lisa’s cunt, though,” Carmen ridiculed me, with good reason.
“E-even if you hadn’t heard,” I went on,” I know you can see it. *SLURP* I know this is really awkward *SLURP* and I’m so dumb for trying to speak with you like this *SLURP* I may no longer be completely human. Ahh! AHHH!”
“Yes, the cat ears and the cat tail business,” Carmen nodded, blushing furiously while putting on her school uniform, but having a look of utter disgust. “It was probably those heathens we met yesterday. Just ask them to remove the curse. If you’re willing to do to them half of what you’re doing to Lisa, it won’t be a problem.”
Lisa had stopped complaining about my slacking off, and instead just focused on my body. She had made use of her mouth and fingers in tandem, and I was struggling like never before to keep a straight face at Carmen as I came.
a) Aria gest a break and to rest until Melanie makes her appearance.
b) There’s a knock at the door and Aria is required to assist to the Camp’s Office immediately.
c) Lisa grabs Aria for a quick shower. Medea joins.
d) Aria tries to make a run for it. Slaves MUST obey, but slaves also escape, and they don’t have to obey if they don’t hear their master.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2197402 Let's go with C this time. We've seen horny Lisa in a contender for the most viscerally awkward scene this entire story (and I mean that as a complement) so let's explore her newfound infatuation.
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>>2197402 >>2197403 Agreed, C. I am very curious about B, but I suppose wherever that thread is going, it will come back later.
Also great work on Carmen's idea on what happened. I wonder what Lisa thinks actually happened when she stops being a horn-ball.
Wrong Person
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>>2197402 C. Only Lisa, Aria,and Medea, this is new.
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Yeah let's go for C And the part that was written is nice
Gnattering Yawn
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On another note, option D (try to escape) sounds like a good way to try and put Aria in a punishment game. We've only seen one so far and I'm interested in seeing what shape it'd take for Aria. So, unless Lisa gives Aria an order she can't bring herself to obey (like, I dunno, saying how she got transformed or having Aria steal from Medea or something) I think I'll be giving that a shot if it shows up in the future.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197402 “Lisa, I’m very glad you got over your homophobia; I am. Do you think you can keep it down, though?” Erika asked from her bed. “Now who’s not letting who sleep?”
“Get off your high horse,” Lisa called her out. “You’re the one who’s always grabbing Aria and doing as she pleases with her.”
“Is that so?” Erika defied. “Aria, do you mind telling this bitch how many people were sleeping in the cabin when we got busy yesterday? What’s that? Not a single one? Weird, huh?”
While Erika and Lisa were busy on their usual back and forth, I leapt to Medea’s bed.
“Everyone just seems to do whatever they want with me, don’t they?” I rhetorically asked Medea.
“Just those two,” she illuminated. “You have hardly a right to complain, Aria. Despite her constant teases, Erika spoils you non-stop; and today you have agreed to let Lisa have her way with you in any form she pleases,” Medea rose to face me and rambled on. “Regardless, even if you fail to admit it, you somehow seem to enjoy yourself while under the thumb of either. I find this very odd because of your peculiar behavior when you have an advantage over Carmen,” she pondered.
I just wanted to talk to someone about my problems; complain a little on how my sexual encounters were just now being openly discussed like I didn’t get embarrassed, maybe get a little pity about the new limb I just grew or about how my dares seemed to be about the hardest ones out there. Instead, Medea kept lecturing me while Lisa and Erika were at each other throats.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197469 “Keep dreaming, you wish you were as hot as me,” Lisa presumptuously hypothesized. That was a place their talks often ended up on. This time, there was at twist. “You’re hot, though. No denying that,” Lisa surprisingly added.
“Err… what?” Erika confusedly grimaced, not used to receive any compliments from her rival.
“You heard me,” Lisa elaborated. “You’re hot. I would fuck you.”
“What’s this all of sudden? Have you gone insane?” Erika cautioned.
“Come on! We’ve already kissed. Want to see how far we can take it?” Lisa insinuated.
“What is wrong with you? T-this conversation is over!” Erika suddenly surrendered, jammed a pair of headphones on her ear buds and turned on her phone so loudly I had no problem hearing the lyrics. She lay on her bunk looked positively perplexed.
“Who’s the one with homophobia now?” Lisa chuckled. “Aria, come down and make the bed,” she ordered me. “When you’re done grab a towel, we’re taking a shower.”
“Do you mind if I join you?” Medea peeked.
“Oh, sure,” Lisa readily answered her, “I mean, if you want. That’d be cool, I guess.”
I tidied up around Lisa; barely getting molested in the process. I quickly learned that my tail wasn’t all that flexible, but I could wrap it around one of my thighs with minimal discomfort. I could completely hide it from sight, even if I had to show more cleavage that I was comfortable with just so I could lower the towel I was wearing as down as it would go.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197470 On the way, Lisa had me hold Medea’s parasol. I couldn’t hold the damn thing with my arm on a ninety degree angle for long, it was hell on my shoulders; so I instead cuddled against Medea and we shared the shade. Lisa did not care for that.
Showering in the morning seemed like a popular activity. A fair amount of girls and boys headed with us to the pool area; they were so numerous that I wondered aloud if we would have to wait in line before we got to wash ourselves.
“It’s fine,” Lisa resolved. “We’ll just share a shower, the three of us. We’ll fit okay. I mean, you guys are tiny. N-no offense, Medea!”
“None taken.”
Most people were like Lisa or me; walking wearing only their towels and their bathing utensils. Others were like Medea, and despite carrying a towel on their shoulders were still going to have to leave their clothes at the dressing room. There was also a minority who was wearing swimsuits who would probably not compete for the showers.
Medea required a slow pace because she hated stepping outside of the shade of the Parasol. I thought Lisa would lose her patience eventually; but she showed a more considerate facet of her personality and faithfully followed behind matching our speed.
a) Lisa wants Aria to lose esteem in the eyes of Medea. Lisa has Aria touch Medea inappropriately. Aria is forbidden to say it was an order.
b) Lisa has Aria try to expose Medea’s body to onlookers. Aria is forbidden to say it was an order.
c) A certain lifeguard spots the girls from afar.
d) They meet Elmira on the way. Aria has a feeling she’ll get along just fine with Lisa.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2197471 A or B. Reject and we see a penalty game, comply and we see an entertainingly lewd scene (and once the slave dare is over we can tell Medea that it was an order and find some way to make it up to her).
Wrong Person
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>>2197471 D. I like Elmira and Lisa has all day to order Aria around.
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>>2197474 I have to agree with Yawning man again. I assume that not bring able to tell her it's a dare means that she can't tell her ever.
Also. I'm surprised Aria didn't try to go DBZ with her tails.
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>>2197471 B
We have a tail now, cool.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197500 I thought really long and hard about that one. I grabbed and messed with an actual cat's tail. I concluded that while the position is possible, it would be very uncomfortable when Aria's tiny waist is taken into account.
Aria has 22 vertebrae from her sacrum to the end of her tail; the shape of cat vertebrae just don't allow for snake-like flexibility. She can easily manage a semicircle; then it gets progressively harder and needs the assistance of her hands to twist it further. As we reach the tip of her tail, flexibility increases as the vertebrae are smaller.
She attempted the closest thing to Saiyan fashion, by having the tail coiled downwards around her left thigh. In time, Aria will get better at handling her tail and hiding it under her clothes.
>>2197471 I flinched as a finger came unexpectedly in contact with my lower back. It was Lisa; she wanted to call my attention. I tried turning my head to see what she wanted, but she tried to whisper under her breath, “No! No! No!” she exhaled progressively louder until I stopped. I had a baseball cap on so my ears weren’t at their strongest.
“Aria, you are doing it again,” Medea nagged me.
“Sorry, it just… happens,” I tried to explain. I had a newly acquired tendency to walk on my tippy-toes as if I was wearing high-heels. My feet just seemed to naturally try that whenever I wasn’t paying attention. Walking like always felt somewhat off.
“You have to be more careful,” Medea insisted, not helping.
“I am being careful!” I disagreed. “It’s hard! I have to remember to keep the ears down, to keep the tail still, to walk normally, to not purr, to not look at bright or dark things and to not open my mouth too much. It’s a lot of work!” I maintained, ready to defend my point to the death.
“Yes, I realize it is hardly an easy task,” Medea submitted, “but if you want a normal life you are going to need to master your new body.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197810 While I talked to Medea, Lisa kept whispering behind my back. At first in a volume so quiet I couldn’t make it out at all; but she progressively repeated her instructions until I could hear them. I gave a nod of compliance without turning to Lisa.
Lisa wanted me to expose or undress Medea, and I was forbidden from letting her know it was an order. I had to make it seem natural. I would apologize to Medea later when I stopped being under Lisa’s control, but on the short term I had no choice.
“This is what I think about your caution!” I yelled, and flipped Medea’s dress up, exposing the white panties we recovered from the cultists yesterday.
“Aria, that was uncalled for!” Medea sternly chided, using her hands to make her dress come downwards quicker. We had some people around us, behind and ahead.
“Keep it up. More!” Lisa requested in the volume of voice she learned only I could hear.
“How about this? Still uncalled for?” I internally felt very guilty, but still went to Medea’s back and this time it wasn’t a simple flip, I pulled her dress and held it up.
“Aria, I beg you to stop,” Medea chastised trying to keep her cool. Both her hands were busy keeping the dress from flipping on her front, were two boys turned to see what all the fuss was about.
“Pull her panties down,” Lisa instructed. I hesitated, but put the hem of Medea’s dress on my mouth – right hand was busy shielding her from the sun – and then grabbed the white cloth from Medea’s behind. I got a good grip on it with my left hand.
“There are people behind us, Aria! Please!” Medea cried.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197811 “Do it!” Lisa demanded.
I pulled Medea’s panties down, exposing her cute little ass to impressed onlookers behind us.
“Lisa, have her stop!” Medea requested.
“Aria, stop it that instant!” Lisa immediately shouted.
I let go off Medea’s dress. I still held the parasol for her to put her underwear on its place while three girls who were behind us went past us, whispering about what had just happened.
“What has gotten into you, Aria?” Lisa convincingly seethed. “You can’t go around doing stuff like that. Apologize to Medea!” she ordered.
I didn’t lose a second. I turned to face Medea; she was blushing lightly and was pouting. She did not seem happy with me.
“I’m so sorry!” I immediately broke down. “I didn’t mean it! Are you okay? Oh, Medea; I’m so sorry!” I wailed. Medea’s features softened. “Please don’t hate me. I shouldn’t have done that! I…”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197812 “That’s enough,” Lisa interrupted my progressively sadder blabber. “Give me that,” Lisa said, taking the Parasol off me. “Well, you have to understand Aria, she’s been through a lot,” Lisa addressed Medea like she was talking about a problem child. “Maybe I should hold this for you on the meantime, what do you say?”
Medea quickly swiped the parasol and headed to me.
“Do you think me a moron?” Medea fumed, giving her back to Lisa. “Come, Aria. Let us go.”
a) A certain lifeguard spots the girls from afar.
b) Lisa blames Aria for not acting convincing enough. Lisa has her open her towel in a thirty degree angle and to remain like that until the showers.
c) Lisa immediately admits guilt and asks Medea what could possibly mend things between them.
d) They walk to the pool, Leslie is taking a swim.
For C:
1) Medea refuses to forgive Lisa.
2) Medea asks for retribution. She has Lisa flash her front to the boys who saw Medea’s panties, and her butt to the girls who saw Medea’s.
3) Medea asks Lisa to not give Aria any more orders so they can shower normally.
4) Medea realizes what’s going on, and to test her theory she passionately kisses Aria in front of Lisa to gauge her reaction.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
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>>2197810 That picture is only meant to show the (approximate) natural curvature of the tail. Don't consider it for anything else.
We all know the extent of my drawing skills.
Wrong Person
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>>2197813 C,4 Kissy, Kissy,...... Smooch!
Wonder how Medea will handle Lisa knowing this. Will she honestly help Lisa (seems like something Medea will do) or tease/use Lisa (at least for awhile. It would be fun to see.)
>>2197813 Thanks you for the map. I suppose it makes sense considering her body. Would that make Aria naturally clumsy, unable to use her tail to help her move around? Also, is Aria Blood bonded with Medea? I forgot what night it was, but I'm remembering the night where Erika dared Medea to show off her orgasm face, Aria got horny too.
You make me feel like we are reading a goosebumps create your own adventure and I want to skip ahead to see every scenario. I doubt Aria could ever act convincing enough to fool Medea, so
C4, the most explosive option. (Did we drink the battleship yet?)
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
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>>2197842 Aria's a lesbian who's been affection-starved her whole life and now finally gets an outlet. The first night a simple almost-kiss between girls was enough to get her all worked up.
Medea couldn't blood bond you if you were to drink half a gallon of her blood. She's literally unable to. I'll refer to
>>2197290 on this one.
As for the tail, it makes a difference. More on that when the situation arises.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2197813 Jumping on the C4 train, should be good times all around.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
I'd normally wait for the 6th vote, but it's pretty obvious which option won.
>>2197813 With a kind smile, Medea told me she held no grudge against what I had done. She shared her shade with me. I apologized again but she didn’t accept it. We resumed our walk in friendly terms. She eventually nagged me again for being on my tippy toes and for once I listened without any sass.
“Medea! Wait up!” Lisa jogged to catch up to us after I had seen her struggle with the choice to either let us go to avoid awkwardness or catch up and deal with the situation.
Medea stopped. Three days ago I would have said her face remained expressionless, but now I knew better than that. With few notable exceptions, Medea’s changes of mood were subtle, but they were there if you knew what to look for. Her nostrils expanded a bit and her jaw closed more than usual; she was either getting angry or annoyed, but not quite there.
“Yes?” Medea politely asked, turning to Lisa’s call.
“Look, I don’t want to end up being everyone’s enemy. I want to say I’m sorry,” Lisa confessed. “I don’t think you’re a moron… since you asked. I thought it was me who was being clever.”
“It was clever,” Medea admitted. “Had Aria not apologized as profusely as she did I would have been none the wiser. I am curious about something, however. Why? I don’t recall any instance in which I could have offended you for harbor any resentment towards me.”
“It was not like that!” stressed Lisa. “It wasn’t… it was not about pulling a prank at your expense, or anything like that.”
“What was it about, then?” Medea logically followed.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197916 “It’s just… we never get to hang out. When you asked to come with us to the showers, I figured ‘hey, maybe I’ll get to actually talk to Medea some this time around’, but… you guys just ignored me. I know you’re besties with Aria and stuff; you talk to each other all the time. I thought that if… I don’t know… I made you angry at her, or something. Then maybe, maybe this once I’d get to…”
Medea had been inquisitively looking at Lisa during her speech. “Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?” Medea coaxed, somehow taken aback. “They’re rather personal.”
“Oh, sure?” Lisa approved.
“Why were you having sexual relationships with Aria this morning?” Medea shamelessly deadpanned.
“We- we’re not going out or anything!” quickly blurted Lisa. “There’s nothing going on between us, if you were wondering!”
“Then why the sexual encounter?” repeated Medea. “I was under the impression that you deemed Erika as a moral inferior for occasionally engaging in homosexual behavior.”
“Oh, you know… the dares… and stuff,” Lisa gingerly tested, being coy. “Aria’s, my slave; so I figured… I kinda had to. I mean, might as well? We had slept together so I figured it was alright to tease her a bit. Oh, but we only slept together because I was cold! H-have you hugged Aria? She’s like, crazy warm!”
In my opinion, it was Lisa who was cold.
Medea had been acting weird. She seemed to be giving a lot of thought to something. Medea was not the kind to get scandalized by a few lesbian encounters, but at the same time she looked worried about what Lisa was saying to her.
“I cannot seem to be able to do anything right,” Medea bitterly sighed. “Murphy’s law, of course,” she recited without making much sense. “Aria, can you come closer? I apologize in advance,” she handed me the Parasol and I received it.
“Apologize for wh-?”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2197917 Medea suddenly cut me off. She had grabbed me with both hands behind the neck, closed her eyes and planted a deep kiss on my mouth. I was too perplexed at first to react, so Medea took the initiative and kept opening and closing her lips, alluring me to go further. Oh, what the hell! I hugged Medea with my free hand and opened my mouth so our tongues could meet. Medea turned to the side and dove herself further. We briefly broke to take a deep breath, and then she carried on. We were making out. I could hear some of the comments of the few people around us; I didn’t care.
“So it is like that, isn’t it?” Lisa bleated. “That’s okay. I can take a hint,” she glumly conceded. “Have… H-have fun, you two!” she barely articulated and turned to keep walking on her own in an accelerated pace we wouldn’t be able to follow.
Medea stopped kissing me as swiftly as she had started. She pushed me away without any deference and focused her attention on Lisa, who was getting farther by the second.
“I am such a failure,” Medea depressingly voiced. “It is as I feared.”
While I was dying to know what the passionate kiss had been about, Medea seemed to be prompting me to ask something, and direly needed me to. “What do you mean?” I queried.
“Do you not see it, Aria? Her increased sexual drive, her affected attitudes towards me; I mistakenly brew a love potion!”
a) A certain lifeguard sees the two girls from afar.
b) Medea and Aria make it to the showers and talk with Lisa.
c) Medea feels guilty and decides to allow herself to be used by Lisa.
d) Leslie is taking a swim at the pool and comes out to greet Aria.
e) Aria uses this chance to escape and try to avoid Lisa for the day. She’s not breaking any rules.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2197918 B or C. Lisa is sad and we need to cheer her up!
>>2197918 I'm going with the B/C split vote. Carmen already has some bad vibes with the group after this morning, I'd hate to alienate another.
Side note, Lisa did give an order to Aria here, with the 'have fun you two', which will have fun implications.
Wrong Person
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>>2197918 B. I am liking the Aria, Medea, and Lisa combo. I am starting to like Lisa more as she hangs out with Aria and Medea.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
Gotta face it, audience is shrinking. We'll revert to 5 votes down from 6.
>>2197927 That was going be a justification for stuff happening on "e)". Good eye on catching it.
>>2197918 “What do you mean a love potion?” I gasped, just thinking about the consequences Medea having the power to make such a thing entailed. “You made Lisa drink a love potion?”
“Or infatuation potion, perhaps? A powerful aphrodisiac? Who is to tell?” wondered Medea, still looking very disappointed with herself. “Alchemy is very complicated, and the web is not exactly full of tutorials or information to use for reference. It is mostly trial and error, and compilations of dusty, old journals kept by family generations of barely literate individuals who refused to share most of what they learned for mere vanity and used archaic, lost units of measurement! Aria, I don’t know!”
A second earlier I was about to tell Medea a thing or two about of what I had to go through this morning because of Lisa’s new behavior, but Medea looked so upset that I just put my arm across her shoulders and told her that it would be alright.
“I never told you that I am very sorry about the manifestation of the unexpected feline physical features on your body,” Medea lamented as I held her, sounding morose. I shushed her and just full-on hugged her. I knew that if she kept going she would make herself cry.
After a sensible amount of time was past, and I could feel Medea’s heart slow down under my hand, I decided it was time to retake the topic. “What are we going to tell Lisa, though?”
“Sadly, you must be well aware we cannot let her know the truth,” sighed Medea. “It would be in her best interest to keep a close watch on her and keep her from actions that she would come to regret if she was to come back to her senses… that I am not even sure she will ever-”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
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>>2198053 “That is a distinct possibility; I have no idea how strong the devised concoction could be. We have wasted enough time. Let us go, Aria! And… thank you.”
With no time to lose, Medea tolerated the sun for the precious seconds I needed her parasol to cover my nudity from onlookers. I needed to uncoil my tail from my thigh and instead roll it up my body after stretching it for a little bit; the damn thing was killing me; it was useless and it hurt a lot when it was misplaced. I didn’t complain out loud because honestly Medea was being hard enough on herself for the both of us.
With that fixed, we rushed forward. Medea often hissed behind me whenever her running legs stepped outside of the shade. We were a pretty fast pair, all things considered; we rushed past a bunch of people and made our way into the changing rooms.
“All lockers are full,” I noticed. “Lisa is not around, she might be inside already,” I deduced, as it was very unlikely she wandered anywhere else with nothing but a towel and a bottle of shampoo.
“Not an issue, my clothes will do fine in a corner,” Medea braved, I thought it was a bad idea.
Medea lifted her arms and I took off her dress overhead, throwing it to the side. She quickly slid her panties down to her ankles and kicked her sandals and underwear away. I took off my baseball cap and even if it looked a bit silly, Medea had no trouble holding her hands against my head covering my ears behind me. We stepped like that into the showers.
The steam of hot water of the place was somewhat unnerving. I had learned to rely on my sense of smell, and that blasted thing damped it all next to nothing. Yesterday it was not a problem because there were hardly any people around, but today the place was packed.
“Get in the line!” a voice said to our right.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198053 “None of that,” I interrupted. “Think positive. So, I’m a cat; Lisa is a… nympho. So what? At least she doesn’t have a cold anymore. L-let’s work with what we got. And let’s rush to the showers before she… does inappropriate stuff.”
“That is a distinct possibility; I have no idea how strong the devised concoction could be. We have wasted enough time. Let us go, Aria! And… thank you.”
With no time to lose, Medea tolerated the sun for the precious seconds I needed her parasol to cover my nudity from onlookers. I needed to uncoil my tail from my thigh and instead roll it up my body after stretching it for a little bit; the damn thing was killing me; it was useless and it hurt a lot when it was misplaced. I didn’t complain out loud because honestly Medea was being hard enough on herself for the both of us.
With that fixed, we rushed forward. Medea often hissed behind me whenever her running legs stepped outside of the shade. We were a pretty fast pair, all things considered; we rushed past a bunch of people and made our way into the changing rooms.
“All lockers are full,” I noticed. “Lisa is not around, she might be inside already,” I deduced, as it was very unlikely she wandered anywhere else with nothing but a towel and a bottle of shampoo.
“Not an issue, my clothes will do fine in a corner,” Medea braved, I thought it was a bad idea.
Medea lifted her arms and I took off her dress overhead, throwing it to the side. She quickly slid her panties down to her ankles and kicked her sandals and underwear away. I took off my baseball cap and even if it looked a bit silly, Medea had no trouble holding her hands against my head covering my ears behind me. We stepped like that into the showers.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198055 The steam of hot water of the place was somewhat unnerving. I had learned to rely on my sense of smell, and that blasted thing damped it all next to nothing. Yesterday it was not a problem because there were hardly any people around, but today the place was packed.
“Get in the line!” a voice said to our right.
Four girls were standing against the wall, their arms folded; one was naked and all the others were covered in towels, including the one who shouted at us. One of the girls waved at me, I awkwardly waved back; she was one of the girls I met at the tennis match; she helped me put my clothes back on when the game was over.
“Lisa is not in there,” Medea observed, looking at the girls.
“We came with a friend,” I argued to them. “We’ll shower with her to save time.”
“Nice try. Get in the line, there’s no skipping; we all agreed that... wait!”
Medea had located Lisa, and told me so. We ignored the complaining girl and walked to Lisa’s cubicle, it was on the right side of the room, just in front of the line of girls.
“They’re going in with THAT girl?” I heard a voice behind me. “Their funeral.”
“Why is the short one holding the other one’s head?”
“Because it will fall off otherwise. Shut up.”
Lisa noticed us, and greeted us with a head gesture. She still looked quite down. Between her and Medea I was surrounded by misery.
“Hey, you’re coming in?” Lisa casually asked us. “Can you sneak under the door? The lock is a pain to open and close.”
“How did you skip the line?” I couldn’t help but wonder as I did just as Lisa asked. Medea and I were just a few minutes behind; did the queue move that quickly?
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198056 Lisa explained, amused. Apparently, she just entered an open shower even when there was a girl already inside. Lisa locked the door and just started washing herself not minding the shower’s former occupant; when she protested, Lisa cornered her and… did exactly what Medea and I were trying to stop. The girl ran away; and the people at the line got infuriated that Lisa basically just stole a place. The first unlucky soul who faced Lisa got groped, kissed and invited to join for a shower; she politely declined the invitation and returned to her place in the line; nobody argued any further.
“Everyone’s such a prude,” Lisa concluded. I laughed nervously. “Maybe I should go to the boy’s showers instead. I bet things would be more interesting in there.”
Lisa looked more than half-serious, and I didn’t know what to do about it. I was the slave, after all. She indeed needed people to watch over her. One thing was some harmless kisses with girls that could think poorly of Lisa; but going around with those attitudes searching for boys spelled trouble no matter how much you looked at it. Men were the worst.
“I believe I gave you the wrong impression earlier. Just so you know, Aria and I are not an item,” Medea immediately confessed, recognizing the danger.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198057 “Oh, great; I guess,” Lisa skeptically dismissed. “Why would I even care? I mean, you looked like you needed some space and I was being a third wheel. Why did you randomly started making out with her, though?”
Because people always did whatever they pleased with me. Why else?
a) Medea tells Lisa to stop playing dumb. It’s obvious she’s in love.
b) Medea suddenly starts making out with Lisa to prove a point.
c) Medea defuses the situation and insinuates she might be interested in Lisa, to keep her from doing crazy stuff.
d) Lisa forces herself on Medea.
Lisa is going to be infatuated with Medea for a long, long time. The lust effect must eventually end, though:
1) We’re seeing the last of the effects of the thing. Lisa returns to normal.
2) It will last for a few more hours.
3) It will last for the whole day; Aria will have a lustful master.
4) It will last until tomorrow morning. The Game is going to be real fun for Lisa.
5) Lustful Lisa is the new Lisa.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2198059 C3/4.
A would force an implicit 'do you love me back' question and Medea's response to romance troubles shouldn't *always* be making out with someone.
Meanwhile, insinuating that Medea *might* reciprocate leaves Lisa hopeful but unsure, combine that with 3 or 4 duration and Lisa's got all day to fret about whether Medea likes her and get Aria caught in the crossfire (hopefully to the point where a punishment game happens)
>>2197810 OP Can I ask for making Aria's tail more flexible by making the bone composition become made up of soft bones with more percentages of connective tissues so that it would be possible for the tail to wrap around her own thigh
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>>2198059 >>2198059 Every scene is amazing. B and D might be too risky with aria and a line of girls outside, but what is life without risk.
I say A into D, with 4.
>>2198059 Anonymous
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C4, would love to see Medea, Lisa and Aria have a “good time” together
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C4 loving the angle here
C4 is there an option for aria to use her cat tail as a dildo?
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>>2198125 I'm sure that will happen at least once before this is day is over.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198080 It already can, she just finds it uncomfortable and her tail falls asleep. "Figure A" is what she attempted on her way to the pool.
If you were asking so it won't be annoying to hide it, Aria is going to eventually figure out "Figure B". And yes, it's all furry so it will "tickle" a bit.
>>2198125 You know fucking well she's going to eventuallly try it.
>>2198059 “I admit that it was petty of me,” Medea began. “Inconsiderate, even. It was my full intention to make you feel like a third wheel, Lisa. In my defense, you were even more inconsiderate, and you did it first.”
“What are you talking about, Medea? I would never…”
“Do you remember what I asked you before I… embraced Aria?” Medea cut Lisa off, “And you have the nerve to say you were not inconsiderate?”
Lisa quieted down and pondered. It was a short while ago, of course she remembered. Medea had been shamelessly and almost scientifically asking about the reason for Lisa and me to be having sex. Medea was looking for clues to follow about Lisa’s sudden change of behavior, but Lisa did not know that; her face instead showed the realization that I expected Medea meant her to have.
“I told you. I only did it because she is my slave,” insisted Lisa. “It was about, you know, telling Aria who was in charge. I guess it was inconsiderate of me, to be doing it in front of people who might get the wrong idea… but I’m telling you! It meant nothing, nothing at all!”
“Nothing, huh?” I puffed, taking offense.
“Don’t you start, now!” Lisa scowled at me. “You know what I mean. You really didn’t think it was about love and shit, did you? Sorry, but it was just, sex.”
“In any case, this might just be my insecurities speaking. I realize that I am not very well-endowed,” despite knowing that Medea was just playing Lisa, that last phrase looked like it physically hurt to say.
“You’re fine the way you are!” Lisa and I echoed.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198153 “There’s nothing wrong with being the cute type!” I added.
“Girl, have you seen your face in a mirror? You’re gorgeous,” Lisa contributed.
“A-as I was saying,” carried on Medea, her face illuminated with bliss, “Lisa, I realize it is egoistical of me to point it out; but it made me feel inadequate when you…” Medea let her voice wander off.
“Say no more,” asserted Lisa. “I get it. Erika told me the same thing. I was being too noisy, and I didn’t stop to think I was making everyone uncomfortable. You sure showed me when you smooched Aria. Good on you, I needed the lesson,” accepted Lisa.
“I am glad we could clarify the situation,” concluded Medea.
“Say… there’s no need to feel inadequate, or whatever,” Lisa stepped to Medea. “Why don’t we…?”
“I am afraid I am going to have to decline for the time being,” Medea interjected. “Call me old fashioned, pretentious, or a prude. I will have you know I do not appreciate audiences.”
And an audience we had. Our lesbian love triangle had drawn the attention of the girls waiting in line; they looked at us with confusion and interest, whispering among themselves, like we were a live Soap Opera. The door to our shower might be closed, but it didn’t give much privacy and left both feet and head uncovered; so they had a more than adequate view. I had been at the very back, hiding behind Lisa to not evidence my ears, and I also had been the one who had spoken the least; and even then I felt embarrassed.
“Nothing wrong with being classy,” Lisa readily accepted, not taking Medea’s denial too hard.
An awkward silence started forming after that, I did not care for it so just grabbed a bottle of shampoo and stood on my toes, so I could wash Lisa’s hair.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198156 “A-aria! The nails! The nails!” Lisa shrieked, I stopped. “Medea, would it make you feel… inadequate? If I washed Aria? If she tries she’s going to make herself bleed,” she stated, rubbing her skull and probably looking for injuries.
“Not at all, allow me to lend a hand.”
Everyone always did whatever they pleased with me.
As our activities turned more mundane, our small audience finally focused their attention elsewhere. A spot came open somewhere on the right side and the only girl who wasn’t wearing a towel took it.
Medea took care of my hair and Lisa expertly washed my body; her fingers were strong and I was so pleased with the way she handled my back that I forgave her for touching places she shouldn’t have for much longer that she should have when Medea wasn’t looking. I washed the tail myself; touching my vagina was one thing, but the tail nobody messes with but me.
a) A certain lifeguard makes her appearance.
b) The girls take their time and the place empties. Medea has no reason to refuse anymore.
c) The girls finish their shower. Medea’s clothes are nowhere to be seen.
d) The girls in the line get very curious about earlier and start asking inappropriate questions about lesbian relationships that embarrass Aria.
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>>2198158 D
As embarrassing as possible, please. With a lot of giggles and condescending behavior.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2198158 D into C. No doubt Lisa will be paying attention, and putting Medea in a situation like that next to Lisa should provoke an interesting reaction.
>>2198158 Screw it, I'm going with A.
I want to see what happens and if the lifeguard plays dumb or what. She has to 'know' that at least Aria was part of the group that messed her up. Would make things interesting with Madea and Aria both having to escape in their own special ways, if they have to run.
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>>2198158 vote for C to happen regardless of whatever else might win.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2198205 I get the feeling the lifeguard plot thread is the same as the 'report to Camp Office' plot thread, which implies that Aria's kinda in trouble.
>>2198175 In order to cause as big a pileup of problems at once, I'd like to add A to the end of my vote, so D --> C + A.
Wrong Person
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>>2198158 D. who knows maybe another admire will appear and maybe follow the three. I do not mind if C happens, but I prefer D.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
If you ever lose track of who's who; go to the character notes (link at OP). They will expire in a week at which point they'll be updated.
>>2198158 I felt bad about not being able to return the favors given to me. I couldn’t wash anyone’s head without scratching them, Lisa was already done with her body before we arrived; and while Medea had bought a bath-sponge that I could have used to help, it was a given that no one but Lisa would get to wash Medea. No one even needed to shave their legs or anything.
So I boringly stood at the front of our booth, away from the shower while the others finished, I was approached by someone on the outside.
“Hey, how’s it going?” a girl greeted behind me.
She was casually leaning forward, supporting her weight on our shower door. I knew her; she was barely taller than me, despite being younger. A hair claw held a short, black ponytail behind her head. I distinctly remember having her help me dress back up after my tennis match against Carmen.
“Oh, sorry. You don’t even know my name, do you? I’m Kathy,” she introduced herself. “Nice ears. Do you wear them even when you shower?”
“I… uh… I’m Aria,” I responded the courtesy. “I don’t like leaving stuff in the lockers. It gets stolen.”
“Tell me about it!” she wholeheartedly agreed. “This is my friend Sue,” she pointed at a girl right behind her. “She says she knows you.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198269 “It’s not that I know her,” she elaborated. “I just… are you a lesbian? I saw you walking with your boyfriend the other day. The skinny guy? Don’t get jealous but he had a cute butt.”
“O-oh, that,” I acknowledged. She must have seen me with Elmira. I remembered pulling down her underpants to mess with her. Of course anyone seeing wouldn’t easily forget.
“So, you have a boyfriend on the side and then you’re messing with these girls?” Kathy pressed me. “That’s a way to spend a summer!”
“Can you get a few things straight for me?” the blonde girl with dental braces who apparently was named Sue asked me. “From what I gather, you’re a slave or something? Is that why they make you play tennis naked?”
“No, you moron! I told you, that was a bet,” clarified Kathy. “The other girl also ended up buck naked. They played it to the last point.”
“Uh…” I froze. These girls were bringing so many embarrassing memories at once that I couldn’t keep it all straight. I had the horrible realization that so many people had seen me doing dares around the camp that I would start meeting them often.
“Did you really wake up your roommates by having sex with the tall girl behind you?” Kathy pierced me with her gaze. “That is some hardcore stuff right there.”
“She’s your master, right?” Sue immediately followed. “Is she making you wear the cat getup, even in the showers? It looks so well made!”
“T-that’s not…!” I tried to argue for myself.
“How many girls do you cheat on your boyfriend with?” Sue wondered. “Don’t worry, we won’t tell!”
“And she looked so innocent!” Kathy noted.
“It’s a very complicated situation!” I finally managed to say. “I don’t have a boyfriend! And I’m not a slave! W-well, maybe I am a slave right now, but just for a day…” I started to falter Kathy used the chance to say her peace.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198270 “Melanie’s been telling me some stuff about you. She said she saw you licking a girl’s pussy. I thought she was making it up because she was pissed at you for not returning her stuff; but now? I don’t know.”
“She promised she wouldn’t tell!” I exploded, fully willing to bring the issue with Melanie in front of Erika and see what she had to say for herself.
“Was it with one of these girls, or someone else?” Sue excitedly clapped, enjoying the gossip.
“You don’t know her, Sue,” Kathy told her. “Her name is Erika. She’s really, really good friends with Jill from what I hear. Is it me or there are a lot of lesbians in this place?”
A few nights ago I was terrified of the prospect of people finding about my sexuality, and now it looked like even total strangers knew what I was doing and with whom I was doing it. I had lost my ability to move and was having problems with my speech. I stood there in front of the shower door, completely dumbfounded; I didn’t even know if I was red from the shame or pale from the impression.
“You get around, don’t you, Aria?” Sue giggled. “Also, your short friend said that you were making out with her. Are you guys still in middle school?”
“We’re both older than you!” I cried.
The blue-eyed pair laughed, as if I had just told a funny joke meant to amuse them. I didn’t want to talk anymore.
“What were you doing with your tall friend over there to wake up the rest of your cabin? Did you rub her pussy with your pussy? Or were you also licking her like with Erika? How do lesbians do their stuff?” Kathy smugly goaded, Sue giggled at the indecency.
“Sixty-nine, actually,” Lisa casually responded, approaching us. “We ate each other out. Here.”
Lisa grabbed Kathy from over the door and planted a kiss right on her. Kathy’s mouth was open from being caught off-guard, so Lisa got to French her for a considerate amount of time before Kathy managed to break free.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198272 “I haven’t washed my teeth,” Lisa announced, “so Aria’s taste should be around there someone. Do you like it?”
“Fucking dykes!” Kathy cursed with disdain. She spat on the floor and moved back to the wall, angrily eying us, cleaning her mouth over and over with a forearm. Sue followed Kathy, but she quietly said “Bye!” to me beforehand.
“You’re everyone’s stepping mat,” Lisa reprimanded. She gave a loud smack to my butt, sneaked a finger to glance my intimate parts playfully and stepped around me to open the door and step out of the shower. “Stand up to people once in a while.”
“Aria, cover yourself!” Medea advised, grabbing my towel and rolling it around my body before anyone could see. My tail got crushed against my back, drawing an interrogation sign. Can’t say I was a big fan of the position.
I unfairly suffered a damp hair as Medea and Lisa were drying theirs on the way to the dressing room. Medea turned to her right, and made a precarious “Hmm,” sound, angling her head to the side and folding her arms.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198273 “Something wrong?” Lisa approached with a helpful attitude.
“Yes, it seems someone has taken my clothes,” Medea claimed.
That was more or less what I expected. I took a look at the small towel on Medea’s head. There was no way that could cover even her tiny body.
a) Lisa has no problem walking back naked. She lends Medea her towel.
b) Being the slave, Lisa orders Aria to expose herself for the sake of Medea. Medea’s towel should be enough to cover Aria’s rear, only part that matters.
c) Medea accepts her fate and covers whatever she can with her small towel.
d) Lisa thinks that if people are going to steal clothes, Medea should also steal some.
For D:
1) They find Kathy’s clothes.
2) They find Sue’s clothes.
3) Someone left nothing but a pair of panties in a locker.
4) The toilet/storage room has a few rags and rope. Aria is confident she can craft a makeshift shibari bikini.
Is anyone waiting for them at the cabin?
I) Nope. Lisa feels hungry and takes her slave for breakfast. Medea feels compelled to follow them.
II) Melanie is back for her clothes.
III) A camp staff member is there to tell Aria she’s requested at the offices.
IV) Elmira comes visit. The poor thing thinks she’s got a shot with Aria.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2198274 B to up the ante again for uncomfortable orders, II and III when they get back so that Aria's being pulled in two directions while naked.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2198275 You know what, let's toss IV in there too, it'll be quite the event.
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>>2198274 AIII
Also, I vote for 1 if D happens to win.
>>2198274 B II. After her friends in the shower scene, I'm sure it will be interesting to see what Lisa does to her. I believe we finally recovered the clothes too. Or does Elmira still have them?
I also feel a line from Lisa should be added back to the shower scene. It feels a bit weird that Aria just talks to them about this stuff while Lisa and Medea sit there silently. Just something simple like "Go ahead, tell them all about what you've been doing."
Wrong Person
>>2198274 D4 Medea seem pretty in control of her emotions compared to everyone else in this story. It makes me curious how she will behave in humiliating situations. Like if she put some embarrassing make shift shibari bikini, it won't be too bad if Aria crafts it right. It would be interesting if the bikini comes undone unexpectedly.
lll. Might as well get this over with, instead of try to doge this option over and over again.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198294 Do you mean A II? Because your vote with an image can change the outcome.
>>2198295 They were busy showering behind Aria; I insinuated Lisa was rubbing Medea's body. Lisa only intervened when the girls got in her way to exit the shower. Medea's not the kind to meddle into that; you'll actually hardly ever see her speak to strangers.
I can clarify that if you found it that odd. Sense is king.
>>2198299 Dodge any option you want. Some people prefer it when consequences come to bite Aria in the ass.
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>>2198305 Yes, A II was what I meant, sorry about that
Wrong Person
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>>2198305 In that case I chose ll instead of lll. I like Melanie and maybe Melanie will want Aria to come with her, if she is going the talk to the satanist to get her tennis clothes.
>>2198299 Also Medea does not have to be the one to wear the makeshift shibari bikini. Aria could give Medea her towel and wear the bikini under Lisa orders/ Aria's own choice. Lisa could also wear the bikini and give Medea her towel to try to improve her relationship with Medea.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2198275 Since I neglected to vote on the 1-4 choice and that happened to wind up in a tie, I'll add 1 to my vote.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
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>>2198345 “Yeah, that’s why I never bring my stuff here,” Lisa evidenced. “There’s no cameras or anything. Sorry, Medea. It’s better if you just come here in a towel like me, or Aria.
“That does pose a conundrum, what would the best course of action be to avoid public nudity?” Medea calmly pondered.
“Just grab something. Anything,” suggested Lisa. “Your stuff got stolen, right? It’s fair if you take someone else’s.
“I would prefer to punish the perpetrator rather than an unfortunate random soul,” Medea objected.
“You’re not punishing anyone. This is the thief’s fault, not yours. Everything you do is on her,” Lisa rationalized. “Come, let’s check the open lockers.”
“I am still reluctant to benefit from pilferage,” Medea stubbornly held her convictions.
“Well, you can go back naked!” I observed.
“It’s not that big of a deal,” Lisa disagreed with me. “If she wants to feel a little breeze on her tender parts and get some attention, I say let her.”
“There do not seem to be many options available for me at the moment,” gulped Medea. “No point in postponing the inevitable. Let us… hurry.”
Medea used her small towel to cover her front. With her arm across her chest, it shielded everything important, it made it all the way down to her crotch; she secured that with the other hand. She seemed miserable, but decided.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198274 “Yeah, that’s why I never bring my stuff here,” Lisa evidenced. “There’s no cameras or anything. Sorry, Medea. It’s better if you just come here in a towel like me, or Aria.
“That does pose a conundrum, what would the best course of action be to avoid public nudity?” Medea calmly pondered.
“Just grab something. Anything,” suggested Lisa. “Your stuff got stolen, right? It’s fair if you take someone else’s.
“I would prefer to punish the perpetrator rather than an unfortunate random soul,” Medea objected.
“You’re not punishing anyone. This is the thief’s fault, not yours. Everything you do is on her,” Lisa rationalized. “Come, let’s check the open lockers.”
“I am still reluctant to benefit from pilferage,” Medea stubbornly held her convictions.
“Well, you can go back naked!” I observed.
“It’s not that big of a deal,” Lisa disagreed with me. “If she wants to feel a little breeze on her tender parts and get some attention, I say let her.”
“There do not seem to be many options available for me at the moment,” gulped Medea. “No point in postponing the inevitable. Let us… hurry.”
Medea used her small towel to cover her front. With her arm across her chest, it shielded everything important, it made it all the way down to her crotch; she secured that with the other hand. She seemed miserable, but decided.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198376 “If you don’t want to do it, just say so. Such drama!”
A towel much bigger than Medea’s covered her shoulders. Lisa affixed her own only source of cover and rolled it over Medea’s body. She tied a knot on the front, and Medea looked like she was wearing a long, strapless dress, just fluffy.
“But what would you wear?” Medea worried.
“I kind of talked myself into walking back naked. Not gonna lie, I would not mind the attention,” Lisa confidently bragged about her shamelessness. “Also, you kinda looked like you really didn’t want to, so ‘what the heck!’, I thought.”
I grabbed Medea rudely by an arm, pulling her towards me. I whispered to her, making sure no one could her me.
“I respect what you’re trying to do here, I do. Stealing the clothes of some innocent girl sounds rotten; I’m there with you. But… Lisa! The effect of her potion is going to end up sometime, right? She’s going to remember this and regret it so much! We can’t let her walk naked in broad daylight! Just… steal the clothes. I’ll take a quick jog back to give them back. It’ll work fine, just you… aaand Lisa just walked out.”
Medea and I quickly stepped outside after her. Lisa confidently cat-walked across the poolside on her birthday suit; waving her hips from side to side with her huge breasts bouncing back and forth. Her hands served no other purpose that swinging to her sides; Lisa was not only stark naked, she wasn’t covering!
She winked back at the wolf whistles, she impertinently slapped the ass of one of the girls tanning to the morning sun, and she seemed immune to the dropped jaws and intent stares of the three male swimmers who immediately exited the pool to satellite her. As they got in her way Lisa gently pushed them aside to keep walking; none of them took offense; they contented to look at Lisa’s generous behind shaking bare out in the open, slowly getting away.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198377 Medea and I reached her. I didn’t even care if my baseball cap wasn’t on. Who would even look at my head with Lisa around?
“Lisa, your… all, is showing!” I warned her as if she would immediately notice and finally do something about it.
“Relax, I’m just having fun,” she playfully snickered. “I’ll wear something back at our room. Maybe.”
“The damage is done,” declared Medea. “There is no point in antagonizing her.”
But Medea was dead wrong. We met some more people on our way back, and were them boys or girls, they all paid a lot of attention to Lisa’s exposed body.
“Ugh, I can’t take it anymore,” Lisa bleated out of the blue. I was happy she was finally speaking sense. “You go ahead with Aria, Medea. I’ll catch up when I can. I really need to touch myself really badly right now!”
She was not bluffing. Lisa took a sit on the grass just aside from the dirt road where anyone could see and immediately started getting busy.
“The cabins are just right ahead!” I begged, never having been so embarrassed by somebody else’s situation. “I’ll… I’ll even do it when you when we get there!”
“Lisa, this is not appropriate,” chastised Medea to no effect.
Lisa held nothing back. She threw her hair backwards, crying passionately. Her legs were open, revealing a soaked pussy; the walk must have been very stimulating for her. She used both her hands to stimulate her vagina.
“What… how do we stop her?” I panicked. “D-do I… help her finish?” I swallowed spit, thinking that if I wanted to avoid people finding her there I might just have to.
Medea attempted a last ditch effort. “Lisa, stop! This is not a place to pleasure yourself! I can appreciate you are struggling with desire, but this is not the time! Go back to the lodge, with… with me. If you stop, I will please you personally.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198378 “M-Medea,” Lisa panted, “that is no fair. I am… so close!”
“Hold it, two minutes; no more!” Medea bargained. “Indoors, it has to be indoors.”
Lisa grunted, but left her crotch alone, standing up with fluid dripping down her thigh, her fingers wet with the stuff. I covered my open mouth with my hands, hardly believing the sight.
Medea quickly ran away, and Lisa followed behind; the slapping of her tits against her own body looked painful, but she did not seem to mind.
I did not see this coming at all, Medea did indeed give Lisa a strong aphrodisiac, and if I was to be her slave I had to be careful to not arouse her in public, or she would throw her inhibitions away.
As Medea had promised, the Cabins were close nearby. A group of people circling a guitar player stopped whatever they were doing to see the naked running girl.
Someone was standing in front of our cabin. Medea snuck past her with agility, Lisa nearly ran her over.
“Melanie, here for your clothes, I assume?” I asked noticing while the girl fell down the flashy pair of pink panties she wore. I helped her up.
“Why was that girl running naked?” she interrogated me, putting her own curiosity above whatever she had come here for.
a) Aria says she doesn’t have the clothes to make her mad. It’s payback for blabbering about Erika.
b) Aria invites her inside.
c) The clothes are inside, but Aria has to stall to not embarrass Medea. That means remaining outside in a towel.
d) Aria has Melanie wait outside while searching for the clothes.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2198379 C. It's a 'good friend' option and lets this plot thread end with the bang it deserves.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2198379 C. It's a 'good friend' option and lets this plot thread end with the bang it deserves. A works too so A or C.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
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>>2198379 “Someone stole her clothes at the dressing room, we didn’t have anything extra to cover her with,” I answered Melanie’s question, hoping to get it quickly out of the way.
“No way! She ran naked all the way from the pool?” she incuriously admired, her face showing the signs of the sentiment of feeling embarrassed for someone else that I was very familiar with by now.
“She actually walked most of the way,” I shuddered to remember.
“You have very crazy roommates. Aaanyway, do you have my clothes now?”
Erika had successfully recovered the tennis uniform from the Satanists. It was just by my stuff. In any other occasion I would have been thrilled to give it back to finally get rid of the annoying short brunette in front of me; but my ears clearly told me that Medea and Lisa could definitely use some privacy.
“Yeah, I got them, but I haven’t washed them yet,” I confessed, thinking to buy some time. “Do you mind if I give them back to you after I’ve done that?”
“I don’t know if I believe you,” she glared at me. “You always have some excuse to keep my stuff from me.”
“It’s not my fault if you’re always around at the most inappropriate times!” I exasperated. First it had been when Carmen had been stripped naked at the cafeteria; then she ruined a very private moment I was having with Erika; and now this.
“How’s now inappropriate?” she fumed, not realizing her ignorance. “Did you have plans to go somewhere wearing a bath towel?”
“Can you wait like, I don’t know… fifteen minutes or something?” I politely pleaded.
“No! Give me back my stuff or I swear I’m going to make good on my threat this time. I’ll call my friends and we’ll trash your place until we find what we want,” Melanie demanded. “You’re really messing with my tennis games!”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198379 “Someone stole her clothes at the dressing room, we didn’t have anything extra to cover her with,” I answered Melanie’s question, hoping to get it quickly out of the way.
“No way! She ran naked all the way from the pool?” she incredulously admired, her face showing the signs of the sentiment of feeling embarrassed for someone else that I was very familiar with by now.
“She actually walked most of the way,” I shuddered to remember.
“You have very crazy roommates. Aaanyway, do you have my clothes now?”
Erika had successfully recovered the tennis uniform from the Satanists. It was just by my stuff. In any other occasion I would have been thrilled to give it back to finally get rid of the annoying short brunette in front of me; but my ears clearly told me that Medea and Lisa could definitely use some privacy.
“Yeah, I got them, but I haven’t washed them yet,” I confessed, thinking to buy some time. “Do you mind if I give them back to you after I’ve done that?”
“I don’t know if I believe you,” she glared at me. “You always have some excuse to keep my stuff from me.”
“It’s not my fault if you’re always around at the most inappropriate times!” I exasperated. First it had been when Carmen had been stripped naked at the cafeteria; then she ruined a very private moment I was having with Erika; and now this.
“How’s now inappropriate?” she fumed, not realizing her ignorance. “Did you have plans to go somewhere wearing a bath towel?”
“Can you wait like, I don’t know… fifteen minutes or something?” I politely pleaded.
“No! Give me back my stuff or I swear I’m going to make good on my threat this time. I’ll call my friends and we’ll trash your place until we find what we want,” Melanie demanded. “You’re really messing with my tennis games!”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198612 “What the big deal? I see you’re wearing tennis clothes already,” I argued, seeing she was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, the ones Erika forced her to strip.
“You wouldn’t understand,” she deflected, looking away. “Are you going to give me back my stuff or what? I’m tired of waiting. I’m… I’m really going to do it! I’ll barge in and search your bags!”
“No, you can’t!” I stopped Melanie by grabbing her hand as she turned towards the door.
“Why not? Give me one good reason,” she taunted me and pulled her hand away. She was the strongest between the two of us, but not by a whole lot.
“Why? This is why!”
I grabbed Melanie’s hand again and convinced her to follow me to the side of the cabin. I signaled her to look from the window next to Erika’s bed. She skeptically took a look, seemingly already her mind made to not let me off the hook.
“Ah! Ah!” she exclaimed and quickly ducked. “S-so, fifteen minutes you say?” she humbly asked, blushing.
“Yeah, give or take,” Melanie nodded in agreement.
I could easily tell the deed was happening at Lisa’s bed. I couldn’t know much else; the movements I heard hardly told me anything and I didn’t dare take a look.
I sat against the wooden wall next to Melanie; my legs carelessly open to the front since there was no one there to see. My tail was killing me; it was all crumpled inside the towel, I needed to let it out at some point; it was putting me in a bad mood. The panic of not interrupting Medea past, I addressed a point I was dying to discuss.
“I know you’ve been talking about what you saw yesterday,” I demurred, remembering the girls at the shower.
“What do you mean?” she weakly played dumb.
“Do I have to spell it out? When you… walked into Erika. And me. I know you’ve been telling people,” I reasserted.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198613 “That’s…” she began, but I interrupted.
“Even though you promised Erika over and over you wouldn’t. I wonder what she’ll do to you once she finds out? Have you ever seen her angry? She’ll strip you and tie you to a pole,” I grimly implied, but not sure Erika would even care, much less punish Melanie.
“I didn’t tell anyone! It was… dragged out of me,” she confessed. “Only two or three people know.”
“And two of your friends told to only two or three more friends in confidence, and so on. You and I know how this works. It will make it to Erika eventually, you know? And that’s if I don’t tell her myself.”
“I’m… not scared,” she piped, obviously lying. “M-my friends…”
“Your friends all listen to Jill,” I deduced from what I had seen and heard, “and Jill would pick Erika over you any day of the week. You have nowhere to run,” I gave my finishing touch.
She silently looked at her knees, and gulped.
“You’re… I mean, you and Erika… you’re, a couple, right?” she quavered. “Can you… convince her not to… go to extremes? I really didn’t mean to go against her.”
“Hmm. I don’t know. You’ve been pretty annoying so far, to tell the truth.”
“Look, I really need the clothes back; it’s… someone keeps doing stuff to me whenever I don’t have them. Other than that; ask… ask away! Can you do me a solid? Please?”
a) Aria haves her change clothes with her; towel with tennis clothes.
b) Aria has Melanie wait in nothing but panties outside the door until Medea is done.
c) Aria thinks that the best punishment is not giving back the stuff.
d) To tell the truth, the sounds of what’s going on and what Lisa did since the pool have Aria feeling a bit frisky. Lucky for Melanie, Aria is a very tender lover.
e) A staff member appears, she drags Aria to the camp’s offices in her towel.
>>2198614 E, I want to see where that plot thread is going.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2198614 >>2198617 Same. Maybe Aria starts on B but gets interrupted by E, plenty of ways for that to go wrong.
>>2198619 >Maybe Aria starts on B but gets interrupted by E Holy shit, that´s brilliant, Malaine stays in her panties not knowing what to do.
I change my vote
>>2198617 to this.
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>>2198614 B -> E
>>2198622 Like that, also just panties no bra allowed.
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Triple agreeing with B > E. The lifeguard and camp office plot threads are killing me.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198614 “Undress until I tell you to stop,” I commanded. Melanie hesitated. “I am not going to ask again, this is your one chance,” I warned.
Melanie thought he was being clever by removing her shoes first; she sluggishly untied the shoelaces of her sneakers; technically obeying me, but just buying time. What she didn’t know was that from having her just hang out with me in her underwear, she had just made me decide to have her do something else.
Her shoes couldn’t shield her forever, neither her socks. She further stalled undoing her hairdo, removing two hair brooches.
“I haven’t told you stop, yet,” I badgered, noticing how she slowed down now that she was out of accessories and had nothing else than real clothes remaining.
Melanie started with her skirt, which was not a surprising choice considering how short it was. She slid the skirt still sitting, revealing those rather daring pair of pink panties I had seen earlier. They were tanga style, showing a lot of her butt; lacey transparent to the sides and sort of translucent in the front, showing the slightest shade of black on her crotch from her pubes. Melanie looked at me for approval, maybe testing if just removing that calmed my ire, and found a negative answer written all over my face.
With a sigh of resignation, she started working on her polo shirt next. Underneath she had nothing of the sort of her choice of panties; it was a plain white sports bra, I undid it from Melanie’s back when she was busy sliding the shirt up her arms. She flinched, but didn’t protest. I assisted her in getting out her pair of brown nipples out in the open.
I instinctively knew that she was nearing her breaking point. If I had her remove her underpants, the only piece of clothing she had left, it would be an annoying struggle and I may have to make good on my threat to tell Erika, which I knew would do nothing. Instead, I had Melanie stand up, and follow me to the door.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198697 “There’s no one around,” I lied. To our back on the boy side, the guy in the goatee who gave me tic-tacs for my trick or treating was still playing his guitar around his circle of friends; but they were a good twenty-five yards away, and hopefully not paying attention.
I lead the doubtful Melanie, who refused to look anywhere but her feet and shivered covering her breasts with a single arm while I held the other, to our door.
“I bet they’ll be done soon inside,” I lied again. Lisa sounded relentless, and was forcing Medea’s little flute-like voice to sing; there was no telling what they were doing but nearly done they were not. “Until they are, stay here like this. I’ll be watching your clothes,” I instructed Melanie.
I left the nervous girl crouching to cover in front of the cabin, and went back to the side; confident that this would buy me a few minutes to undo my towel and maybe let my tail rest. I hadn’t even started undressing when I heard approaching steps coming from the back, and had to stop. What was it now?
Soon after, a tall young woman came into view. She was wearing sneakers, shorts and a t-shirt. I recognized her; she was the one who had leaded my group hiking back at the second day. Tall and stern-looking, she addressed me with a frown.
“Aria? You are Aria, correct?” she inquired making it very clear that she expected a positive answer. I nodded. “I have been looking all over the place for you!” she accused me, looking like she wanted to hit me with her clipboard. “They’ve been waiting for you for nearly an hour! We have to go, now!”
She didn’t want for me to say anything, just grabbed my wrist and easily pulled me away, leaving Melanie’s clothes right on the ground.
“W-wait! Where are you taking me?” I thought I was entitled to know.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198698 On the second floor, at the bottom aisle, I was taken to a door that said ‘Mrs. Prangazio’ in very low budget engraved letters on a cheap-looking plaque. The young woman didn’t even knock; she let herself in, dragging me inside.
An elegant lady in her mid-forties was sitting on the other side of a desk. Her hair was graying and she adjusted her reading glasses upon my arrival. At her side, standing and staring daggers at me, was the pool lifeguard.
“Aria Bloom, Mrs. Prangazio,” the woman who dragged me announced, leaving me in my towel at the middle of the badly lit room.
“Thank you, that will be all,” the middle-aged lady spoke. The sweaty woman promptly made her exit, hurrying somewhere else; but respectfully closed the door behind her. “I assume you know why you’re here, Miss Bloom?” the woman on the desk addressed me without so much as a greeting or an introduction.
Since the lifeguard was standing right there, I had a good idea of what this was about. I didn’t answer, so Mrs. Prangazio continued.
“Attacking a staff member is a very serious offense,” she said. “Would you mind telling me your side of the story?”
“I thought we were here to decide her punishment!” the lifeguard bellowed.
“Now, now, Francine. Let’s not get carried away. Now, Miss Bloom?”
I did as requested.
I wanted to talk to a friend in the pool so she could lead me to someone. The woman present denied me entrance arguing I was not go to near the pool fully dressed. I asked for lenience and she had me strip to my underwear, keeping my clothes. When I went to talk to my friend, a prankster stripped me nude and threw me to the pool.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198699 “I saw no such thing! You took off your clothes on your own!” the lifeguard argued.
“Let her finish,” Mrs. Prangazio intervened.
I skimmed the details through the rest of the incident, as having a friend lend me her swimsuit, stripping it in front of people so I could save her, and streaking all the way to the changing room were not very good memories for me. I made sure to comment on how ineffective this Francine woman was all throughout.
“She is lying to get out of trouble,” the lifeguard grumbled menacingly. “I always keep a watchful eye on the pool.”
Weren’t people swimming in there right now, with no lifeguard?
a) Aria is to be punished at the discretion of the lifeguard, who wants to tie Aria nude to the bottom of the lifeguard tower.
b) Aria flees the scene, leaving her towel behind.
c) Aria gets scot-free and the lifeguard gets reprimanded.
d) Aria is to be punished by Mrs. Prangazio; she gets spanked with a board.
Gnattering Yawn
Quoted By:
C so that the group can continue to and further their exorbitantness in the future
>>2198700 A. But would rather have Erika/Lisa come to Aria defense to take Aria's blame and punishment.
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>>2198700 I want to pick A, but I feel like that would be too much for even non-catgirl Aria. I also want to see some sort of punishment and I'm not a huge fan of spanking so...
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>>2198700 Both A and D sound good, (specially if D is done in public), but I don´t know how they could work out considering Aria has a tail she has to keep secret.
I will vote for this
>>2198718 then
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198700 “She’s not the one who actually assaulted you, is she, Francine?” Mrs. Prangazio supposed. There was at least a foot’s worth of height difference between the lifeguard and me.
“She was the only one whose face I saw. Three others were waiting for me at the showers; at least one boy among them. After the cowards tied me down, there were even more involved.”
In the lifeguard version of the events; I had been reprimanded for being near the pool fully clothed, and to spite the authority apparently I decided to streak around. When the lifeguard came down to stop me, I ran into the dressing rooms, where she followed me and was ambushed by four different people, me being one of them, another one apparently a boy. Afterwards we blinded her, tied her down and she was sexually abused.
The last part aside – I was not there to either confirm or deny what the boys had done to the woman – our arguments contradicted one another. Mrs. Prangazio was far more understanding that I expected; from the way she spoke it looked like she bought my argument more than the lifeguard’s; the problem was that she did not care so much about finding the guilty party and administering justice; as much as just having people get out of her office.
“We cannot wrap this up if you don’t give the names of the other people who attacked Miss Stone,” Mrs. Prangazio avowed to me, running out of patience. “Do you really want to shoulder all the blame by yourself?”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198762 “I can’t be to blame because I didn’t do anything!” I proclaimed, which was true if we ignored the summersault I did on the lifeguard’s face. And maybe carrying her. And having part in deciding what to do with her. But that didn’t equal to sexual assault!
“You still didn’t deny any involvement, not that you could from what I gather,” Mrs. Prangazio observed. “Names, Miss Bloom. Please! We all have work to do.”
I was not giving up the names of my friends.
“Will that be all?” I respectfully queried with a neutral tone of voice. “If it is, I would like to go back to my room. As you can see I was forced to come here not fully dressed.”
“So do you admit all the blame?” challenged Mrs. Prangazio.
“I can’t admit blame of something I didn’t do!” I repeating, enunciating slowly. “If Miss Stone, here present, wants to avoid uprisings in the future, maybe she should either do her job correctly or at least not be a tyrant,” I clipped, getting worked up.
“Is that a threat?” the mentioned woman roared, giving a step forward. I hissed in protest and gave a step back.
“Stop it, the both of you!” Mrs. Prangazio asserted, standing up, luckily considering my reflexive instinct as insubordination rather than suspicious behavior. I passed both hands over my head, to make it seem I was the one moving the ears and they didn’t go back on their own.
“It’s fine if she doesn’t want to name her accomplices,” Stone decided. “I’ll just punish her, if you let me,” she turned to Mrs. Prangazio.
“Oh, are you sure?” Mrs. Prangazio responded, hurting to agree just to finish this. “Well, if you must,” she tacitly acquiesced. “And no charges, right?”
“I’ll tell you about that later,” Stone grimly sibilated. “And you, you’re coming with me!”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198764 Stone stomped towards me; I repressed the desire to bite her, or to at least hiss again in warning. Still, I couldn’t help the low growl that came out of my throat and seemed to amuse Stone. She grabbed my wrist, gripping it so hard it hurt, and dragged me out of the office, not even bothering to close the door as she left.
“You’re a liar and you know it!” I accused her.
“And you’re a criminal hooligan who needs to be thought a lesson,” she pressed pace, making it very hard for me to follow her. I had to keep lengthening my strides; which honestly was hardly a problem, I could scratch my ears with my legs if I pleased; the problem was that the towel was coming undone and one hand was not enough to keep it all together.
My fears came to fruition as stone kept pulling me after we stepped outside of the offices. She cruelly accelerated to all the power her six feet of stature gave her; and I had to start skipping in a silly way just to keep my towel on.
“I’m going to tie you up at the pool; your legs nice and spread. I’m not going to let people outright rape you, but if they want a feel or a picture, you’ll be free all day,” she chuckled.
I whined. I needed to get out of there.
a) Aria lets herself be dragged, stripped and tied to be humiliated for who knows how long.
b) Aria claws Stone’s hand and runs away; although the towel comes undone. Good fucking luck trying to catch her.
c) They meet Erika on the way; she asks what is going on.
d) Aria asks for mercy and it’s granted, if you can call mercy being dragged nude to the pool and to swipe the boys’ changing room.
//It's not game over if people find out Aria is a cat girl.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2198766 C or D + C. We can't mess around with the lifeguard pressing charges and I don't want to lose all day to this, and bringing Erika back to the cabin with us will nearly give Melanie a heart attack.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2198766 C or D + C. We can't mess around with the lifeguard pressing charges and I don't want to lose all day to this, but I like C becuase bringing Erika back to the cabin with us will nearly give Melanie a heart attack.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198769 Are you kidding me? Aria's a member of a ridiculously unrepresented minority (cat people), an LGBTQ, and to top it all off she has DOUBLE pussy pass.
She can get away with murder. Don't worry about the charges.
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>>2198766 >//It's not game over if people find out Aria is a cat girl. I don't believe you. What's the point of being a catgirl in a normal world if you don't have to constantly be embarrassed about it.
>>2198772 Mrs. Prangazio seems not to want to get police involved, like a smart camp director (?). I don't believe getting away with murder, but I do believe anything more serious is going to happen.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2198769 >>2198772 Heh, I guess that gets my approval for B as well.
It's hard to choose now, but I think I'll go with B or D -> C.
>>2198766 A. Since it is a nice situation and I don't when a similar situation will happen again. Also it is a nice scenario to tell everyone on campus that she is a cat girl. That way Aria can stop worrying about hiding her cat features and start flaunting them for a change.
But at the same time it is going to cut into Aria being Lisa's slave time. Which I hope Lisa can argue or dare Aria again to extend the time being Lisa's slave. by another day or something (She still want an Aria teddy bear after all).
Forgot to vote and post image. Artist is 3mangos, had to crop to keep it /e/. B + C. It would give us a distraction to run, and I want to see what Elmiria thinks when we walk about with Erika. Also OP, is this based off of anything? Most of this is just generic, but Medea's character info seems incredibly specific.
>>2198777 Don't forget Aria needs a shower buddy too along with being Lisa's teddy bear.
We aren't even half way through of the "planned" adventure, personally I'd like to wait at least a day or two more before letting Aria just walk around "normally".
Gnattering Yawn
>>2198776 >>2198778 B + C would be great, I didn't vote for it because I couldn't see it working but I'm probably just not looking hard enough.
Hopefully I won't feel the need to change my vote again, but for now I'm B + C or D + C.
>>2198779 I agree Lisa needs a nightly cuddle buddy and a shower buddy. Aria and Lisa can develop friendship through skinship.
I also see your point that it is still early in the story and that there is time for Aria to flaunt her cat features latter. So...
I am going to change my vote
>>2198777 from A to C.
Would like Erika to get tied instead of Aria. Even if it would be for a short time. (Even if the Life Guard want to keep Erika tied up for a long time. Aria's got sharp nails. She can cut Erika's bindings as long as she is not caught by the Life Guard)
>>2198766 C
That lifeguard has yet to learn her lesson, it seems. I say we shave her until she has no hair remaining anywhere before we tie her up naked in the middle of the cabins with "Lazy nazi" written on her boobs with a permanent marker.
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>>2198766 A, seems about as ENF as you can get, and you know the life guard would earn so much ire from everyone that very unfortunate things may befall her later.
Wrong Person
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>>2198766 A. My vote is actually for whatever option leads to someone being tied up to be put on display. I just know A is guaranteed to have that happen.
I am fine with
>>2198805 and
>>2198810 they sound great.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2198780 Can I structure my vote so that if what I vote for doesn't win it counts as -A? I'm okay with people getting tied up but I *really* don't want to lose all day to this.
If that's not allowed then ditch my previous vote and just make it -A.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
Too many different (and fun) opinions, so there's a choice again.
C still won.
>>2198766 Stone sped up, actually disappointed that I could keep up pace with her, or at least that my towel hadn’t fallen yet. I kept skipping higher and higher; the less contact I had with the ground, the better my chances to remain covered seemed. Knowing the fate that awaited me, I would have tried anything to get away if not for the fact that we were walking, or power walking, against the wind and a familiar scent reached my nose.
“You have one last chance for me to be lenient with you,” Stone panted ahead of me. “Tell me who your friends are; the more you snitch the easier you’ll have it.”
“Go to hell,” I cursed her, feeling safer already.
“Are you sure you want to make me mad? You are going to regret that. Tell me the name of the boy who was at the showers and I’ll forget what you just said.”
“What boy? There was no boy, you dumb giant,” I felt appropriate to keep testing my luck, knowing help was coming. Stone also mentioned something about a boy earlier at the office, though. What was she on about?
“Stop playing dumb, pipsqueak. That fucker got me right in the kidney when I was blinded; if not for him your bitch friends would not have stood a chance. I’ll be sure he gets the worst of it.”
Before we got to discuss the point any further, I saw on the distance the face I was expecting to meet. Erika took notice of us, and decidedly walked with a fearsome expression on her beautiful face to block Stone’s way.
Erika stood defiantly just a few feet ahead of Stone’s way.
“You’re one of them, aren’t you? You’re one of the little shits at the showers!” Stone accused. Maybe she had gotten a glimpse of Erika before I could cover Stone’s face, maybe she figured it out by Erika’s challenging stare and reluctance to move.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198838 “Where are you taking that girl, SIR?” Erika slurred; she looked very comfortable standing up to authority, maybe even enjoying herself.
“I asked you a question!” Stone spat. “You are one of the bitches who jumped me at the showers, weren’t you??”
Erika didn’t answer, she just smirked. Situation seemed tense. Erika was noticeably shorter than Stone; but the biggest problem was that Stone was much thicker, especially on the shoulders. Still, there was no scenario in which Erika lost if it came to a fight. If Stone so much as dared laying a hand on my friend, I would carve her neck with fang and claw.
“You should let that girl go, SIR,” Erika suggested. Stone weighted her options, probably thinking if it was greedy to drag both Erika and me with her.
“I’ve already seen your face; I will deal with you later!” Stone threatened, and continued to walk.
“I told you to let that girl go, SIR!” Erika doubled down, parodying a military tone of servitude.
Stone bumped shoulders with Erika. I howled unnaturally, startling both. This was Stone’s last warning.
“Say, SIR,” Erika drew the attention away from me. “I saw a video early this morning, SIR. It was about some dumb cunt getting tied spread open near a lifeguard tower; would you happen to know anything about it, SIR?”
“Back off! I’m getting tired of your shit, purple!” Stone barked, opening her mouth so much she was getting spit all over the place.
“You got it wrong, SIR. Others are the one who’re getting tired of your shit, SIR,” Erika calmly implied. “Yesterday was only a little taste, SIR. There’s a hundred of us and one of you, SIR.”
“Oh, I know you did not just threaten me,” Stone fumed, getting so livid she let go off me; not that it mattered. “Because bitches who threaten me regret it real soon.” Stone stepped to Lisa, getting on her face.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198839 Stone cringed and shriveled; Lisa had grabbed her crotch and twisted hard. As soon as the tall woman recovered from the initial agony and shock, she tried grabbing Erika’s hand, but was too late.
“I’m a phone call away to have you lynched, you fat oaf,” Erika snapped, she quickly put a leg behind Stone’s calf and pushed the weakened lifeguard, who was bending over from the pain, making her trip backwards. “We’re tired of your bullshit. All of us. Did you think you had it bad yesterday? We’ll fucking strap stones to your ugly head and leave you at the bottom of the lake if you fuck with me, cunt.”
“Do you think you can get away with this?” Stone scowled, struggling to regain her breath from the cheap shot and to stand back up; she had murderous eyes set on Erika.
“Bitch, I know I can get away with this,” Erika pulled her phone out of her pocket, unlocked it, quickly searched for something moving her finger at a commendable speed, and then turned her screen towards Stone, showing her a picture. Erika was smirking again, pleased with herself.
Stone went pale; most of her fury evaporated in the air. Erika hurried to put her phone away. I would have like to see what was what Erika had there, but I was too focused on my prey, ready to leap at the slightest provocation.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198841 “You’re a fucking coward! Fight your own fights!” Stone goaded, but her intention to take any offensive action against Erika seemed to be completely gone.
“Heh, says the adult woman who was messing with the fifteen year old half her size?”
a) Erika sees no reason to fight fair. The pool now belongs to the campers, and if the lifeguard ever causes trouble, she’s going to regret it.
b) Stone gets enraged and attacks Erika.
c) Erika decides to give the lifeguard a shot. Loser gets humiliated at peak hours near the pool.
d) Stone walks right back to the offices.
For C:
1) Strip Volley ball.
2) Strip Water Polo.
3) Swimming contest.
4) Vote for your own sport/contest!
Gnattering Yawn
>>2198842 A + B, we'll need to go to the pool to tell everyone about A, and what better proof of our words than the lifeguard defeated and humiliated?
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>>2198842 A
All your base are belong to us!
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>>2198842 C3, but the swimming has to be in the nude already, that will give Erika (or Lisa is she decides ot compete) and advantage since she will probably not care. This way we will have 2 naked girls instead of just one (the loser).
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>>2198842 B, once Stone is down leave her in the wood with bacon grease on her, the wolves will take care of the rest.
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>>2198842 A
I'm feeling pretty done with the lifeguard and would rather get back to more interesting things
Wrong Person
>>2198842 C1. Makes a more embarrassment when everyone can see your full body naked and moving (watching the boobies jiggle), instead of obstructing the view of your body by submerging it water.
Also last paragraph
>>2198839 "Stone stepped to Lisa, getting" and "Lisa had grabbed her crotch" Lisa is suppose to be Erika, Right?
This for the sake of fapping again to this later.... I mean for reading this again later.
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>>2198841 >Stone cringed and shriveled; Lisa had grabbed her crotch and twisted hard. Mistype.
I'd vote C, but the lifeguard has been a bitch, even if it has only been to try and get ENF going.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
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>>2198875 Yes, I'm retarded and confuse those names all the time.
You wouldn't believe how many times I've corrected the same mistake during proof reading.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198842 Did Erika really think I was fifteen? What was with everyone thinking that?
Stone had lost the will to fight, but still was pumping full of anger; she looked about to pop a vein on her forehead and her clenched fists were shaking.
“We’re walking to the pool and we’re making the announcement,” Erika stated, assuming charge. “Aria, cover up.”
Now that that the adrenaline rush was past, I noticed that my towel was lying on the ground beneath me; I was naked and in all fours; my legs were bent and read to leap; my tail was high in the air and I would be giving anyone behind me quite a sight to my anatomy. With a distracted shriek, I hurried to pick up my towel and cover myself, looking and hearing around to make sure no one had seen me do that. Stone hadn’t, of course; I was always searching her back during my prowl.
Erika discreetly helped me tie the towel back on.
“I was just back at the cabin. Lisa and Medea have been searching for you; they said you disappeared on them. Also, you left some girl in her underwear crouching and crying in front of the door. What was that all about?”
I filled Erika while we escorted Stone back to the pool; which was not an easy task. At last I realized that Erika was only playing when bickering with Lisa. When Erika got actually serious she could get incredibly nasty, grim, threatening and aggressive while continuously putting Stone on her place.
Erika’s morning hadn’t been nearly as interesting as mine. She got a quick nap once everyone gotten out of the cabin; went for breakfast and found some friends to talk to; got bored and went back, found Lisa and Medea cuddling – or so Erika claimed – and told Melanie to stop crying at the door and go elsewhere. Shortly after Erika got worried since Medea’s testimony was that I had not stepped back into our room to change and was still out there somewhere with just a towel on; which didn’t sound like me. That’s how she found me.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198896 During Erika’s talk at the cafeteria, she had gotten an interesting heads up. Some guy named Dugald, who was the one sneaking alcoholic beverages and thus decided that sort of stuff, had announced that there would be another bonfire party at the woods near the Tennis courts the day after tomorrow after evening. Erika wanted us all to go and I had no reason to refuse, even if I wasn’t the party hardy type.
Stone was a pain to deal with the whole time. She often needlessly taunted Erika, did not get tired of saying we would regret what we were doing or that this was our last chance to turn back, and what was by far the most annoying thing is that despite it all she still saw us as the bad guys. Stone felt justified in all her actions, and seemed to actually believe she hadn’t done anything wrong. I got worked up about it, but Erika directly told me to let go, that there was people who just were like that and there was nothing to be done to change their minds.
“Alright, SIR; you’re up!” Erika hollered in a loud voice, calling the attention of people around her.
It was still early, there weren’t that many swimmers and tanners, but Erika felt this was an adequate audience. Stone needed a nudge to begin speaking. I covered my ears.
Stone’s infernal whistle blew.
“I have an announcement to make!” Stone recited what we all had agreed she would say. “First, I want to apologize for the unfair treatment you have all received and to assure you that it won’t happen again. To say a few words, here is Erika Kings!”
A guy in the pool clapped. He didn’t get discouraged when nobody else did.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198897 “Thank you, thank you. As our lifeguard, Miss Stone has said; things are going to change around here. I’m going to have to ask each and all of you to spread the word around so everyone knows what’s up,” Erika boomed on the suddenly silent poolside. “Since none of you pussies, or the so called ‘men’ could do anything about it, I did your work for you. Lots of bullshit has been going on here…”
Erika proceeded to recount the events of yesterday, to the shame and ire of Stone standing beside her; and then explained that the pool was now a free-for-all zone no longer under the dominion of Francine Stone, but the campers. Stone would just sit pretty on her high chair, watching videos; and it was up to the rest of the people to enforce the rules; the only ones on which people could agree on were no peeing, no shoes and no puking. If Stone ever tried to assert her tyranny back again; a simple text to Erika would solve the problem; but the mob was encouraged to take justice into their own hands.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198898 To be completely improvised, I thought Erika gave a very good speech, and clapped with several others at the end of it. As her last act of ill-will; Stone bumped shoulders against Erika again, and pushed me aside to get to her high chair. People resumed their leisure activities and our job was officially over.
We had won the war of the poolside.
a) Erika suggests Aria to rush to Lisa’s side. Otherwise, the dare was pointless and that wasn’t fair.
b) Erika asks for Aria’s towel to dry herself after showering; Aria is welcome to join (bonding, make out session, maybe some onanism; nothing further).
c) Stone changes her mind and throws a tantrum. She has to be stopped and punished by force.
d) Elmira and Leslie were among the crowd. They greet Aria.
For A:
1) Aria makes it to the cabin, where Lisa was waiting for her.
2) Aria makes it to the cabin after losing her towel (bear in mind Aria only has the one), but it’s empty. She finally gets the chance to dress up.
3) Aria is intercepted by Jill (redhead, tennis player), who has her go to the tennis courts to see the consequences of her actions.
Gnattering Yawn
Quoted By:
>>2198899 The plot hook of A3 intrigues me, especially since (according to character bios) Jill is known to tease Melanie not unlike how we do.
I'm also interested in Aria losing her towel, but there's plenty of time for that at the tennis court.
Quoted By:
>>2198899 A3 A new challenger approaches!
>>2198899 Well, I was going to say A1 or D, but I doubt enough votes will happen this late at night.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198946 I've woken up to up to 10 votes.
Also, if you have a name (to keep track of you) and you vote for something specific, you will notice I will try to accommodate such choices at least once.
>>2198899 “Well said, babe,” a man approached us. Despite his youth it was hard of think of him as a boy as tall as he was. I recognized him as one of the guys who helped carry and tie Stone up yesterday.
“Hi, Kirby,” Erika greeted him, she did not seem unhappy. “That first part was referring to you. How come you didn’t take care of this shit?” she reproached him, but still didn’t seem angry.
“Honestly? ‘cause she never crossed me. Or any of the other guys for that matter. I didn’t even know she was a problem,” the huge guy shrugged.
“Aria,” Erika turned to me. “Go back with Lisa. She’s been wondering where you are; and if you stay away from her you’ll have Carmen bitching about foul play. And put on some clothes; I haven’t seen you wear anything since yesterday. I’ll stay here for a while; say hi to some more people.”
While I wasn’t overly pleased that Erika wanted to spend some time with my complete opposite, a tall and muscular meathead; I still faithfully obeyed. She had saved me once again and I couldn’t be more grateful. I stepped into the dressing room for a short while to let my tail breathe, before wrapping myself back up with the towel and heading back to the cabin. I refused to believe Lisa and Medea had the stamina to keep going until now; they must have surely been done.
But I didn’t seem to be able to reach my destination in peace, something always got in the way. This time, it was a familiar face that I expected never have to deal with again. It was not a problem of appearance; she was pretty alright; piercing emerald eyes and a bright copper mane made for an attractive combination; that was without mentioning her full lips, her curvy, athletic body or the generosity of her proportions.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198948 “How’s it going!” she greeted me. “I haven’t seen you in a while, even though I hear daily about you. Hourly, more like it!”
This was the girl who had organized the tennis match I had against Carmen. She had managed an audience and had convinced the tennis instructor to leave. She had introduced herself before, and I kept hearing her name all over the place just as she apparently had heard mine.
“Hi, Jill!” I politely and enthusiastically returned her greeting. “On your way to the tennis courts?”
She was wearing a short skirt, a visor, and a vest over a short-sleeved blouse; all white. The tennis courts were to the south of the pool, so she was following the only way available through the cabins.
“Actually, I was searching for you. Or for any of your friends,” she clarified. “Can you give me your number later? I swear there’s been so many times when I wanted to text your or something!”
“Err, sure,” I agreed to her innocent request. “And why were you looking for me?” I inquired in a tone that made it clear she better keep it brief. I moved my feet facing away from her to signal I was kind of in a rush.
“I was wondering if you could join me at the tennis courts. As far as I know you’ve never been back there after your last game!” she cheerfully invited me.
“Can I take a rain check on that?” I tried to deny her without sounding rude. “As you can see, I’m on my way to change myself, and I’m not even wearing sandals; my feet are killing me,” I lied. They were like, cushioned.
“But you’re wearing cat-ears… and you brought contacts to shower. And you look way to dry to just have come out,” she observed. “You look comfortable enough to me the way you are.”
“There’s also a friend I have to meet back at my cabin. Can you at least give me like half an hour? I’ll give you my number if you have your phone here, you can give me a call,” I tried to bargain my way out of the situation.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198949 “I insist we go right away, Aria,” she stubbornly and decidedly said; it didn’t even sound like a request anymore. “It will take but a minute.”
Part because I was getting quite used to going around everywhere in my bath towel, and part because Jill didn’t look like she would accept a no for an answer and trying it just looked like it would spell trouble, I followed after her.
When I asked what she wanted to show me, she didn’t answer, but other than that Jill had no trouble making conversation. She had seen the video Carmen getting stripped by Duke, and knew I had taken off my shirt in public; she had heard I had streaked at the pool and that I had something to do with those photos circulating around of Stone tied down naked with people molesting her; and more than anything my name came out whenever Jill spoke with Melanie.
“Tennis is all about discipline,” Jill advised. “You know this, even if you’re just a beginner. You won your match because you were disciplined, even if your opponent was more athletic. You were methodical, thought your strategies well, learned and improved as you played.”
“R-right,” I conceded. She spoke with such absolutes I thought it was scary to contradict her.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to teach little Melanie, discipline,” she preached on. “She has much more experience playing than you, and she is also older; but hasn’t still learned that valuable lesson,” I detected a bit of mockery on her tone; it wasn’t really an inspired monologue as I first figured; she was making up bullshit. “So, as long as she couldn’t recover the uniform she lent you, I had her do a little challenge to remind Melanie about being disciplined.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198950 It was what Melanie had already confessed to me. “What exactly do you have her do?” I questioned, not quite sure I wanted to hear the answer.
“Oh, nothing major,” Jill assured me. “I have her wear flashy underpants so she focuses on her posture all times, and I may have adjusted the length of her skirt a tiny bit. It’s really done wonders on her concentration.”
I could already see the tennis courts. There were people playing; one of them was Melanie. But… why was she…?
“But when she lost her other uniform, the uniform I had lent and fixed for her,” Jill carried on,” I was kind of angry, to be honest. I thought she needed a lesson. Don’t you agree, Aria?”
a) Melanie is playing with a very short skirt and no underwear.
b) Melanie is playing topless.
c) Melanie is playing in very skimpy lingerie.
d) Melanie is playing in a bath towel.
e) Melanie is playing in clothes made out of grass and plants.
And why did Jill want Aria there?
1) If Aria is not giving the clothes back, she should face Melanie in the court for them once and for all (Melanie is no beginner, but don’t worry; Aria has improved. A lot).
2) Just to see Melanie getting tormented. If Aria leaves, Melanie will have it even worse.
3) To help Jill embarrass Melanie. It’s up to Aria to humiliate her, if she wants to.
4) Jill wasn’t even looking for Aria. She just saw a shy girl she knew in a towel and brought her here. Aria gets her towel taken away.
Gnattering Yawn
Quoted By:
>>2198951 B 2 + 4. Jill hits two birds with one stone by showing off Melanie's predicament to the one who caused it and embarrassing the shy girl in a towel that she found.
Barring that, B4, if Aria doesn't have a towel then every time she showers she takes a chance with the lockers. Easy way to start running out of clothes.
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>>2198951 You already have me the one thing I asked for, teddy bear scene. I was just commenting on the unison of votes before I got a chance to reply
>>2198951 I like the idea of Melanie playing in only a miniskirt and nothing else I'll A+B too.
2, IDK how much worse Jill could make it for her, but I want to find out. maybe forced to play with a vibrator inside or something.
Side note - Aria’s cat tail as a dildo. Maybe she gets scared or threatened at some point and her automatic response is to put her tail between her legs into an unsuspecting pussy (Lisa bed buddy an obvious choice). What do u think?
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>>2198968 I think the best idea is a dare by Lida tonight.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2198964 I'll back A + B too, though I'll keep the other half as 2+4 or 4.
Wrong Person
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>>2198951 C2. Melanie should be humiliated and later ask Aria for some kind of compensation.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2198951 The tennis instructor was nowhere to be seen again. Three courts were occupied; two girls where busy playing not minding anyone else; another had boys who were hardly playing at all; they were sooner paying attention to the neighboring court that their own game.
The last occupied tennis court was held by Melanie and a girl I wasn’t sure I had seen before with incredibly big titties. Their match was drawing all the attention, and while indeed the bouncing boobs of the girl facing Melanie were hypnotizing on their own, the main attraction was Melanie herself.
At first glance, she looked perfectly well-dressed; but every time she ran, every time she hit the ball with a racket, every time she jumped; the public got to see a small patch of curly black hair briefly showing under her criminally short skirt. Melanie was breathing heavily, her face was red and her body was covered in sweat; she tried to be very minimalist about her movements as to show the least of her intimacy to the audience of giggling girls and a boy that were sitting nearby their court having a blast taking glimpses of her genitalia.
Despite the cruel exhibitionism of the poor short brunette, I still raised some eyebrows making my way into the small crowd wearing just my bath towel. Jill had warned me against leaving without her permission; saying Melanie would rue the day and the days to come; and that I should take responsibility since I was the one who had been taken the clothes away from her, forcing Jill to punish her.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199046 I had to sit in the uncomfortable tea-ceremony position to avoid becoming a spectacle. All the other girls were casually sitting cross legged or with their knees to the side never minding their skirts. Jill sat next to me flashing her white underwear with pink sides and ribbon in the process.
“Fifteen; Forty!” Melanie loudly piped after a ball went past her. She panted heavily, going to retrieve the small yellow object.
“And this time, grab the ball right!” Jill shouted using her hands as a megaphone. “You’re going to be really sorry if you don’t!”
Then is when I got to see the terror of Melanie’s situation. If she ran around too much; she would flash her vag and her butt to all onlookers by a rough or sudden movement of her skirt; but if she didn’t, they would score against her, and that looked even worse.
Melanie gave her back to the audience, spread her legs apart at shoulder-distance, and bent over forward to pick up the ball. Jill smirked, girls giggled, the boys watching celebrated. For the second that it took her to complete the action, Melanie had shown us the pink part of her spread vagina and her small butthole; everything covered by her sweat giving a more lewd appearance. Jill nudged me and told me to shout something indecent or else she would have Melanie play ‘with a racket up her ass’.
“C-cute pussy!” I obeyed, to the cheers of the people around me. Melanie turned to look me at the face, she looked surprised to see me there; then furious.
Melanie served the ball; much better than the poor attempts I had made a few days ago. Her skirt went up and we got another look at that black mat of hair below. Answer, Melanie’s turn! Answer, Melanie’s turn! I blushed for her sake; the poor girl was showing so much even if she was still technically dressed. What was Jill getting out of this? I had heard rumors that she was – also – into girls, but that seemed like no reason to torture someone.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199047 “Thirty; Forty!” Melanie announced with comfort.
“She’s playing well,” praised her Jill. “Hey, Melanie!” she yelled again; “Aria here says that if you lose this game you have to take off your shirt!”
“W-what? I didn’t say that!” I loudly demurred. Jill drowned my voice by interrupting.
“And your bra! She also says you take off your bra!” then she quietly shushed me. “Shh! She’ll stop believing what I say! Play along, please; just have fun.” And back to Melanie she increased her volume: “and she says that if you win she’s taking off her towel!” she announced to the claps of people around us.
“I’m… I’m not taking off my towel; I’m not wearing anything underneath!” I protested to Jill.
“Don’t worry; you’re not actually going to. It’s just a little… extra motivation, look!”
Jill’s word had very noticeable effects on Melanie. The exchanges between her and the girl with big boobies were more intense. For once Melanie stopped being careful and just allowed her skirt to flutter and raise as she ran across the court to the point in which her pubes were more often visible than not.
“S-shit! Game… game for Natty,” Melanie spilled with a miserable expression. “Two, all!”
“Strip! Strip! Strip! Strip!” the audience chorused, Jill coaxed me to join.
Melanie succumbed to the pressure and took off her sweaty jersey, to a round of applause. She had a white brassiere underneath; it looked very uncomfortable to play sports with. The audience reverted to chant “Strip! Strip!” Between sobs, Melanie did just that. She unhooked her bra facing the audience, and bared her tits side for all to see. We all could judge that where of acceptable, Melanie’s were on the smaller side of sizes. Was there any point in her wearing clothes anymore? She put her cap back on, and dedicated me a stare of deep resentment; resuming her position on the court.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199048 “Next game is the set and match!” Jill decreed. “Aria says she’s giving you another chance, Melanie! You win the set and she bares it all; but she says that if you lose you’re going to regret it!”
“Could you stop putting words in my mouth?” I muttered, starting to get annoyed.
“It’s just so she plays better,” Jill sang in a very good mood. “Don’t worry about it!”
The one worried about it was Melanie. She got a second wind and was on fire the whole game. She opened with a return ace.
“W-well done!” the girl with the big boobs Melanie had called Natty congratulated. “Love; fifteen!”
Melanie jumped all over the place, her skirt was barely a factor anymore; and her tits bounced free from restraint, her brown nipples pointing at random places as she ran back and forth; yet Melanie’s size was discreet enough to not look too uncomfortable having the girls bouncing around.
“Fifteen; Forty!” Natty shouted somewhat disappointed. Melanie had managed a complete reversal of the last game.
a) Melanie wins the game. Jill goes back on her word and has Aria strip.
b) Melanie wins the game. Aria sees this coming and runs away, but ironically loses her towel while escaping.
c) Melanie wins the game. Aria refuses her forfeit since she didn’t promise anything. She challenges Jill to a stripping match if someone can get Aria some tennis clothes.
d) Melanie loses the game. Racket goes where??
e) Melanie loses the game and is made to give ten laps around the courts in the nude.
f) Melanie loses the game and it’s up to Aria to make her sing with a lovely voice.
Gnattering Yawn
Quoted By:
>>2199049 A or B. We've got Melanie all but naked so let's complete the set.
Wrong Person
>>2199049 C. Jill seems a little too stuck up. Would like to see her knocked down a peg or two. I can see Aria winning. Aria is not as experienced as Jill in tennis, but she should have a chance at winning with her cat reflexes and agility. It a good time to milk this cat transformation for its worth.
>>2199049 C, personally I would just as soon have Aria walk away before the match (leaving Melanie to her fate) is over to get back to Lisa, but given that just leaving wasn't an option the next best thing is putting Jill in her place.
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>>2199049 B. The rumor might be fun while about Aria's cat-ness and we can reveal it to the camp in a day or two.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
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>>2199086 I thought it would be an unsatisfying "reward" for neglecting giving back the tennis clothes for so long if you don't even get to see what Melanie gets done to him; but you can always choose another option than the implemented ones.
g) Leave before the match is over so Melanie gets punished by Jill.
h) Punch Jill right in the mouth and tell her to go fuck herself.
You can do anything you want that Aria can physically do or would choose under a specific set of circumstances (e.g. Aria wouldn't murder Jill, or jump to the moon).
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199049 I thought it would be an unsatisfying "reward" for neglecting giving back the tennis clothes for so long if you don't even get to see what Melanie gets done to her; but you can always choose another option than the implemented ones.
g) Leave before the match is over so Melanie gets punished by Jill.
h) Punch Jill right in the mouth and tell her to go fuck herself.
You can do anything you want that Aria can physically do or would choose under a specific set of circumstances (e.g. Aria wouldn't murder Jill, or jump to the moon).
Wrong Person
Quoted By:
>>2199091 I would rather have Aria beat Jill at her own game. That seems the best way to stick it to Jill.
...Though g and h sound great, I am still sticking to my C vote
>>2199083 SorrySleeping
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>>2199091 >e.g. Aria wouldn't murder Jill, or jump to the moon Thanks OP. There goes my hopes of One Punch Catgirl.
>>2199049 I vote C, but since Aria only has a towel to lose, if she loses she has to go to her cabin and give as many of her clothes as Jill is wearing -1, Jill choses which items she takes.
Gnattering Yawn
Quoted By:
>>2199099 I'm sticking with my current vote but I support this interpretation of C.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
Here's fun one! B was winning for over an hour, but C made a revenge and thus we switched!
Shame for the few paragraphs that had to be deleted.
>>2199049 Melanie eyed me, and immediately refocused her attention on her opponent with the huge jugs, ready to return the serve. Melanie was naked; she was technically wearing a skirt, but the thing was so flimsy and short that it had stuck itself all crumpled with sweat to part of her upper thigh; since we could see Melanie’s pussy and her breasts how could she be called anything but naked?
Natty, the girl with the big boobies, served. Melanie returned the ball and the fight began. I’m not much into sports, but it was still an exciting display of athletic ability; both of the players were far above what Carmen and I had shown yesterday. Natty gave a good fight; but Melanie was faster, maybe because she was carrying less clothes and less fat on her chest, and scored the final point.
“Well done, Melanie!” Jill congratulated, not looking the least disappointed she wouldn’t get to punish the small brunette. “Now, Aria. Aria, why are you standing all the way back?”
The point had been scored too quickly, so I didn’t have time to accomplish what I had set myself to do. Without anyone noticing, I had slowly moved backwards from the rest of the audience, and had intended to leave in silence because I had a bad feeling about what was going to happen.
“Don’t tell me you intend to escape without doing what you promised to Melanie,” Jill teased me, seeing I didn’t answer back and just kept walking in reverse very, very slowly.
“I didn’t promise anything. You did,” I opposed. “If the game is over, excuse me while I take my leave.”
“GET HER!” Melanie, naked and victorious shouted pointing at me with her racket.
“Sorry, Aria. It’s out of my hands now,” Jill shrugged while the audience got up and excitedly started chasing after.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199136 All had heard what Jill had shouted I would do if Melanie happened to win her match. I understood that they wanted a fair game and that the girl that risked so much and humiliated herself in public deserved to have her reward for winning after trying so hard.
Still, I wasn’t stripping for Melanie. I ran straight to the crowd that wanted to grab me, my escape route was past them. I easily dodged a girl, leapt above a boy, stepped on his face and leapt again; my hands carefully keeping my towel on its place at all times.
“Holy shit, did you see that?” the boy I stepped on asked his friend in astonishment.
“That girl…!”
“She’s not wearing anything under! And she shaves all her pubes!”
I grimaced in embarrassment, but kept running after my landing. My next obstacle was Natty. She didn’t try very hard to catch me, and I snuck between her legs. She wore white underpants, and was sweaty as all hell.
“I have you now,” Natty triumphantly bragged.
She couldn’t have caught me if her life depended on it; but still managed to stop me. The girl had gotten ahold of my towel and wouldn’t let go. It was already undone and I was desperately tugging it to cover my butt. The rest of the crowd cheered as they swiftly approached me.
“Jill! You promised! You promised!” I wailed. I didn’t want to be stripped in front of all these strangers.
“Alright, Natty; let her go,” Jill requested. Natty obeyed and I covered myself as I could; knowing full well that most people had already taken a good look at my upper body.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199138 I wasn’t the only one crying.
“Do you have any idea of what I had to go through today because of her?” Melanie bawled, covering her sweaty chest with her hands and walking slowly to keep her crotch hidden. “She said she would take it off, now have her do it, Jill!”
“Oh, that? That was only a little white lie to make you give it your best shot, Mel,” Jill confessed. “Aria here never actually wanted to have anything to do with this game of ours.”
The crowd got a little rowdy; they thought Melanie deserved something for her game. Jill took a while to appease them.
“How about it, Aria?” Jill reasoned, trying to keep people at bay. “Just give them a little show, a little peek here and there! They’ll leave you alone after. Come on! Most of them have already seen you naked before.”
“But that was your promise, not mine!” I loudly made myself heard over all the voices. “How about YOU give them a show!”
None of the girls even dared to say anything about it; although it did shut them up; but the guys readily cheered for my idea. Jill smugly smiled.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199140 “Is that a challenge I hear, Aria?” Jill put one ear next to my face. “Did you just challenge me to a match?” she asked again.
“She did! She just did!” many people chorused at once. “It’s a challenge! A match!”
“I approve, Aria has to challenge Jill to a tennis match!” Melanie asserted. I was not getting out of this one.
a) Odds are stacked against Aria; she’s going to play a match in a towel.
b) Jill offers Aria Melanie’s sweaty clothes and a clean pair of undies to even the odds.
c) Jill condescendingly offers to play Aria’s towel against all her clothes. First point wins.
Rules are the same as match against Carmen, except no giving up.
1) Loser gives up their uniform. In Aria’s case, that means her towel and the clothes Melanie is holding for her.
2) Loser may dress back up after ten laps around the courts with a racket up their ass.
3) Loser masturbates in front of crowd; recording is allowed.
Anything else?
I) If Aria wins, both Melanie and Jill have to do the forfeit. Forfeit 3 gets upgraded.
II) Don’t do the point by point tease; quick match. If you DO NOT pick this, Aria’s going to need to be smart about her plays and decide how much of her agility and anatomy she has to show in order to win. If you like the play by play slow stripping of the girls, you can vote negative II.
III) Bigger crowd! Go call more people (currently 11 people at the courts including Aria.).
Gnattering Yawn
>>2199142 A1, I'm angling to get Aria's wardrobe smaller and it'll be fun to see Aria's cat-agility in play when she's only got one hit point.
III sounds fun but I'm okay with or without it, works out either way.
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>>2199142 C, Jill seems so full of herself it seems really in character to take the bet this way.
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>>2199161 C, not A. Not sure why my phone changed thst.
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>>2199142 A
1+2(only laps around courts with racket up ass)+3
I have no idea if this combo is doable. If not, I change the vote to A/1/(-II)
>>2199142 Aren´t C and II the same thing?
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>>2199210 From what I gather, C means they only play one point while II means we don't have choices like in the match between Aria and Carmen.
Wrong Person
>>2199142 A. Aria should thoroughly crush Jill and destroy her ruling over the tennis courts. If Jill losses, with all the advantages she had over Aria, Jill will be extremely humiliated by the defeat alone, the forfeits will be icing on the cake.
If Aria is able to make quick modifications to the towel, she will be able to focus on the match better. If not, Jill probably will not play seriously for most of the match anyway and Aria can use that to her advantage.
lll. I want to maximize Jill's humiliation. Plus a bigger crowed witnessing Aria's victory will make Aria an undisputed queen of the tennis court (Assuming that Jill is the best tennis player at the Camp).
It would be so so sweat to see Jill thoroughly humiliated .
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
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>>2199210 They both shorten the stripping of the girls. The last match faced criticism of being overly long, as by necessity a single part only entailed removing a single piece of clothing. Being a long-winded kind of fellow, I personally loved it.
C makes the match last one point; II gives the voters the choice of who wins instead of making it a puzzle/game.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2199226 You didn't include a 1-3 vote, and if you want to maximize Jill's humiliation you could consider that.
>>2199151 In light of the rest of the votes, I'd like to extend my vote to A, 1 or 1/2/3, -II and III. Basically I want 1 as part of the stakes even if 2 and 3 are in play too.
Wrong Person
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>>2199230 Thanks Gnattering Yawn. I can't believe I forgot to add those to my votes.
>>2199226 I vote for 1,2, and 3
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199142 “The whole thing about games, sets, matches, advantage and such would be too much for your pretty little head,” Jill condescended. “We’ll do it like last time, like your match against your friend. Carmen, wasn’t it? There is not giving up in this game, be warned.”
The crowd cheered, they loved what they were hearing; no one even bothered to tell me what I thought about it. There was no denying that my situation had improved; now I didn’t absolutely and positively needed to undress in front of a bunch of people; now I had to lose in a tennis match first.
“Give her a handicap,” one of the boys suggested. “Come on, Jill. Make it interesting. Give this girl a chance.”
Jill was so full of herself she acquiesced to the suggestion at once.
“Name your terms,” she instructed to me.
I didn’t think hard about it, I knew something I wanted. “If you lose, Melanie suffers the same fate,” I had to sit watching Melanie getting humiliated because I felt guilty Jill was bothering her due to my constant… involuntary acquisition of her clothes; but she had shown to be spiteful and unsympathetic to my cause, and I didn’t struggle to remember how annoying she was.
“Deal,” Jill conceded. “But then we have to make it more interesting. Melanie is basically already naked, as you can see,” Jill pointed at her and made her self-conscious by having the small crowd take notice again of her miserable state of clothing.
“Then loser, or losers,” I emphasized, “give up their clothes to the winners. If I will I get your uniform and whatever Melanie was wearing.”
“And you give up your little towel and the clothes you lent to Melanie last time;” Jill added.
“You got it.”
I had already given those as a loss already, anyway. If I wanted payback all I had to do is not give Melanie’s stuff back. Nobody mentioned it, after all. That wasn’t my fault.
“So, those are your terms?” Jill mocked me.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199246 “And the loser gives a show to the crowd! I will play with myself, and you and your minion can fuck” I bluntly stated, wanting to shut her up.
“Holy… really? Do you realize what you’re getting into, Aria?” Jill asked for confirmation. “This is your last term? Think about it. I’ll give you another chance.”
“What, are you scared?” I taunted. Did she think I needed an advantage? If she thought I was the sluggish and weak girl from before she had another thing coming.
“As you wish, then. Go ahead and get on your side of the court. I’ll let you pick which,” Jill turned and began to walk to the nearest court. The whole place was focused on us, now. There wasn’t even a pretense of other people playing.
I took a look at the sky. The sun didn’t bother me on the slightest anymore, my eyes now adjusted the light as needed, but denying an advantage was just plain dumb. I picked the north side of the court, but both sides looked more or less the same as far as lighting went.
“Melanie, you keep up the score,” Jill ordered. “And dress back up; I doubt Aria wants the attention that she’s going to get to get spread.”
Jill was being mean to Melanie again. Even if she put her clothes back on, Melanie was still not wearing panties and from the high chair in the middle of the court I could tell everyone had a very good view to her private areas; but that wasn’t a concern of mine anymore. Jill could order her to run around with a racket up her ass for all I cared.
“One last thing,” I requested as a girl handed me a racket. “I… can anyone lend me some clothes?”
“Sorry, Aria. You had your chance,” Jill shrugged.
“You should have said something when Jill asked you about your terms, dummy,” Melanie elaborated.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199247 “Wait! I can’t play in a towel!” I pointed out something that should have been common sense.
“Then stand there while I score so you can go back naked to your cabin with all these people following,” Jill said like she didn’t care, why would she? “I gave you a chance.”
“Time out, then!” I demanded.
“Wait!" One of the boys at the audience shouted. “Jill, give it a minute. I’ve called a friend from the poolside; people are coming to watch the game!”
a) No time out. Aria better be ready because it’s starting (audience starts smaller).
b) Aria breaks her towel into three long strips of cloth. One covers her breasts, two make a loincloth (very easy to move around, gives Aria two items of clothing to lose).
c) Aria makes a hole in the middle of her towel for the head, and fashions herself a tunic (susceptible to upskirts).
d) (Optional, not mutually exclusive) Aria is at least given a hat. That’s an extra item to lose.
//Bear in mind that Aria is perfectly capable of losing the game. She might be superhuman in some points, but Jill is no easy opponent to be stomped on.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2199248 I, in particular, am in favour of Aria losing the game, as it will bring Aria closer to running out of clothes entirely. The towel in particular is something she only has one of, and not having a towel makes every shower a risk of clothes-theft.
As such, A or C, and -D.
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>>2199248 B and D. Aria needs every advantage she can get.
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>>2199250 Then vote B, breaks her towell.
>>2199248 B, D
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>>2199248 B+D, gunna be honest I want to see Jill put in her place way more then the loss of a single outfit.
Wrong Person
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>>2199248 I am voting B and D. Aria will still have the odds stacked against her, but at least she will have a fighting chance.
Though I was tempted to chose A or C. Then Aria will only have one clothing item and Jill will probably have 4 or 5. Seem too harsh when I think about it. Though the small odds of winning would make Aria's victory will be all the sweeter.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199248 “There’s your time out,” Jill smiled to me. “If you want to get something to fix what you’re wearing, you better hurry. People are on their way,” she worried for me sarcastically.
Playing tennis wearing a towel was unfeasible; I might have as well been wearing nothing at all. Thinking on my feet, I decided to make a sacrifice and ran to the high chair Melanie was on.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, but I didn’t humor her with a response.
I hid behind the small structure, gave my back to the people watching and removed my towel. As expected, people immediately took notice and some even stood up from their places to try and get a better view. I had to be quick.
My nails tore through cloth with surprising ease. I cut the cloth into strips. I used one to tie around my chest. By the time I was done two boys had already come close to me and were giving me a hard time. My legs were closed and my back was against the high chair, so they didn’t see anything important, but they didn’t let me proceed.
Jill surprised me by sending them away, telling them to wait for the show after she won. With that relative peace I used the two remaining strips to fashion myself a sort of diaper thing that left absolutely nothing to the imagination on the back, and a dumb-looking primitive skirt that covered my butt.
Still very ashamed of my appearance, as it was worse than being in plain underwear, I came from behind cover and submitted myself to judgment. Jill was the first to take a shot at me.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199292 “Very primal. Roar! Or is it meow?” she mocked. “Where did you get the tail?”
There was no way in hell to hide the tail with my newly improvised skimpy cloth bikini; so I just had to embrace it. People who looked at my ears or eyes just assumed they were props and moved on, I hoped my tail would face the same treatment.
Not having my tail all crumped inside felt nice; I just had to remember not to move it much. Even walking felt different, and not in a bad way.
Jill moved to let the audience take a look at me. I received a wolf whistle and plenty of approval for what I had done. Nobody was complaining, so it was a tacit approval that it was permitted.
“Here,” Jill handed me a baseball cap after shamelessly lifting my new skirt to take a look at my improvised bikini bottoms. The hat was red and smelled like sweat; but it was neither Jill’s nor Melanie’s; yet I could tell the scent was feminine. “That takes you up to four clothes to take off. Call that mercy. By the way, neither the tail nor the ears count.”
When Jill wasn’t looking I made two holes on the hat for my ears; I felt nothing messing up her stuff; and Jill was so arrogant that it had started to worry me. I might need all my new senses and abilities, after all.
The boy who I owed my time out to was not lying. Our audience size doubled when newcomers made it to the courts. I was relieved to see that they were of mixed gender as opposed to all boys, as I had feared. Mostly everyone was wearing swimsuits, a girl was wearing a bath towel, and I recognized a few faces. One of them was Erika.
“Aria, your tail is out,” she noted, running to me after friendly greeting Jill. “Are you seriously competing in tennis against Jill? She’s won some very big deal tournaments, you know?”
“The situation got out of control so quickly!” I squealed, trying to explain myself.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199293 I was very glad to have Erika there, and wanted to discuss more of what was going on with her, but my Time Out was just over. Everyone was on their seat, and people were jeering for the thing to start.
“Who serves?” the girl who handed me the racket looked undecided who to hand the ball to.
“Her,” Jill signaled at me. “She’s the one who challenged me. Let her throw the first ball. I hope she has learned to serve, because that middle-field thing she was doing with her friend isn’t going to cut it here.”
The ball was thrown at me, I caught it. It is true that my arm strength didn’t feel all that different even back then, but I had a good idea on how to serve. It was easy.
The problem was that when you served with a downwards swing, the ball went down; all you needed was more altitude. I tossed the ball higher than probably any serious tennis player would ever consider, and when I thought it was a good distance, I took a huge jump upward; at least my own height. I hit that sucker with all I had.
“Point… point to Aria!” Melanie announced, impressed.
I had just taken Jill by surprise by serving just after the ball had been handed to me, in a way no one would think someone would serve. It had been an Ace.
Jill readily threw her visor in a random direction. The crowd wasn’t even cheering. It had been too unexpected. Jill looked much more serious now
Maybe I could win this, after all.
a) Aria remembers her match with Carmen and assumes a two-handed stance.
b) Aria assumes a one handed stance, but with one hand on the ground.
c) Aria crouches down.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2199294 Well, I still kinda want Aria to lose so she doesn't get her set of clothes back, but it'll also be satisfying to see her catgirl athletics in full force.
And it's not like there's an 'Aria loses' button so I'll just vote C since that sounds like something impressive in the works.
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>>2199294 C, alright I'll bite this seems like it leads somewhere interesting.
Also where was the link to the pastebin with the physical discriptions of each character? I'm no master, but I feel like taking a crack at drawing a couple of these girls.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2199303 I have the link, but it's expired so we'll need Camp of Dares to make an updated version first.
You could probably get a lot of it from the start of the story though (j33PCQMC)
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199303 >>2199305 Here you go: iFjStMsJ
It's still not fully updated, as it doesn't state the people on the audience right now, so I can write if something notable goes on yet.
As a note, positions on the camp are about to run out. If anyone wanted to make their own character, this is about their last chance.
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>>2199305 >>2199308 Cool thank you both
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>>2199297 We can do both, since Jill does have a set of clothes. Aria can get some cheeky points before Jill gets super serious.
>>2199294 C, cat powers activate!
Wrong Person
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>>2199294 C. What I think Aria is trying to do is do a runner's crouch (with both hands on the ground?). Then launch herself to wherever Jill hits the ball with a burst of speed.
Also if her racket is on/close to the ground then Aria could potentially produce topspin for her return shot if she does it right.
It is only the start of the match, see this experiment can work.
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>>2199294 C, Sounds much more cute.
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>>2199294 C
I want our girl to win
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C for Aria to win and Jill and Melanie to put on a show
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199294 Now the odds were even. I was wearing four things, Jill was wearing four things. I doubted I could score an ace again, but the tactic of doing the unexpected was a good one.
Jill retrieved the ball in a very cool way, using her racket to sort of make it bounce back into her hand; just seeing her do it made me want to try it. If the rules were the same as with the match with Carmen, that meant that after I scored a point I would be served against.
The crowd had finally realized what I had done. I could hear talk going on all over the place. The point I just scored was not free; people were noting that there was just no one who could jump that high. The boy who… saw what I wasn’t wearing underneath when my towel was actually a towel commented how I jumped on his face. People were trying to get recording devices out; but Jill’s friends didn’t let them, and even threatened with stopping the match. They didn’t record my match against Carmen either, maybe they had something against it?
In any case, I couldn’t lose, either; people would find out my tail – who no one had linked to my leap as far as I could hear – was attached to me and that would be worse than being considered a super-jumper. Winning was my only option, and unexpected was the name of the game.
Jill didn’t allow me much time for contemplation. I didn’t have the courtesy to announce when I was going to serve, so she did the same.
I was going all-in. Just as I did when expecting to attack Stone, I went into all fours in preparation, the racket barely on my hand, my eyes dead set on Jill. She threw the ball above herself, and with a very graceful maneuver she hit it to my direction.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199432 The very instant I knew her racket had made contact with the ball, I leapt to action. Propelling myself in a way that would have made me surely crash into something yesterday, I sprang forward. The wind rushing through my face reminded me of taking my hand out of the car as a kid; the air felt nearly solid; it was as if someone had sent ME out with a racket.
I made it to the ball Jill had sent shortly before it had a chance to bounce on my side of the field. I used all my four limbs to break, skidding. The ball had already bounced by the time I had more or less stopped; I lifted the racket and sent the ball right back just previous to it gaining more than a few inches altitude.
“Point to Aria!” Melanie was forced to admit, long after the ball had already scored.
I could see in Jill’s face that she did not expect what I just had done. I hadn’t sent a powerful fastball she could then run to answer; my score was made by the ball bouncing twice just next to the net. There was no way Jill could have caught it if she didn’t know it was coming. I hadn’t done it in purpose, just answered the ball as soon as I could.
Nobody seemed to care about my technique, anyway; roars from the audience evidence that what was impressive was the speed with which I had just approached the ball. Discussions erupted people not being let film what I just did, or explanations about what had just happened.
Jill went to the net to pick up the ball. We locked eyes with each other.
“What was that?” she genuinely seemed to want an actual answer, she had been left dumbfounded. I shrugged. “What are you?” she asked.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199433 My feat of speed had drawn so much attention than by the time the discussion had died down and people were quiet again Jill had already removed her skirt and no one had really paid any mind to it. At the very least her white with pink panties were appreciated once the situation was calm again.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m going to start taking this seriously, you little monster,” Jill sibilated, looking a little scared. “That’s the last time you catch me by surprise.”
We’ll see about that.
1) Do it again, I bet I can catch the ball even before it bounces this time!
2) I picked this side of the field for a reason. Try to blind Jill with the sun.
3) Time for unexpected is over. Assume a two-handed stance and just use my new speed.
4) Don’t even hit the ball; just let it bounce off my racket. Who needs strength when you have speed?
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2199434 1. We're being flashy and I'm sure Jill will find it easy enough to counter if she knows what we're doing.
Barring that, 3.
>>2199434 4.
Aria might be getting too cocky, before trying to do what she just did again, leading to her losing two quick points.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2199441 I'll back that, yeah. Switch my vote to 1 or 4 since both are cocky.
Wrong Person
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>>2199434 4. I am not sure if Aria's arm strength has improved. Better to use her leg strength. Plus Jill will probably hit the ball hard, which means Aria can return the ball using little arm strength.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
Nah, letters are better-looking, after all. What do you people think?
>>2199434 My skid on the asphalt had been unexpected; I didn’t even realize I was so fast that I needed brakes! Surprisingly, my bare feet felt just fine, even my hands weren’t burned or anything, just hurt a bit. I kind of scratched the racket.
How fast was I, exactly? I knew I was revealing my abilities in front of around a dozen and a half onlookers; but it felt so exciting to have the gasping and admire my feats. I wanted to see what I was capable of.
Jill served with a powerful downwards swing. I answered it, barely. Reacting to the ball was easy, judging where it landed was easy, getting to it was easy; giving it back was another story. Jill was not burly! How could a slender girl like herself hit balls so hard?
I was the one caught off guard by something unexpected this time. Jill took her time aiming my slow ball and gave another tremendous hit to my left. Even if I was a little late, I still marveled the crowd by barely catching it. I had made a little spin and leapt like I was a soccer goalie trying to make a catch, answering back and quickly rolling and springing back to my feet.
Jill sent the ball back right away. I jumped to meet the ball before I bounced, eager to try something I had discovered during my last jump. I just held my racket in front of me like it was some sort of shield, a hand on each edge; really hoping my grab was legal.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199457 The ball bounced back without me having to do anything about it! I still felt the pressure of the surprising strength Jill had packing on her arms, but it was to a lesser degree and I didn’t even have to defeat it to send it back.
I could see a smirk on Jill’s face. Did she think what I was doing was a bad idea? The rebound I had used to answer was slow; Jill again had time to aim; and she hit it with a double-handed forearm right swing, like she was playing baseball.
I rushed to the net and employed the tactic again. I held the racket and the fastball bounced back. Jill had not taken into account how fast I could get to the ball and paid dearly for it.
“Point to Aria!” Melanie announced. “Again…” she muttered.
For someone saying that she wouldn’t be caught off-guard anymore, Jill was surely caught off-guard a lot. Jill didn’t seem that mad about it, actually just looked impressed. The crowd had finally come to expect flashy moves from me and limited to clap.
Jill wasn’t a sore loser, she took off her vest. Under it, she was wearing white shirt, it was a bit transparent, and would turn much more so when she actually started sweating.
“Relax, I’m not wearing a bra,” Jill admitted, since my face had shortly betrayed me and displayed concern for her taking off only a vest. To prove her point, she bunny hopped in place, making her well-developed, but not massive breasts bounce. “How the hell do you run that fast? Maybe I should use a cheetah buttplug next game,” she panted.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199459 “It’s not a buttplug!” I assumed she meant my tail.
“Then why do you jump like I someone had inserted a stick up your ass?” she joked, I fumed, taking offense to her remark.
“Anyways, you should come here more often,” she became serious. “I think you have lots of potential; so don’t get discouraged after your loss, and don’t be afraid to give me a call if you want a trainer.”
“Big talk for someone down two points,” I derided, hoping it wasn’t coming too harsh. She was actually still friendly and upbeat despite it all.
“That cheesy thing you did isn’t going to work again, so don’t even try it,” Jill warned. “You are amazing, Aria; you got cat-like reflexes, you’re the fastest girl your size I’ve ever seen bar none, and you have some strong legs; but you’re an inexperienced player and you’re going to lose because of that.”
Jill condescendingly, but kindly patted my head over the cap and turned her back.
a) Teach Jill that actually my tactic would work again just fine.
b) She called me fast. Maybe I can try the same thing I did with Carmen? Side to side.
c) Try to hit Jill’s serve before it even has a chance to bounce.
d) Try something even flashier; try to dive the ball from above, score with strength for once.
e) Teach Jill I’m more than cheesy tactics. Make a double-handed stance and start using the actual basics of tennis.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2199460 A or D. Aria's being really flashy right now and it's about time for Jill to score a point or two.
You need technique to win at tennis, a noob managing that well against a regular player breaks my SOD.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2199464 There's a good amount of wiggle room in my SOD for taking someone by surprise with superhuman skills - an experienced tennis player is going to be familiar with what normal tennis players can do and not what superhumans can.
That said, Jill's got Aria's measure now. Aria can't take Jill by surprise with super jumps or stuff like that anymore so Jill should have the advantage back now.
(To Camp of Dares, if you've been using dice rolls to model Aria and Jill's performance, you can model this by increasing the number Aria has to hit or giving Jill's roll a bonus if you're not doing something like that already)
Wrong Person
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>>2199460 E. Aria will wear herself out if she keeps doing flashy moves all the time. Even though Jill has the advantage of technique, Aria should try the basics and conserve stamina for a point or two.
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>>2199460 B, Jill will have far more stamina then Camren did, but it is still a lot of distance to cover and Aria's return speed will be noticably higher then when facing Camren.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2199457 > Nah, letters are better-looking, after all. What do you people think? I like the letters as default too. They fit better.
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>>2199460 I want to vote for Aria gets a point
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
Whenever concerned, bring up the issues that concern you. I'm not infallible; if people agree there's a screw up, it's likely so.
I'll give justifications, be sure to call me out if you believe me wrong.
>>2199464 Peter Parker was not a jock when he became Spider Man at 16; but even then he would have dominated a tennis circuit.
I'm not trying to say Aria can compare to an actual superhero; but she's still superhuman.
RT: 65 ms.
TS: 35 mph (all-fours, 200-300 ft) and growing.
VJ: 11 ft and growing.
That said, Jill was pro-level 2 years ago and actually holds the advantage over Aria; she's not just talk.
>>2199470 I wish I was using dice, I do! My ideas of leaving stuff to lady luck have never been well-received.
There's wrong and right choices, that's the black-box. First choice Aria had 66% to surprise Jill, then a 50-50; now she's got a 40%; and every time it gets harder to beat her.
>>2199500 Even if she has superhuman speed and flexibility, it's not enough to get an ace on her first ever smash-service against an almost pro-level player. You have to control the ball's trajectory to hit the correct area while giving enough speed and angle to keep the opponent from returning it. At the very least, her first service should have been a double fault.
There is the same problem with the subsequent points. It doesn't matter how superhuman Aria's speed and reflexes are, if she doesn't know how to return any ball other than a flat then she won't return it correctly to the opponent's area, let alone return it an a dangerous way. Instead, she made ZERO fault and actually leads 40-love, my SOD is in pieces.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199506 Then we better solve that before carrying on. Live and learn. Gonna need your help for this one.
There was a strong call for giving Aria an even chance against Jill; so I gave each four pieces of clothing, giving the first point to Aria as a gift. That's just the plot armor. Now for the play:
She jumped "at least her own height", hitting the ball around 11-12 feet from above if we count her arm and racket. The superhuman feat alone surprised everyone enough (the crowd was silent, then riled up) that Aria scored a surprise Ace.
Gonna have to ask your SOD to let the ball make it to Jill's side from that height.
On her second point, Jill served from 1. Aria made the distance from 2 to 3 in a single leap at the same time the ball made it from 1 to 3. Jill was still standing at 1 at this point. Aria hit the ball just barely; it weakly bounced twice at 4. It is stated Aria didn't quite meant to do that.
For the last point, Jill answered Aria's pitifully slow return at 1; Aria was at 2. Jill thought she had this one on the bag and smashed to 3. Aria raced the ball and reached it, bouncing it back to 4. Aria had been bouncing the ball back with her leaping force, she's not great at aiming.
I might be mistaken, but you seem passionate about the topic. Can you make sense of the points scored until now, or there's just no salvaging it?
>>2199506 While you make an interesting point, I just can't bring myself to care. Aria basiclly has a low level of celerity constantly active with even a little practice she would be at olympic levels. A long list of technicals makes for a bad story, and I want Aria to win. Also angles of deflection are not actually as complex as you make them sound or did you sleep though middle school geometery. I say carry on OP!
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>>2199460 A. It's not letting me post on mobile for some reason. Something about ISP or IP range being blocked.
>>2199506 So you can accept someone transforming into a catgirl, but not some cheating at tennis physics to have a good fap
>>2199515 The second point doesn't work, the service can't go to 3, it should go either to middle/centre-right or middle/centre-left. The ball bouncing weakly for that return means she should have lost the point since it wouldn't have made it past the net. And Jill can't stand at 1 to serve if she knows the slightest thing about tennis, she should serve from the middle of the same line while remaining on the left half of her area.
For the third point, how did Aria hit the return in 2? That's impossible, you can't return an almost pro-level first serve from before the far line of your area.
My advice is the following: Don't write a point-by-point tennis match if you have no idea how tennis works. It's like writing a step-by-step chirurgy operation without knowing anything about basic anatomy. Just say "Aria somehow won thanks to her new superhuman abilities and Jill underestimating her."
>>2199519 Someone transforming into a catgirl is magic, as long as it follows internal coherency, it's fine for me. I'm just pointing out things that disturb me as a tennis amateur. I'm not nitpicking for the sake of it, this honestly got me out of the story. I thought it was okay to say it when it happened. It seems I was wrong.
>>2199524 There is pointing it out then there is being autistic about it. Can we just all agree to cool our jets and fap to a catgirl, her goth gf, and her new 'bimbo' master?
Gnattering Yawn
>>2199516 One thing I can tell about Camp of Dares is that he cares about getting things right. If there's ambiguity in whether something is realistic according to the premise and the world, then papering over the cracks and forgetting about it would just feel wrong (correct me if I'm being presumptuous there).
I admit that I am also approaching this from a different bias, because I want Aria to lose and so 'it doesn't matter if Aria's plays shouldn't have won, we can fudge things a little' feels bad to me too.
I repeat that I believe Aria's superhuman skills do give a very sizable surprise advantage against Jill, who not only watched Aria's performance the other day but is used to human opponents, so without reason to question it it makes sense to me. But if it turns out that wouldn't be enough, I agree that it's wrong to just ignore the inconsistency.
>>2199519 Using fantasy elements to justify inconsistent writing just gives fantasy elements a bad name. Here it's from being not an expert at the topic instead of just lazy, but all the same it can lead to inconsistencies that hurt immersion, and there being supernatural elements in the setting simply does not change that.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199524 So no salvaging it? Fuck. Damn my ignorance.
Thanks, anyway. And you're perfectly okay pointing it out in my book; I wish you just could have been sooner; we seem to be past the point of no return; I already fucked it up.
Still, there must be a puzzle so there's chances to win or lose, and the story update can't be 600 characters long. Worst case-scenario we're just going to have to bullshit our way through in the least painful way possible and hopefully you can forgive me for it.
If you wish to give me tennis lessons to make the next part, you can post a link for me to contact you and I'll follow.
>>2199526 Don't worry, the story will update soon. Just making sure there's no royal and absolute screw ups.
>>2199527 It's as SorrySleeping says; I'm afraid. My autistic tendencies can't leave it alone. In my defense, if I wasn't in the spectrum probably updating and writing at the rate I've done so far would not be possible.
>>2199527 Yeah, I may have been a bit harsh and for that I'm sorry. But I played tenis myself for a couple years, I was never amazing at it (didn't have the stamina for the back and forth) but I did have a very mean smash serve with my six foot hight and 3 foot vertical leap so I fully believe an 11f leap would be a piece of cake smash.
>>2199529 Sorry, it was really the repeatition of unbelievable things that got me out of the story. Like you said, if it was just the first point, my SOD could have dealt with it with a "Huh, okay whatever." Even for the second point, my SOD came up with a "okay, Jill was so surprised by Aria's inhuman prowess that she forgot she was playing tennis". There was no such surprise factor for the third point to get my mind off the nonsense.
I'm fine with Aria winning, by the way. There will be good enf in either case. But please don't make it one sided for Aria, it wouldn't make any sense.
Pic-related is a basic short exchange serve/return/winning hit. Notice the server's position and the serve trajectory. Most often, you'll have either that or a ball aimed center, but hitting the opponent's area at the same distance of the net.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2199531 Yeah, especially taking Jill by surprise (I mean, Aria was within normal parameters against Carmen) that'd be hard to respond to properly. I can see where Camp of Dares is coming from, though, since I'm also particularly disturbed by internal inconsistency when I see it.
>>2199526 Sorry if I sounded a little upset in my reply to you, the topic *is* one that bothers me but being irritated probably didn't help the tone of the conversation and it was a tangent that I could have just left alone. At least things have lightened up again.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199534 The system right now is to make right and wrong choices. Right choices score a point, wrong choices make Jill score a point. It can be one-sided either way; Aria can score every point, or lose every point. Jill's chances grow with every passing choice (more % of wrong choices), other than that it's out of my hands.
I watched a few episodes of Prince of Tennis about a decade ago, and played another racket sports for a while. That's all my experience, it definitely wasn't enough.
Can I convince you to post a link so I can contact you and have a chat? Running by you a few ideas would let the story make more sense. We're 5 points away at the absolute most; so it can't take that long.
>>2199537 There is no need to go as far as having a chat just for that, just have Jill dominate but somehow hitting balls out by a very small margin when people voted for a choice that makes Aria win. Or do stuff like "Jill hit with the side of her racket and the ball went haywire", or "Aria's ball luckily hit the upper part of the net but still made it past it while losing all momentum so Jill couldn't get it". That sort of thing that, while being improbable, are completely possible. If you think "Jill loses" instead of "Aria wins", it should be fine.
I'm going to sleep, anyway. The simplest thing for me would be to resume the story after the match is over.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199538 Shit. Oh, well. Prince of Tennis Clown Fiesta it is.
At least I'll try to be vague as you suggested
You'd be better off skipping to the stripping when (if) you come back.
>>2199536 I know you want Aria to lose; but your deductions often hit very close to the truth, the other voters (who want Aria to win) read your arguments, and I'm assuming they pick the right thing they want to happen based on it. You're working against yourself.
>>2199460 Jill had the serve again. I knew what to expect this time; but not for that it was any easier to give back. Her arm strength was still leagues above mine and if I hadn’t learned how to bounce her ball back using mostly my legs and hips I would be in trouble.
Jill had an easy time following up my ball, and sent it to my far right; her movements had completely changed in accordance to mine. She wasn’t smashing anything so I could bounce it, her balls were never low enough for me to easily underhand them and she had deduced after our first exchange this point that were was no point in having me run from side to side if I could always reach it.
Meanwhile, I was having trouble executing the strategy that granted me victory against Carmen. I still hadn’t learned to properly aim, but I knew that forehands went to my left and backhands to my right… mostly.
Jill had no trouble keeping that pace up. Not only was she faster than Carmen, she seemed to be in much better shape and while I was still sure I could have run laps around her in a race, after a few exchanges I was hurting for air.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199550 The second Jill heard a gasp from my mouth, she switched he swings again. “Aria, fetch!” she had the breath to spare to shout and sent me chasing a ball to my far left, then the right. I still had no problem getting to the ball; it was not an issue about slowing down. I just know that at a point nearby in the future I would just not have the gas to even attempt to make it.
“Out! Point to Aria!” Melanie shouted loud and clear.
Jill had stolen my strategy of sending the ball from side to side and in an attempt to maximize the inches I had to run, she had sent a ball out to the sidelines.
“Shit!” she cursed. This was completely on her; she honestly would have had me in a short while.
The audience cheered, this had been our longest and most intense point yet; and now apparently they got to see titties.
Jill did not seem winded up, but her shirt was still already transparent for the sweat accumulated near the breast area. There was no hiding the color her clear nipples or the shape and size of her areolas anymore.
If I could have wanted further proof she wasn’t wearing a bra, Jill removed her shirt overhead to cheering and chanting, but mercifully no phones being brandished yet. All she had remaining were her panties.
It was nice meeting Jill’s tits. Jill was well-endowed without her size being a problem for her stuff to bounce at the court and have her slow down, another advantage she had over Carmen. Jill was proudly displaying her near-nudity, holding her shoulders back and walking straight; but still there was a certain blush on her face not caused by the physical activity.
“WOOO! Tits!” a boy in the audience shouted unnecessarily loudly.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199551 “Calm yourself, you’re going to have a heart attack,” Jill snidely remarked. She turned to me. “That was a mistake; there will be no more of those. Sorry, Aria; but the gloves are coming off.”
I had been given a small window to catch my breath while Jill undressed, but not as much as I would’ve liked, and by now I knew better than to ask for time out for the girl who had her tits out in front of her audience, some of which were her friends.
Yet, I couldn’t think of anything else. I was out of surprises to give to Jill. What use was my speed when she could return any ball I could send with ease? What good were my huge leaps and bouncing tactics when she deliberately made it impossible for me to make use of them?
Jill might be the one standing with nothing but a cute pair of cotton white panties with pink sides with a flower pattern and from what I could see when she turned, exhibiting the outer quarter of her toned glutes; but I seemed to be the one in trouble.
a) Volley the balls as high as I can so hopefully Jill can get blinded by the sun.
b) If the basics won’t do, try to be flashy. Try to catch a ball from above and smash it with all my weigh from as high as I can.
c) I can’t get thrown into her pace. Go all out and save nothing for the rest of the game.
//There is only one right choice, and it's based on my flawed logic. So good luck!
Gnattering Yawn
>>2199552 Everyone, Jill needs to start winning. Not so that Aria can lose, but so that this fight can actually hold tension. Aria's trounced Jill every round so far, a rank beginner (if catgirl) against a tennis pro. If Aria has a flawless victory, not only does that undermine the very foundation of Jill's characterization, making her status just empty words, but it robs the fight of all satisfaction because it becomes identical to Aria trouncing an amateur.
Frankly, I don't know what option is the winning vote, but I'm voting A because I hope that Jill will pull out at least one win and make the fight mean something.
>>2199552 >>2199557 You make a good point about the tension, though what makes me wonder is
>> First choice Aria had 66% to surprise Jill, then a 50-50; now she's got a 40%; and every time it gets harder to beat her. I'm not sure if it decreses every point or just on Aria's points. and if it is every point I fear winning may be impossible soon.
That being said high lobs are easier to do so Aria might recover a tad or at least not lose much more stamina so I could go for A if only for a touch of tension.
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>>2199557 I agree, aria needs to lose a few points, if for no other reason to have two topless girls playing tennis.
I can't say which I feel is right to do this, so I'm just following A. High volleys will be easy to rebound, sun or not.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
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>>2199563 First choice 2 out of 3 options made Aria win (66%).
Second choice, 2 out of 4 options made Aria win (50%).
Third choice, 2 out of 5 options made Aria win (40%).
Fourth choice, 1 out of 3 options will make Aria win (33%).
Next choice, 1 out of 4 options will make Aria win. (25%).
So on and so forth.
Wrong Person
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>>2199552 A. Seem this option consumes the least amount of stamina. But If things go wrong, Jill will perform a smash shot off of this and score.
If this does not work,then Aria is going to have to go all out. Unless there is a smarter option.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199552 Last point was only Jill getting greedy. I was out to all advantages I could think to exploit, save for one; the sun. I honestly had no idea how the sun bothered Jill because I had no frame of reference. I knew for a fact that it wasn’t any issue to me; but that might be just because of my eyes; I remembered the sun giving Carmen some trouble last time.
It was worth a shot, I had to take the bet.
Jill served with less strength than usual, so it was easier to return. She seemed to be taking it easy all of sudden, playing more conservatively. What was most admirable is that despite all the demoralizing verbal abuse she was tolerating she had her head on the game and didn’t let it get to her. People were talking and commenting about the shape and size of her boobs all around; people were checking out her butt and every time I returned a ball and Jill was forced to move, or whenever she stroke – both times the moments Jill bounced the most – loud ‘wooos’ exploded in the crowd; they were even annoying to me.
My strategy was using my racket like a frying pan and shoveling all my swings as high up as I could. I thought Jill’s lack of visor would prove her undoing in me scoring the point that would take care of her panties.
I was quickly proven wrong. Jill answered three of those balls easily. The first time she took a look at the angle I was making and predicted the general area where it would fall without even having to look up. The ball was so slow that she got it in the second bounce. The second she humiliated me further by taking a quick look above for an estimate and then looking at the shadow. She smashed it just to prove she could even catch the ball before it made it to the court; I bounced that back.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199598 The third and last ball she answered, she proved yet another flaw on my plan as she simply used her hand as a visor. She hadn’t made an attempt at hiding her titties, why would I think she wouldn’t do that if she wanted? Jill looked up, again just to show me how many counters she had to my strategy, and then sent the ball to my right corner.
It was a hard ball to get; I needed to leap for it. Jill afterwards just lightly dipped my answer while I was still recovering. Again, she was just showing that she could even work around my speed if she wanted to.
“I’m going to win, Aria,” she predicted.
“Point to Crosier!” Melanie finally sounded happy in her announcement.
“Jill is fine, if you please,” Jill requested.
The crowd was supportive of me, though. All the males jeered in unison; no doubt hoping that they’d instead to see Jill taking off her last piece of clothing. Jill quickly changed their attitude. She gave them her back and turned her heard to wink at them as she exposed the beginning of her butt crack.
“Jill’s the best!”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199600 And just like that she had them in favor of her victory. My only consolation is that I had recovered my breath from last time. I wasn’t at a hundred percent yet, but I was ready for another endurance test if that’s what it took to win; because I hoped there was actually a way to win.
a) Go all out with the stamina I have saved.
b) Give up next point. Jill’s being more conservative and careful now. If I can do the same, I can devise an actual strategy for next point! Maybe.
c) Do an Aerial Ace service smash with all the height I can possibly get and bet on it (it won’t be fault despite realism issues; that’d be just too anticlimactic).
d) Act tired and barely answer every ball. Bait and switch.
I can’t complain about taking something off when Jill’s the way she is.
1) Take off the hat. It’s useless.
2) Take off the skirt. It’s the logical choice, hat covers the ears.
3) Take off the bikini. I feel it slipping anyway; I don’t have upskirts problem as of right now and if I take off the skirt everyone will see my butt.
4) Take off the bra. It’s a huge sacrifice, but the hat compromises my ears and everything below compromises the tail. I can’t expose my secret above anything else!
Gnattering Yawn
Wrong Person
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>>2199601 D. Aria is a sly one after all.
4. The burdens of secrecy. (Her secret is not going to last very long at this rate and I am looking foreword to it.
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>>2199601 I feel like either C or A is the win, but I'm not sure which, if C is chosen and wrong it'll cost us the match, where as A leaves the option to C the next point.
Both B & D give up the point, but we might get one more surprise point if we did D.
I guess I'll vote D4, in hopes of making the surprise smash the sure thing for the final.
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>>2199601 A4
With Camp of Dares guaranteeing the ball won't be out, it feels a bit too obvious so it's probably not the right answer.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199601 Since the cap was useless, I decided to take that off to pay my loss.
“No! Not the hat!” a familiar voiced yelled among the crowd as I placed my hand over its brim, “NOT THE HAT!”
It was Erika. She had shouted to call my attention and even went as far as to stand up. People immediately joined.
“Not the hat! Not the hat!” They started to chorus.
Once she felt her voice too drowned by the cap, Erika stepped forward and ran towards me.
“I thought you had this on the bag at first, cat powers and all, but I was wrong. You can’t take the cap off,” Erika advised, “your hair is all sweaty and you’re jumping around. They’re going to notice you don’t have human ears.”
“It doesn’t make any difference,” I sighed. Jill was probably going to win and have me expose my secret and my shame. I had already considered the cap covering my ears, but if anything, Jill finding out I wasn’t fully human might provide the necessary surprise to land a point.
“Weren’t you the one whining about how you wanted things to be as normal as possible for as long as possible?” she chastised. “Shit, Aria! You almost moved me to tears when you said that, and now you’re in a strip contest for whatever reason that’s going to change all that. What gives?”
“It’s very complicated!” I defended myself.
“It always is with you, isn’t it? You’re going to thank me for this later,” she ominously promised.
Erika reached for my chest. I knew what she was trying to do, and tried to stop her, but she easily held my hand. I could have scratched her or something; but any chance that I could hurt Erika was much worse than the alternative. Defeated, I allowed her to take the improvised strap of my towel that I used to cover my breasts. She threw it aside.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199629 “I’m really sorry,” she consoled me. “This is for your own sake.”
The crowd did not felt Erika’s sentiment. Sorry was about the most distant thing of what the loud calls of approval denoted. I still had not exposed myself, as my hands covered the most important part of my breasts still.
“Now win that last point, okay? Use your cat jumps or something,” Erika oversimplified like I hadn’t tried that in ten different ways already. She left me there, topless.
It may have been just a fraction of what Jill had to go through, and she was still garnering the most attention since she refused to cover her bosom and it jiggled freely on the air for anyone who cared to take a look – I personally thought it looked stunning –; but still, being in front of as many people as I was covering my bare upper body with my hands was a dreadful experience.
Once the embarrassment was done over washing over me, I thought about it. It was a blessing in disguise; if I played it right what Erika had just forced me to do might just net me the victory. I picked up my racket with a single hand, the other I used as a shield for my dignity.
“If you don’t face that you’re going to need your whole body, it’s only going to get worse for you,” Jill claimed. “It’s not such a big deal. Let go, Aria,” she pointed at my boobs.
As if, there were at least two good reasons not to! And no, not those. Those too, of course, but it had to do with the match.
I gave a very awkward underhand serving to avoid exposure; I missed my first attempt and barely nailed the second. Jill lazily gave the ball back, testing me. I didn’t disappoint and followed her expectations to the letter.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199630 I gave a very awkward underhand serving to avoid exposure; I missed my first attempt and barely nailed the second. Jill lazily gave the ball back, testing me. I didn’t disappoint and followed her expectations to the letter.
My left arm was glued to my chest and refused to let go. My right was alone dealing with the pressure and I was noticeably slower and less agile. Jill tested me again; and gasping, I ran to retrieve her ball, barely giving it back despite being obvious that she was going easy on me.
Her testing done, Jill accelerated. Before long she had me on her pace, sending lefts and rights that I could barely answer because I wouldn’t move my arm and I had to give a nice impression that I was struggling to just keep pace.
“Point to Jill!” Melanie cheered with the rest of the crowd.
It was a sacrifice. A sacrifice I had to make if I wanted to win. While most of the crowd was localized to my right and Jill’s left, there were a few exceptions here and there – mostly boys – who wanted to have a different angle of view. This made it impossible for me to keep hiding. I picked the side with fewer viewers, and I bared my breasts to them.
It was two boys. One of them clapped as I uncovered, the other gave a thumbs up. There was no helping it as I had made quite a knot on the towel panties I had made and needed both hands to undo it. It was not until later when my tits had been jiggling for a good few seconds and I could hear more boys from other sides of the audience running to take a look that I realized I could just cut the cloth with my nails.
Angry with myself and flushing red for the first time since the match officially started, I covered back my chest and threw the underpants for the boys to fight among. If I lost and Jill wanted all the pieces of my towel back, she could go and retrieve it.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199632 The small skirt made from the last remaining piece of cloth had served me well. I barely had any upskirts when compared to a regular tennis skirt, and most importantly, it gave the impression that my tail came from somewhere under.
“Do you hate the sun that much?” Jill mocked me, pointing at my cap.
“Shut up, let’s play.”
I made a repetition of my last serve: awkward swing underhand that hit the net, into second try that barely got the job done.
Jill seemed happier at the beginning of the point. She again tested me and I was even slower than usual, trying my best to not have my skirt fluttering exposing my most private areas. Jill again returned with a condescending ball; her second and definitive test; and that’s when all bets were off.
I went feral. I threw myself to the front as if I wanted to meet the ground face first. My arms stopped my fall and stabilized me, I bent my legs and then I gave the most powerful leap I had in me, launching me forward. It was even more intense that the return ace I had made; I had reached a new top speed.
Adding the strongest two-handed swing I could give in that situation to the speed of my leap, I hit the ball praying that it wasn’t out. I had already resigned myself for a rough landing, but surprisingly I just twisted myself midair and landed in legs and hands.
“Point to Aria!” Erika shouted. Melanie confirmed a second after.
It had worked! My last bet had worked!
a) What last bet? Jill only lost her panties. If Aria scores again, THEN it’s the forfeit.
b) Aria won. Melanie and Jill have to finger one another for the crowd and their clothes were now Aria’s.
If A:
1) Go all out with whatever stamina is remaining.
2) Try the same thing again. Over and over. Aria realized she can land just fine after.
3) Hug the net.
4) Observe Jill carefully and try to find a weakness.
5) Two words: Frontflip Smashes.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2199634 B time to seal the deal, and maybe earn a little respect since for once someone didn't get to treat Aria as a doormat
Gnattering Yawn
>>2199640 Well, I guess it's my loss. Just in case there's any ill will over my attempting to have Aria lose, I'd like to convey a thing or two. First, I don't *dislike* Aria winning, certainly not on principle. The upcoming scene looks to be interesting and entertaining, and as much as I fought against it I'm still looking forward to it.
Second, the reason I fought for Aria losing in spite of that is because of my long-term goal: I want Aria to run out of clothes by the end of camp, and I've kinda fixated on that. I don't know how fast we'll have to lose outfits to make that happen, whether we'll hit good opportunities to lose large chunks of wardrobe or if we'll somehow wind up giving Aria extra clothes, so to maximize the odds of seeing my goal reached I must advocate for it at every opportunity.
I don't like working against the community, so I'm sorry if my contrary perspective frustrated some of you, but I hope if I did you can at least see where I'm coming from. I'm not out to just make Aria suffer, when my long-term goal isn't involved I'm on her side as much as anyone else here, but when it is, I'll vote in favour of my long-term goal; anything else would be betraying my own ideals.
Let's hope that in the future all of us can get what we want out of the story, and though I lost here I must admit what's in store appears to be quite enjoyable.
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>>2199634 I do not recall them specifically saying they needed one point scored while naked to lose, just no forfeits. They did say just like how the match with Carmen, so...
>>2199681 >Just in case there's any ill will over my attempting to have Aria lose You are taking this way to seriously if you think anyone's gonna get mad at you for voting towards your preference
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2199683 When I'm voting against the community multiple times in a row, using the same justification each time, I start to get worried that I'm coming across as 'the annoying guy who's trying to mess things up for the rest of us'. Especially since my votes could easily be seen as 'this guy just wants to make Aria suffer' when it's really not that.
As ironic as it sounds, I'm glad to hear you don't care.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199681 I'm sorry Aria's wardrobe increased.
I had no heart to tell you that when Aria chose to not wear panties last night, she rejected the chance to make a hole in them.
The theme of today is Lisa (it's 10 am, there's still time) and Aria's new tail (won her a tennis match, that should do it). Maybe some other day will have a theme or losing clothes left and right.
>>2199683 Yup. It's always okay. Pick what you would enjoy, and don't mind everyone else.
That's how we ended with a cat girl.
>>2199634 “Alright, you got me. That was pretty fucking unexpected. Good bait, too,” Jill admitted. “If this was a real game, it would have only worked this once and never again.”
“It was a real game,” I interjected, standing up from my feral posture, covering my breasts with both hands. “With very real stakes.”
I stared at the topless Jill with determination. She had her hands on her hips and most her weight was being supported by her right leg. This was a victory I had sacrificed plenty for and would not have it being dissed. It may have been only a split second, but when I tossed myself into the air like that, my skirt probably fluttered like crazy and of course I wasn’t hiding my nips anymore; everyone got a quick look if they were paying attention.
“Aria… Aria wins!” Melanie cried, and climbed down from the high chair not having a reason to be in that precarious position with no underwear anymore.
The crowd had metaphorically exploded with euphoria. They jumped up and down; people were clapping and whistling all over. Even the girls looked excited, it was going to be quite a show if Jill kept her word, and with so many people around to make sure she did, I didn’t doubt it would be the case.
Before anything else and still ‘dressed’, Jill walked to a bag near her removed clothes, and pulled her phone out of it.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199709 “I don’t know what the hell is that you just did, I’m not even sure I want to know,” she started. “My offer is still on. Shit. I can’t believe I lost.”
She asked my number afterwards, and I had no problem giving it to her.
“Don’t get cocky, I’m still better than you on this,” Jill insisted. “I could teach you a lot if you want to learn, and now you have, like, four tennis uniforms, so… Think about it, okay? And before you think I’m going back on my word or anything…”
Jill pulled her panties down, as if the crowd wasn’t being loud enough. She covered in between her legs with a hand as soon as she could, but I got to see a cute mat of red hair before she did. I could tell she wasn’t enjoying it; Jill was embarrassed to death being naked in front of so many people; she was just doing what she said she would do.
“All y-yours,” she stuttered, trying her hardest to sound casual, a tear of shame forming in her left eye. Jill put her panties around one of my ears; it was honestly kind of erotic.
I was suddenly assaulted from behind. With no much noise around, people could sneak behind me as they pleased, and I felt two cold hands grabbing by boobs, displacing my own arms. I yelped to the contact.
“Good job on the court,” congratulated me Erika, squeezing my body until she heard me squeal. “Hey, Jill. You really gonna finger that other girl over there?”
“I kinda have to,” Jill tried to snicker, but ended up sobbing. She stopped herself. “I’m n-not going to lie; this isn’t going to be fun; but oh, well. Once I’m wet I bet I’ll be begging for more.”
“That’s the spirit!” Erika said, making me squeal again.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199710 Right after, a boy that I recognized as one of Jill’s friends told us that if Jill was going to do her forfeit, she better start soon before the crowd either gets too hard to control or they called an even bigger audience. Jill thanked him for his input, and yelled for Melanie, who promptly attended. She was still wearing her clothes.
“Erika, can you organize this thing?” Jill requested. “I’m not super proud of this, but if I try my voice is going to crack or something. I’m kind of scared.”
At first I felt a little sorry for Jill, but after what she had done to Melanie and what she intended to do to me since she was certain of her victory, I wasn’t so sure. Either way, I would see this through to the end.
Erika finally let go of me. She put two fingers in her mouth and emitted a deep and piercing whistle, calling for the attention of everyone around. I ducked and covered my ears, having to leave my chest exposed.
“Shit! Aria! Sorry!” Erika apologized. “Ehem; show’s about to start, people!” she boomed. “Make a circle or get the fuck out! Hands off! I repeat, fucking hand’s off! You don’t get in the circle, you touch a girl, and the show’s over!”
Erika was surprisingly competent. She quickly organized the undisciplined mob to sit into a circle around the main attraction. I had long since sneaked away and made myself with Jill’s vest.
Jill was in the middle of the circle, awkwardly standing naked, covering herself, even the tits that she seemed confident showing before. She ordered Melanie to undress, and she did. Melanie had not fooled herself thinking that there was still anyone remaining that hadn’t taken a good look beneath her abnormally short skirt while she was on her high chair; she actually had more trouble removing her shirt and bra and showing what was under to the guys who were over from the pool.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199711 Lascivious cries and comments were unavoidable. It was just the nature of the beast. Erika actually did a good job of keeping everyone sitting and at more or less the same distance from the girls.
Once Melanie was nude, a few moments of inactivity followed. The girls didn’t know how to start. There were plenty of suggestions floating around, but nothing very coherent. It was actually up to Erika to grab Jill and Melanie and put them close together. “Start by kissing her. It doesn’t have to be rough,” Erika suggested.
First, there was a peck between the two. Then another, and a third one. The crowd went wild when Jill finally stopped covering herself, grabbed Melanie’s neck and planted a smooch right in her mouth. Jill started using a hand to stimulate her partner as they continued to make out. Melanie let herself be lead.
Jill had Melanie put her hands on each of Jill’s breasts and start massaging them. Without stopping their kiss, the girls slowly knelt and then sat on the asphalt. Jill then instructed Melanie to turn over, and go in all fours. From the crowd’s reaction you could tell the show actually started when Jill’s tongue came into contact with Melanie’s vagina.
It was hard distinguishing Melanie’s little moans among everything, I barely managed it. Jill continued to eat her out until an obvious orgasm was spelled in Melanie’s face. Jill allowed a few seconds of respite, and then ordered Melanie to turn around yet again and to return the favor.
Jill spread her legs, her hole quite soaked already, and she received Melanie’s inexperienced tongue. This must have been Melanie’s first lesbian experience as far as I knew and she was doing great so far. Jill got a little frustrated because between her involuntary cries of passion and the crowd, she could hardly make herself heard to tell Melanie what she wanted her to do with her mouth.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199712 Next, the girls attempted a position I was extremely interested in. Jill had Melanie sit slightly laterally with her legs spread, and Jill did the same from the opposite side, until their vulvas touched one another. I had only ever seen this in porn. Both started twitching and jumping, their nether lips kissing tenderly, drenching one another with their fluids, dripping freely from between their legs.
Surprisingly, it was Jill who had an affected expression and whose body convulsed in climax before her partner, but Melanie wasn’t that far behind. They ended their session sitting up and kissing one another.
The mob demanded an encore, but it wasn’t given to them. The girls had completed their forfeit and there was no one who could say differently. Jill and Melanie stood up, picked up everything but their clothing, and left with their naked bodies still exposed with all the boys and some of the girls orbiting around them.
What Jill and Melanie had done was extremely difficult, and I don’t know if I would have had the courage to do it alone; but to be honest, I was a little envious. Just a little.
“Had fun, Aria?” Erika once again approached me from behind without me noticing. How long had she been there?
“W-what do you mean?” I yelped.
“What do I mean?”
a) The tennis game (Aria wants to contact Jill in the future and see about that training).
b) You were playing with yourself (embarrassment, awkwardness, maybe Aria is interested in Jill).
c) The show, you’re dripping wet (another quick scene with Erika).
What is time to do now?
1) Go back to Lisa. She must be wondering where her slave is. It’s kind of not fair to her.
2) To face Duke. He was watching uninvited.
3) To shower. Again. Aria kind of needs to.
4) To follow Jill, see where her nude adventure leads to.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2199713 A + B + C. Aria getting into tennis sounds like great personal character development through self-actualization, Aria and Jill sound like a combo that can go horribly right given each's penchant for embarrassing others, and reaffirming the Aria/Erika bond is always good.
Barring that, A + B.
1 or 4, both lead to good places.
>>2199713 B, 4 I feel like it shows good sportsmanship to at least escort the two naked girls somewhere safe unaccosted.
On a side note since it helps greatly with the later rendering does this seem like a close aproximation of Aria's skull? Catgirl skulls arn't exactly an easy reference to get a hold of.
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>>2199719 Oh and some actual E for the double vote
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>>2199713 I'm not sure if I want to try and go back to Lisa, or force a penalty by randomly being out all day. For the moment, I say return to Lisa. If it gets later, I'll swing to avoiding her.
B/C 1.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199719 Amazing job fusing a cat and a human skeleton, but she's just not that feral.
Her bones are inhuman because they're too light and flexible; her spine is completely non-human; not only does it have a tail, she has more vertebrae and there's more space between them
Other than that and the fangs? Basically human skeleton if we forget about her feet (natural "high-heel" posture unless she's focusing on not doing it).
We could list all the differences Aria has to people in the hundreds if I wanted to get exhaustive. Her leg muscles are different, her digestive system is changed forever, her kidneys have changed, there's parts on her lizard brain that weren't there before; shit, I hope for your sake you're not into guro.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199719 Also, if you draw an actual picture of Aria I'd be forced to give you like 10 votes or something. Don't worry about including /e/.
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>>2199723 Gotya, so I assume by lizard brain parts, this really translates to laser pointers are now Aria'a favorite thing in the world.
>>2199724 Well I said I was going to yesterday, also that many votes really isn't necessacary. If you really want maybe make it 3, but honestly the base 2 is fine I'm just doing this for interesting practice and to challange myself. If the story goes long enough I may end up drawing some of the other characters too, though I can't illustrate nearly as fast as you write.
Wrong Person
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>>2199713 A4. Jill took a nice chill pill during the match. I love her now. Might as well follow Jill for an encore. There is still plenty of time to hook up with Lisa and might find Aria anyway.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2199717 I'll switch to 4, I prefer it over 1 and it might still win.
>>2199723 >walking on the tips of her feet is now natural Now I'm imagining Aria with a fuzzy set of cat paws instead of feet, little toe beans and all. I know her transformation is complete, but it's still a cute image in my head to imagine her walking on those.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199738 3 votes it is, then. I'd be very grateful for any material you could offer. A sketch of each of the five members of Medea's pentagram would go beyond my expectations and dreams.
>>2199742 Sorry, 10 minutes away from finishing B1.
>>2199743 We can make her mittens and boots for a play or something. Medea is a "more than adequate seamstress" in her own words. /e/ can also be cute.
>>2199713 I looked away, covering my mouth with a half-clenched hand. Like it wasn’t obvious that she had seen and I even had to ask.
“You were playing with yourself,” Erika eagerly clarified just to make certain were on the same page. I didn’t want to talk about it. “You were at the back of the crowd, no way anyone was looking at you with Jill and Melanie doing that, and of course you’re not wearing any underwear. And up her pussy went Aria’s little fingers,” she annoyingly sang the last part.
“Leave me alone!” I piped.
“Did you come, you know, orgasm?”
“I said leave me alone!” I covered my face with both hands. I didn’t feel like getting teased.
“I’m serious. Did you? Want me to finish you up?” Erika offered managing to not sound either condescending or perverse, but considerate.
“I’m… I’m good,” I admitted. “I… T-twice,” I stuttered, hoping I didn’t have to add any more context.
“Damn. Not bad. Just in case you’re wondering, I didn’t get my fingers busy; I just don’t to just chicks. I did get a little worked up; Jill is quite a looker after all, isn’t she?” Lisa nudged me, and then helped me stand.
I nodded, not certain if it was appropriate to answer honestly. I didn’t want Erika to think I was fine with just any girl; it could make her feel cheap, and she wasn’t; not to me.
“How about a threesome?” she teased and nudged me again, but that actually sounded AWESOME. “Shit. Your face. Did… Aria, did I just give you a new purpose in life?”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199745 Erika texted Lisa that we were on the way; they had a short messaging conversation and Erika allowed me to read.
Lisa was back at the cabin. She had already gone for breakfast, but she had lost Medea somewhere. Lisa did not seem to want to admit it, but from the information given it sounded like Medea escaped; Erika agreed with me.
We picked up what were apparently my new clothes. They were sweaty and gross, but my towel was destroyed so it was all I had to work with. Erika had me model them for her; she convinced me there was no way anyone was coming here for a while. Any boy heading this way must have met Jill and go follow her instead.
Jill’s clothes just didn’t fit me, plain and simple. She was much taller, and her chest was bigger, even proportionally. I wore her panties – that had been hanging on my right ear ever since Jill put them there – and while they had a tendency to slide down, it was better than nothing.
In contrast, I could wear Melanie’s stuff without a hitch. We had very similar sizes, and had she worn panties I would have rather used hers. I wore her bra – still not a perfect match by any extent of the imagination – and her sweaty uniform. I was still barefoot and sockless since they hadn’t let me any of that; and I was glad, playing Jill for both her shoes and socks was an experience I would not survive.
The second we made it back to the cabin I stripped the dirty clothing, yucking all along and placed it on the black plastic bag with the rest of the laundry. Carmen didn’t mind my behavior although I could feel her looking inquisitively to my naked back; and Erika made me the favor to distract Lisa while I changed by talking about what just had happened at the tennis courts.
“And you didn’t invite me?” Lisa whined, heartbroken. “That sounded like so much fun! I could have played tag-team with Aria; we would have crushed!”
“Do you play tennis?” I asked Lisa, impressed.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199746 “I don’t even know the rules. I meant, crushed once we lost. A good and long performance, maybe going seconds with boys on the audience, that’s what I meant,” she fantasized, making me extremely grateful Erika didn’t text her.
“Well, Aria is your slave,” Carmen pointed out from her bunk, still reading the same book as always – it was super long –, “you can order her to go play tennis against someone else if you want. Oww!”
I poked Carmen’s elbow with my sharp index nail.
“Come on, give her a break,” Erika advocated for me. “She’s exhausted, and has been walking from the pool to the cabins to the cabins to the pool and shit all day; she hasn’t even had breakfast. She’s not an actual slave, you know? If you whip her you’re going to get in trouble.”
“I’m actually kind of sleepy, too,” I added. We played The Game until late at night and I woke up early to Lisa’s new desires.
“What a needy slave!” Lisa protested.
a) Lisa has the idea to have Aria as a doll. Lisa will clean her, dress her, feed her and then nap with her.
b) Lisa escorts Aria to the cafeteria, molesting her as she eats.
c) Lisa is very curious of where the story ends, and wants to follow Jill; hopefully they’re not too late.
d) Everyone starts asking about Aria’s new condition and she strips for an anatomy lesson. It’s up to Aria to straighten everyone’s theories out and come out with a new explanation. Lisa experiments with new uses for Aria’s tail.
//sorry, no more parts for a while. Going to sleep; big day tomorrow. Will try to sneak a part on the morning and a few more at night.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2199747 B or D. The moment for C has passed and A isn't particularly appealing, but D advances the catgirl story thread and B is good old fashioned lewdness.
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>>2199747 Thats a hard one. Can it be D into A? But stuffed animal instead of doll. The can give Aria a onesie and she comes with ears and tail.
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>>2199747 B + D, Aria can recount her story on the way to the cafeteria, while Lisa molests her and finds some uses for that tail.
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>>2199747 C I would to see more Jill
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>>2199747 Also a fan of the B + D plan, if they're not mutually exclusive. If they are, then I guess just D
Oops seems like I missed the entire tennis match
>>2199681 don't worry it is still just day 5-ish out of the 14 days camp? Although it's unclear whether out author can finish the story
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D for (cat tail) dildo
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>>2199747 Vote for B first D later
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>>2199747 D into B. I would love for Aria to have make something up without Medea around.
Half of A is already going to happen. Someone needs to clean her now and Lisa isn't giving up her teddy cat.
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>>2199713 Would have voted B4 if I were reading this
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>>2199747 Been lurking for a couple of days, this makes for some very entertaining reading. So I'm gonna vote now as well for D then turning into A. I feel like we've had plenty of cafeteria scenes.
>>2199815 giggity
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199766 Day 6, Morning (11 AM).
Chances are I won't be able to finish, but you never know.
Someone else can; I'll leave all my notes and plot that I have planned to a volunteer if so they wish.
Until then, I will keep writing.
>>2199747 I had been rummaging through my stuff like that would make clothes appear. I already knew that all the bras I had brought were either lost or dirty. I sighed, grabbed a red t-shirt and covered my bare upper body. Carmen returned to her book.
“No, wait. I was looking,” Erika came from behind me, lifting my shirt.
I was also wearing a pair of skinny jeans; my very last pair; my tail just didn’t fit beneath them so I had them a bit pulled down. The only thing covering the furry appendage was the t-shirt.
“Please don’t grab it,” I gravely requested. I hated the sensation.
“It’s kind of cool, isn’t it?” Erika cheered me up. “I’m gonna level with you, at first I thought the best choice would be amputation and plastic surgery; but after seeing you out there against Jill, she says she won a tournament or something some time ago by the way, I changed my mind. Why don’t you just go out there and make easy money at the Olympics? You’d be set for life.”
“Is that so?” butted in a curious Lisa. “Aria, jump. As high as you can. It’s an order or whatever.”
“I would crash against the ceiling and knock myself out,” I argued, annoyed. I was trying to look under my bed for shoes to wear while tolerating Erika uncovering my back and petting my trashing tail. “Erika, please! It’s really bothering me.”
“Then touch the ceiling,” insisted Lisa.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199883 Acknowledging Erika’s quiet ‘sorry’, I stood up after grabbing a pair of slip-ons that DID NOT go with my shirt; walked to the middle of the cabin right where the dog-gable styled roof was at its tallest, and to amuse my master I jumped and slapped the ceiling for good measure. I landed on a dusty beam and stayed up. Lisa and Erika both clapped. Carmen was staring wide-eyed.
“She’s a legit cat girl. I told you, you should have seen her playing tennis. People did not know what to think of her,” Erika boasted like I was her kid.
“Aria, come down,” ordered Lisa. “And take your clothes back off. We’re going to examine you a bit, okay?”
I undressed in a hurry still at the beam; angrily throwing my clothes to Medea’s bed, since I couldn’t reach mine from my position. I jumped down. Lisa grabbed my body with familiarity and slid down the white panties that I hadn’t removed because they were not in the way no matter how much you looked at it.
I allowed Lisa to turn me around. Carmen wasn’t even pretending to disinterestedly read anymore. All three girls intently stared at my butt.
“I’m going to touch the tail,” warned Lisa.
“Don’t!” I urged.
“It’s an order. Sheesh. I’ve had my hands up your pussy, how come you’re so stingy with the tail?”
Because one was pleasurable and the other gave me anxiety and discomfort.
I endured everyone’s contact, squirming the least amount possible, and had the girls move and test the tail. They were fascinated by my new limb. Carmen grew bored quickly and without even asking for permission she examined my ears instead.
“Don’t touch the inside,” I reprimanded Carmen as one of my ears uncontrollably twitched.
“Lisa, I’m sure that part is still the same,” Erika avowed while I had my genitals examined for no reason.
“You’re wrong. Look,” Lisa passed a hand over my mound, as if she was caressing it.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199884 “Holy shit. You’re right,” Erika corrected. Doing something very uncalled for, Erika took a close up picture of my vulva, but then turned her phone and showed me. “Aria, check it out!”
I had shaved the pussy recently – or had it shaved – so the hairs were still very small, but I could notice what Erika wanted to show me at once.
“Hair grows white there?” I mused, grabbing Erika’s phone and zooming in the picture of my own pudenda.
“Like the tip of you tail,” observed Carmen. “Or the inside of your ears. You’re… black and white. Does it matter? You go around shaving it. You should still lift the curse and return to normal, if you ask me. This is unnatural.”
Carmen sparked a discussion that I did not want to have without Medea present to make sure I don’t screw things over. Erika began to theorize again about the old doctor at the clinic, and she used as evidence how weird Lisa had been all morning because she also had a suppository inserted. Carmen was of the mind that my condition was a curse by the Satanists. Lisa constantly changed her mind between the two positions as the girls argued.
“You have fun with that,” I dismissed them, starting to wear my clothes back again. “I’m starving.”
No one answered me back and they continued their discussion, but as I approached the door; there was a tacit admission that I would be followed to the dining area by all three.
At the very least they quieted their talk whenever anyone was close. Both Carmen and Erika were very passionate about their theories. Carmen told us of very extravagant stories she had heard about friends and family getting cursed; Erika, despite her Goth-looks, was not all that keen to believe in the supernatural.
It was a very late hour to grab breakfast, so the Cafeteria wasn’t very populated. The girls picked a table for me, and I grabbed a tray, filling it of yesterday’s pizza. It said one serving per person, but nobody stopped me.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199885 “Don’t you prefer cheeseburgers?” Erika asked in a mocking tone as I sat down. “Huh? Huh? I… guess you’re too young to get it.”
“So, which is it?” Carmen intervened, asking me a question while my mouth was full. “Who do you think is right, Erika, or me?” she was very serious. I swallowed, and then took another bite. I was not touching that one.
“Shtaaaph,” I begged Lisa, with half a mind to spit my food on her face.
She had snuck her hand under my shirt and gotten ahold of my tail.
“Keep eating,” Lisa ordered. “Don’t do anything I don’t tell you to do, and don’t turn to look at me.”
She opened the fly of my jeans, and then took my tail out from under my shirt. Since I was under orders to not look around, I used the ears instead to make sure no one was looking this way. Thankfully, they weren’t.
Lisa pressed a finger against my crotch from the fly opening, and grabbed my panties; she put them aside, uncovering my slit. Lisa then forced my tip of my tail to the front of my body, and holding the white part of it, she tried to put it inside my vagina.
“Don’t resist,” she demanded. “Nice and easy. There we go! Yes, just like that! In we go, in we go!”
I groaned while chewing. It was a very odd sensation. I never had anything that thick inside of me, not in that hole. It was furry, and since I was nervous I couldn’t help it wiggling around, which was very stimulating. On the other end, I felt my tail dampening inside a warm and soft place.
“In… and out. In, and out. In… wait a second… and out,” Lisa played with me, grinning ear to ear.
“At least let her eat,” Erika tried to defend me.
“This is wrong,” Carmen worried. “That tail is the product of a curse, and now you’re… using it to please her. That’s like having sex with Satan! You have to stop, Lisa!”
“In, and out. Move it around a bit. In, and out,” Lisa ignored them.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199886 I never have had an orgasm with a full mouth, but I guess there’s a first time for everything. I made my best attempt at keeping my food inside, while also trying to remember that I was in public and had to control the shudders and recoiling of my climaxing body.
“Now you’ve done it!” Carmen quietly bellowed. “You’re going to get us all cursed, too! What if she gets pregnant with Satan's child?"
a) Tell Carmen this has nothing to do with curses and that she can knock it off. It’s probably as Erika says (consequences with the doctor).
b) Tell Carmen this has nothing to do with curses and that she can knock it off. Aria insists she’s a mutant with superpowers.
c) Join the curse bandwagon. Aria says she agrees wholeheartedly with Carmen (consequences with the Satanist).
d) Half agree with Carmen. Aria says that this is an old family curse from her Japanese side. Nekomatas and Youkais are a thing.
e) Aria acknowledges her transformation was magic in nature, but she can’t reveal details because people will die.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2199887 A and C are bound to fall apart once we confront the doctor/Satanists about the issue, and B and D are going to fall apart when Aria's pressed for details she doesn't have (and she's a bad liar in general).
We *could* start from B, the most honest lie, and back up into E, but we could also be honest from the get go.
So E or B + E.
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>>2199896 Forgot to attach pic
>>2199887 E
It's the best strategy for Aria since she is a bad liar like Yawn pointed out, but also leads to potential punishment game if Lisa insists on the details and she doesn't tell
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2199935 Ooh, I like that too. Especially if Lisa orders Aria to give details before Aria gets to why she can't tell.
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>>2199887 E. It would be interesting if Lisa orders Aria to tell the truth about her transformation, but Aria refuses. This can lead to Aria forfeiting the slave dare / Lisa threatening Aria to confess the truth or she will keep give Aria some crazy orders that will escalate until Aria talks.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199887 “She’s not blessed, or cursed,” Erika surmised. “She’s mutated. Do you think a curse lets you jump ten feet in the air?”
“Heh. Aria-X,” Lisa joked.
“That sounds pornographic,” Carmen censored.
The conversation carried on while I cleaned my tail with paper napkins. It still felt wet and a bit slimy when I put it back under the shirt; not a comfortable sensation.
Carmen had basically a need to explain what had happened to me using magic; Erika just couldn’t accept such a thing and constantly challenged Carmen’s supernatural worldview until it inevitably got to the God argument; Erika and Carmen did not emerge better friends out of that talk.
Once they found themselves at an impasse, they both decided to try and turn Lisa to their side instead of directly talking to one another. Lisa was not thrilled to be the new center of attention and having to mediate between where science ended and magic began. She delegated me her position.
“You’re done eating now, right?” Lisa plainly saw. “Now you decide who’s right and who’s wrong between these maniacs, and you better let me out of it.”
“Yes, Aria. Tell them who’s right,” encouraged Erika. “It is your body, after all.”
“That’s not fair. Aria is hardly neutral between you and me,” Carmen protested.
All I could do was wishing Medea was here. I had been put in the middle of a spotlight, with three girls pressing me for an answer, and I couldn’t think of any feasible lie to tell; while at the same time I couldn’t help to think that if I validated either of their theories as correct, we would have trouble with the perceived guilty party. Panicking, all I could do was telling what I could.
“Sorry, Carmen. This is not a curse, and I’m sure the cultist weirdos have nothing to do with it,” I began.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199996 “Ha! Suck it!” Erika celebrated.
“But at the same time, it wasn’t the doctor either. He’s just a perverted old bat, not a mad scientist that can turn people into half-animal hybrids,” I carried on.
“You celebrated too quickly,” Carmen smugly said.
I hadn’t fixed anything, but what else could I say? Erika and Carmen unhappily challenged to one another with dangerous looks of rivalry.
“You sound like you know something about it,” Lisa noted. “Being sure it wasn’t the Nightshade crowd guys, saying that it wasn’t the doctor either? What was it then, Aria?” she pressed.
Attention turned back to me.
“Oh, it’s not that I’m sure. I don’t think so, it’s what I meant to say,” I quickly amended my testimony.
“Alright, then what do YOU think it is?” Lisa still persisted.
“W-well… you know… who can tell? I mean, its’ really crazy! A-and, you know…”
They all had been looking at my face until now, I noticed their sight went down, from left to right all of sudden.
“Your tail’s jerking and jiggling,” helpfully let me know Carmen. “You’re lying.”
“I order you to tell me the truth,” Lisa used her ultimate leverage on me.
The fucking tail!
I had just put myself in a very dangerous position. I couldn’t reveal the truth; not on my life. At the same time, I was under an oath to complete the dares, and Lisa had just made it part of mine. All eyes were on me. Lisa went “Hmm?”, Erika and Carmen stared silently into my face, all wishing to hear what I had to say for myself.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199998 It all made me think back as my last day as a normal human. I had been pestering Medea over and over, and she kept giving me vague answers trying to protect herself and to give me a hint to leave her alone; and now the tables had turned.
“R-right,” I nervously mumbled. “Lisa, I… damn. Okay, yes; you got me. I know exactly how this happened, okay? I know why and I know how. I just… can’t tell you,” I tried my best to explain between a lot of pauses. “It’s very important that you cancel your order,” I thought back at when I protested about jumping as high as I could and Lisa retracted so I wouldn’t hurt myself; “and never ask me about it again.”
“Wait. So you knew? You knew all along?” Erika asked, hurt. “What the shit, Aria? I’ve been worried sick about this thing!”
“I’m sorry.”
“And here I thought like a moron you must have been terrified of what was happening to you,” she went on. “Shit. I had been looking online for answers. I promised some guys pics of my tits if they could steal from the clinic’s cabinet for samples. And you were just trying to be mysterious?”
“It was not like that!”
“How many times have I put up for you? And you’ve been lying all this time?”
“Whatever, no deal,” Lisa added. “No backtracking my orders, slave. Speak up, that’s an order.”
“I… I can’t! I really can’t!” I pleaded. “D-do you want me to get naked instead? I’ll… you can put things inside of me, right over this table!”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2199999 Lisa looked like she was thinking about my proposals.
“No, fuck that,” Erika intervened. “Have her speak. What’s so fucking secret that she can’t tell us?”
“I also want to know,” Carmen backed Erika up.
“You heard them,” caved in Lisa, after pondering. “So, spill it. What is it?”
“I’m sorry;” I stubbornly maintained my position, “I can’t.”
“You’re my slave and this is an order, Aria,” warned me Lisa.
“Just punish the little twerp,” harshly suggested Erika. “If we’re not good enough for her to trust us, then she’s not good enough for us to care.”
“It isn’t like that!” I insisted, but it fell on deaf ears.
“Well, if you insist, Erika. This is a penalty game, Aria,” Lisa licked her lips.
a) Aria’s suggestion (getting things inserted above the table) sounded fine.
b) Aria is left naked and tied for someone to find under the table.
c) Slaves wear rags that barely cover anything, and are often tied down and kept on leashes. At least if you watched Spartacus. Lisa did.
d) They leave Aria with Stone for her to decide the punishment.
e) Basically any punishment you can think of. This is a penalty game, after all.
f) Medea enters and saves the day.
>>2199887 E, probably the best to be as clean as possible, that being said for those thinking Lisa could press it into a punishment game I actually kinda doubt she could, since the conditions of Aria's slavery permit her to ignore orders that lead to injury, and since Aria is telling the truth and dead is about as injured as you can get the order would thus not be valid for the dare.
>>2200002 >>2200004 since umm this ^^^ vote was meant for the round before please don't count it
That being said my point still stands Aria doesn't deserve a punishment game since the order isn't valid because were the chosen rules as I recall.
>>a) No restrictions at all. Other than nothing that brings physical harm, anything goes. therefore I have to vote F this round, or maybe just Aria talks herself out of it, but inflicting an unjust punishment game is probably about as bad for the magic Medea is doing as someone breaking a dare in the first place.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2200002 E - Aria must tear her clothes to shreds and reveal herself as a catgirl to everyone in the cafeteria, and is forbidden from hiding her cat features for the rest of the day.
Aria's secret was going to get out sooner or later, so it's no great loss, but it's a very humiliating (and thematically fitting!) way to reveal it.
We'll need to patch things up later, but that'll take some time for Aria to figure out how to describe why she can't give answers. It's not a thing that needs *immediate* attention.
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>>2200002 E - Aria must tear her clothes to shreds and reveal herself as a catgirl to everyone in the cafeteria, and is forbidden from hiding her cat features for the rest of the day.
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>>2200002 Fuck it let's go E - rip clothes etc. Time to get this catgirl business out
Wrong Person
>>2200002 C. I am imagining Carmen, Erika, and Lisa as like interrogators trying to get a confession. They give Aria orders and let her know that all that Aria has to do is tell them what they want to know and the orders will stops (Like a carrot and stick approach). That why I would prefer those three be in charge of the interrogation instead of other outsiders.
I think it would be great for Aria to demonstrate how important her secret with Medea is, by taking these orders. When Medea learns what Aria has been through to keep the secret. Medea is going to know that Aria is a true friend.
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>>2200002 E Tie her up
Blindfold & gag her
Take her to boys cabin area
Sell use of her 1min per dollar
>>2200002 E. Have her walk back to the cabin naked with as much of her tail shoved up inside her.
I'd say that Aria deserves a lighter punishment, but Erika has been really worried for more than a day, and I'm sure Lisa and Carmen care too. Feels wrong to have them freaking out for so long.
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>>2200031 Forgot to post image.
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>>2200002 Voting for
>>2200031 while they might hope to get an answer out back in the cabin where there won't be bystanders listening to their conversation. Then maybe F or something else after arriving the cabin.
While the
>>2200012 idea is nice but it seems like it would kill the plot point a bit too early
And maybe make Aria defend her choice after the punishment by saying punishment have already be done so she have no need to follow order anymore, then drag onto until Medea enter the scene
Wrong Person
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>>2200025 Changing my vote from C to
>>2200031 . I like SorrySleeping's idea.
I hope Medea will not be at the cabin yet. That way the trio can continue to try to get Aria to confess "for her own good".
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>>2200009 Ill change my vote to
>>2200031 While I still stand behind the idea she doesn't deserve a punishment game clearly no one else agrees, so I'm backing what I see as the lesser of two evils
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
Hard part to write. People wanted revelations and moving the story forward, but not being too harsh on Aria.
Let's reach a happy compromise.
Hey! I got quints next to last post!
>>2200002 Lisa’s suggestions of punishments were quickly shut down by Carmen and Erika.
“She’s already your slave, the punishment can’t be anything you could order her to do,” argued Erika.
Lisa had a mostly one-track mind; and her ideas could be surmised to having sex in public; which Erika didn’t consider that much of a punishment considering it takes two to tango and Lisa would be just as naked and as exposed.
“It’s my dare she refused, isn’t it? I get to say what it is!” Lisa exploded after yet another one of her ideas had been deemed inadequate.
“The little liar gets to walk scot-free of being your slave for the rest of the day. It has be something to make her wish she hadn’t,” Erika explained again.
“I may have lied, but I didn’t lie about why I lied!” I alliterated, hoping I hadn’t confused anyone. The look Lisa gave me told me I had failed, but Erika did seem to catch my meaning.
“And how do I know you’re not lying this time?” Erika irefully accused me; I hadn’t seen her that mad at me ever since we first met.
“Because my tail isn’t wagging,” I pointed at the still thing that seemed to uncontrollably go off whenever I got nervous; it was standing still vertically. “You know; the thing that betrayed me in the first place?”
“We didn’t use your tail last time to know your story was bogus,” Carmen assumed, since there was no way what Lisa and Erika thought at that moment. “It was obvious anyway.”
“Oh, so you claim now it’s a lie detector, huh?” Erika entertained the idea. “Hey, Aria’s tail. Is Aria a lesbian?” she asked my butt.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200124 And no matter how much I didn’t want it to happen, no matter how much I ordered it to stay still, the tail went down and twitched left and right before I even had a chance to speak. It seemed to obey my heartbeat more than it obeyed me.
“So… she is?” Carmen inquired, scandalized.
“You didn’t know?” Lisa condescendingly mouthed. “Like she hasn’t been shouting it at our ears for days,” she implied a claim of knowledge despite only finding out last night herself.
“E-Erika!” I protested. That was very private. She had no right to disclose it like that.
“What? I’m just tired of lies,” she sarcastically remarked.
“Oh, into truth bombs, now; are you?” I huffed.
“Yes. Actually I am. I keep it real, and I don’t bullshit. Maybe you should try it sometime.”
“A-alright real girl,” I took a deep breath. “How’s this for truth bombs, then? I love you.”
It was actually very satisfying to see that the snide smile erased from Erika’s mouth. For once, she didn’t know how to respond and I hoped the experience gave her some empathy towards what it was to be me. Neither Lisa nor Carmen had anything to say, for that matter; I had finally shut everyone up and I had my moments of peace; even if I had paid a rather high price for it.
“Aria, w-what the fuck?” Erika finally managed to vocalize.
“Well, I’m sorry but I do,” I sobbed. “You can write that one into my list of lies and deceits and punish me for it.”
“And you think I didn’t know? Fuck. You weren’t supposed to say that shit! Not here!”
“What happened to the truth and keeping it real?” I recriminated in tears.
Erika sighed. “Shit,” she drummed the table with four fingers, and allowed an uncomfortable silence to reign supreme until she broke it again. “Lisa, I got Aria’s punishment. Have her walk naked to the cabin. She can cover with her hands.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200125 “What? As if! YOU think THAT trades for being my slave for the whole day?” Lisa objected. “That’s tamer than all the shit you didn’t want me doing!”
“Just do it, alright?” Erika asserted.
“Wouldn’t that expose Aria’s tail to the public?” Carmen pointed out.
“Stick it… stick it inside her. That’s gotta make Lisa happy.”
I couldn’t add much to the conversation that followed because I was crying like a moron. At least I got to hear the consensus and it didn’t sound that bad, as far as punishment games went. I hid beneath the table and stripped of all my clothes. I handed them over to Lisa. My socks, my panties, my slip-ons, my shirt and my pants.
“Do you need any help down there?” Lisa asked me after noticing I was taking suspiciously long.
“N-no, I almost have it.”
I tried several things, but the fact was that my whole tail just didn’t fit inside my vagina, at least not without deflowering me. I could make the whole white tip disappear, and then a few inches further, but anything other than that was pushing it; in both literal and metaphorical senses. The rest of the tail still hanged very noticeably from the lowest part of my back to the first half of my thigh, like a furry rope.
I gave the signal that I was ready, and the three girls stood up and started walking out of the dining area. I cursed inwards one last time, and jumped out of the table to several gasps and a shout. I was covering my buttcrack with a hand and an arm so people didn’t notice where the tail came from, and my other hand was occupied covering my front and where the tail went to. I quickly pushed forward exhibiting my lightly bouncing breasts and the shape of my body to complete strangers, telling myself that I was lucky, that this could have been much worse.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200126 “Uh… Hey, Aria!” Elmira’s male friend greeted me from his place holding a piece of toast. I hated him for it. What was I supposed to do, smile at him? Stop covering my vag so I could respond the greeting?
I paraded myself in front of a few other individuals of both genders, one of which I could hear taking a picture behind me. At least nobody followed me, like they did with Jill and Melanie. I caught up with my group, and they formed a triangle that I got in the middle of.
“Aria, you can’t stop here,” Erika told me. “Come the fuck on, let’s go!”
“I… I’m trying! This, this thing is worse tha- aahh! Than a vibrator!” I muttered.
Nervous Aria meant moving tail. Moving tail inside of my vagina while walking naked? Hell itself.
Barring that, the escort back to the cabin wasn’t that bad compared it to the rest of my day. I met Kathy on the way, the rude girl who introduced herself back at the showers. She took a picture of me and called me a whore. Other than that, Erika and Carmen agreed to shield me from a group of passing boys – my tail went haywire – and I tolerated the snickers and giggling of three other girls, one of which mocked my ears.
Lisa opened the door for me, and I rushed inside, already in tears. My tail exited my insides in one single motion; and although in retrospect that was a bad idea, the punishment was done.
a) Erika and I were forced to negotiate with my body when making Lisa go easy on me. There’s the bed. Everyone who doesn’t want to see get out.
b) The group now believes that I can’t say what happened, but still ask for whatever I can tell them.
c) As a sign of good faith, I become Lisa’s slave out of my own free will. This time I get to deny any order I want, though.
d) I dress back up and go with Erika somewhere private. We have to talk about… stuff.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2200127 B and C, it's time to mend relations.
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>>2200127 B + C, and maybe Lisa wants a little A
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>>2200127 B. I'm still curious as to what the group thinks and what Aria can/will say.
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>>2200127 All aboard the B+C train
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200127 “I’m leaving your clothes on your bed,” Lisa shouted at me.
“Alright,” I responded, thinking that I should tell Lisa that shouting is hardly necessary when she’s talking to me.
I was at the sink. Getting a furry part of my body soaked in water didn’t feel great, but I still needed to wash my tail. I heard someone sitting next the locked door of the bathroom, Carmen, I could tell.
“Today I found out you were a cat-woman, found out that you are a lesbian, and that you have feelings for Erika, anything else I should know?” she kind of panicked, making herself heard from the other side of the door. I knew that she had been dying to talk to me, just hadn’t gotten her chance.
“I’m older than you,” I humored her, guessing she didn’t know.
“Aria, I am serious! What is going on here? I can’t keep track anymore! Did everybody else know already? Does Medea know? Why is nobody freaking out? Yesterday I thought you were just normal, and now all of this?”
“Can anyone lend me a towel?” I voiced exiting the bathroom, disregarding Carmen. There was so many things wrong what with she just said that I didn’t even want to bother trying to set it all straight. “I lost mine.”
“Here you go,” Lisa handed me hers. “So, you’re still my slave, right?”
“Y-yeah… but not officially!” I clarified. “I’m very thankful for you not tying me down and having people molest me as you recorded, or any of the other things you wanted to do. I’m still doing mostly whatever you want; but no more stuff in public, and no ordering me to say anything.”
“I guess that will have to do,” she resigned herself to my new limited functionality, placing a hand on my hip. “Bend over and spread it. I want to see the inside.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200201 There was another part of the agreement Erika had bargained for me and my reduced punishment. I hadn’t orally accepted to it, but it was a tacit admission anyway since I hadn’t denied it when they discussed the topic back at the cafeteria.
I sat on the floor with the other girls, ready to answer all the questions they could have for me. I was still undressed, but I had my lower body covered by Lisa’s towel, and my hands hid my breasts well; not that anyone was unfamiliar with them, I just felt more comfortable that way. I would have preferred actual clothes, but Lisa asked for this.
“Why can’t you tell us?” Erika readily asked the question that everyone wanted responded.
“If I do, people will die. I’m serious; they will. I will also face dire consequences, or have been led so to believe; but I think I’ll survive.”
“Is it an organization? You can say yes or no.”
Erika took the lead of the questions, which was great because she still was completely off-mark. She thought I was an experiment and that there was an evil society behind it all. I was far more afraid the times that Carmen was allowed to speak her peace; her questions were far more esoteric and magical in nature; she had me worried more than once, especially a few questions that she made about if I had angered any witches as of late.
“And there are no microphones, and you are certain of this and you’re not lying,” Erika fished; I nodded, nodded and denied. “There are also no bombs as far as you know, or any other thing that could cause an explosion even if it isn’t called a bomb.”
“I already… told you… there’s n-no…” I tried to answer her.
“Could you leave that fucking cunt alone for two seconds?” Erika exploded at Lisa; it was no secret where her hand was under the towel. “A-and by cunt I don’t mean you, Aria! I wouldn’t call you that. I mean your actual…”
“I get it.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200202 All in all, the talk was about as unproductive as I hoped it could be. Later I would need to tell Medea about this and letting her arrive to a more effective solution. Both Carmen and Erika gave up on asking me questions. They just knew that lives were at danger – but not necessarily human lives, although Erika thought that meant me and others like me –; that I was telling them all I could and that they were much better not knowing or worrying about it and just letting it go.
“I’m taking a nap,” I announced.
“I’m coming with,” Lisa decided.
“Do you have a cat-girl fetish or something?” Erika berated at Lisa. “Shit. What is it with you and Aria as of late? We should still check those suppositories just in case.”
“It’s okay,” Lisa defended herself. “I also have a boyfriend. It’s summer camp, relax! She’ll be all yours in two weeks and you guys can marry or whatever.”
During all the questions, I was very glad that the one I feared the most didn’t come out. “Does Lisa’s current condition have anything to do with your transformation?”
a) Aria takes her nap, but Lisa takes her toll.
b) Aria is exhausted and has no interest in being further molested. She jumps to a beam and takes a catnap.
c) No nap for the kitty, busy day.
What’s next in the agenda?
1) Jill calls Aria, as she said she would.
2) Medea carefully checks if there’s Lisas on the prowl and lets herself in. Aria has a few things she wants to talk about.
3) Lisa somehow convinces Aria to go see a movie, in the nude. It’s dark, no one will know!
4) Boring talk about feelings with Erika. Maybe a kissy.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2200203 A 2 into 3 (or at least setting 3 up)
Good options all around. I'm interested in 1 but it's the item we can put off the longest, Medea is *seriously* out of the loop and we need to fix that, 3 is plain fun and 4 is something we can put off but not too long.
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>>2200203 B3
2 seems important but that can be leave to later
>>2200203 A,3 these seem good for now, but 100% 4 needs to be resolved before people go to sleep for the night.
I know it isn't anything amazing, but here is our Aria playing some tennis.
Wrong Person
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
No more parts in 10 hours. Sleeping and shit.
>>2200215 That's some sick shading! Love seeing characters come to life.
Tail should be longer, though. Thing's a whole meter long; that's about 66% of Aria's height.
Shame you used your extra vote on a very one-sided choice.
>>2200203 I didn’t bother putting my clothes back on, what would be the point? I went to Lisa’s bed, knowing what followed. She lay besides me.
“You really don’t get bored, do you?” I asked knowing full well the answer. “Lisa, you have to give it a rest at some point. You’ve been masturbating me the whole day!”
“Stay hydrated and you’ll be fine,” Lisa concluded as if that was the issue.
“Your fingers smell more than me than to you, just so you know,” was my last argument before she embraced me from the back and started messing with me again.
Lisa usually liked to stimulate the surrounding area first. She massaged my hip bones and my upper tights, always drawing closer. The pelvic area was next, and she allowed herself to grab and squeeze my glutes, spreading me and coaxing me to open my legs so she could sneak one hand from under and one from above.
From below, she thoroughly massaged below the vagina, teasing me with pinches that grew ever closer. From above, she continued a pelvic massage mostly using her thumb. Both hands reached for their prize at the same time, and by then I had been properly lubricated.
Lisa’s masturbation was a bit painful, but I still liked it, all things considered. She had very strong fingers and liked using them to press and pinch various parts of my insides and alternating between stimulating the vulva from the outside and the vagina from the inside. I allowed myself to breathe more heavily and start purring. Lisa cruelly used the chance to trap my tail in between her thighs, crushing it. I wanted to protest, but at the same time she dove her fingers deep into myself, and moved them faster, much faster.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200229 I howled between pleasure and pain, between discomfort, indignation and climax. After shuddering for a while, my body slowed down and settled.
Lisa kissed me on the back of the neck. “Rest well, kitten.”
I nuzzled my face as my first reaction to coming to consciousness when something soft was just next to me. After my brain had settled more into reality, I realized that it was Lisa’s huge bosom; she had undressed at some point and was sleeping rights besides me, hugging my head. I decided five minutes more couldn’t kill me and closed my eyes for another little while.
“Hey, wanna go see a movie?” I heard a groggy voice in the darkness that was my eyelids. Lisa was awake, after all.
“What time is it?” I yawned.
I instantly regretted asking the question. Lisa sat up, denying me further the comforting sensation of her warm breasts on the side of my face.
“Almost two o’clock,” Lisa checked her phone, and then stretched. “I’m kind of more tired now that when I went to sleep!” she complained.
“Then let’s sleep more,” I begged. “Lie down again, I’m getting cold.”
“Ew. You’re right. My fingers smell,” Lisa stood up ignoring my recent request and I admired her bare behind as she walked into the bathroom. “Aria, get up! We’re going to see a movie. You can sleep in the theater if you want.”
“It’s not a theater!” I wined. “Just a projector and some crappy chairs! I can’t sleep in those!”
“Dress up or I’ll drag you the way you are.”
Not wanting to disobey an order over something so petty, I followed Lisa closely behind in a sour mood, heading to the offices.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200230 “Your hair’s a mess,” Lisa criticized. “And those shoes DO NOT go with your shirt.”
“I know about the shoes, okay? And if you don’t like the hair, then why don’t you brush it, master?” I retorted. “I’m just some dumb slave that doesn’t get to sleep anymore.”
“You know what? Sure. I’ll fix it for you when we get back.”
It was a bit awkward visiting the office buildings of the camp again so soon. I still remembered being dragged around by Stone with nothing but a towel to cover my nudity, and suspected that the people standing behind desks on our way to the movie room remembered, too.
It was nice and dark inside. I quickly counted a dozen heads present besides us. I hadn’t been here with my cat eyes; so it was a very weird to experience to be in a dark room with a very bring screen on the middle of it. If I looked at the screen the rest of the place looked unfathomably dark; if I looked elsewhere the screen was a sharp and blinding light.
They were running Toy Story 2. The camp had Netflix, and the people who were in the room as a movie finished decided what to watch next.
Lisa had us sit on an outer corner, all the way to the back, something I could agree with. To my great pleasure, I quickly discovered that I could twist my spine to curl myself and still fit into the seat of the chair while lying down. Lisa got so impressed and amused she took a picture of me and sent it to Erika.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200231 “What movie do you want to watch once this thing is over?” I complacently asked, deciding that I would sleep there. “I’ll vote with you.”
“I didn’t come here to watch movies,” Lisa revealed. “I got a much, much better idea of how to use a noisy, dark room.”
Lisa started undoing her jeans, exposing that she hadn’t worn any underwear.
a) Lisa only means for them to watch movies in the buck.
b) Lisa has pleased Aria enough. It’s time for Aria to use mouth.
c) Lisa cannot keep her hands off Aria, who is very prone to make noises when she’s excited.
d) Aria refuses this order, and she and Lisa silently fight stripping one another.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2200232 D. Nothing says danger like balancing a physical altercation with the need to not be noticed no matter what.
Wrong Person
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>>2200232 D. The girls could escalate by throwing each other clothes far away.
>>2200229 Simple enough edit.
I don't mind the vote having been wasted I simply posted the picture when I deemed it felt "finished"
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>>2200232 B + A, if they are completely naked while Aria eats out Lisa, when they are discovered it may lead to them scrambling to get out before staff arrives and parts of their oufits getting left bihind or dropped while they run.
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>>2200232 B/C. Having problems posting an image, will do that when I'm not on mobile.
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If you want to permanently lose clothes, D or C is the best bet.
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>>2200232 D into B+C as angry sex.
>>2200232 Is "in the buck" an English idiom or what?
>>2200301 English (American) person here. I've never head of it.
>>2200303 I change my vote to this. Silent fighting might have some fun, and Aria would be great at shredding clothes, on accident or on purpose.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2200301 >>2200327 English (Canadian) and I've heard it here and there.
>>2200303 Consider my vote switched to this too.
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>>2200301 >Is "in the buck" an English idiom or what? Yes
wait so is it actually "in the back" for A?
>>2200355 "in the buck" just means "naked". It's a reasonably common expression.
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>>2200357 ah thanks for explanation
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200301 >>2200355 I even googled the thing. I know for a fact to have read it in a book, somewhere.
Raise the issue out whenever my English seems sketchy; I'm not a native speaker or have ever been to an English-speaking country and wouldn't find out otherwise.
>>2200267 I'll take it!
>>2200232 “You can’t be serious!” I sibilated. “You just played with my body!”
“Just? That was hours ago. We were sleeping, remember?” Lisa stopped undressing; she looked upset I wasn’t following the idea.
“No, I don’t remember. That’s how sleeping works. And I doubt you kept your hands off me just because I was unconscious,” I had given up on my curled-sleeping posture since I had already expecting that my nap wasn’t happening no matter how the current conversation ended.
“Aria, take your clothes off. Everything,” she commanded.
“No! I told you no more public stuff! Do you want to have sex? Fine! We’ll go back. It’s not happening here!”
“SHHHH!” a middle-aged woman two seats in front turned to shush us. I didn’t know the camp staff also got to use the movie room.
“Don’t make me strip you, Aria,” Lisa said more quietly than earlier. “I’ve been having fantasies about this, and I really want it happening.”
I didn’t even bother to keep talking. I went jumped behind the rows of chairs and headed for the exit. Lisa could do whatever she wanted but I wasn’t going to be part of it. At least, that was the plan; as I made it past Lisa’s seat she grabbed the waistline of my jeans and got her grubby mitts in there. I poked her with my nails but she wouldn’t let go.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200364 My pants started going down.
“Alright, that’s it!” I had issued my last warning, this meant war.
I turned even if that meant my jeans going further down, and clasped Lisa’s left boob, over her shirt. There was no bra to feel, I hadn’t seen her wear one.
“A-Aria!” she cried. “You nails! Your nails!”
“Want me to let go? You let go first!” I proposed.
“I’m just undressing you, not cutting your tits off!” she argued. “Ahh! They’re sharp!”
Lisa let go of my pants, but instead tightly grabbed my tail and pulled, hard.
“MMMRROOOOWW!” I angrily protested in agony.
“SHHHHHHHHH!” Several disgruntled members of the crowd had turned to shut me up.
“You stay off my tits, I stay off the tail. Deal?” Lisa negotiated having obtained a good grip on my shirt while I ducked to hide my exposed panties from the people who turned to shush us.
It sucked having such an obvious weak point. I reluctantly agreed with a growl, still mad at Lisa for what she had done. She pulled the shirt up, exposing my navel and forcing my shoulders back. At that rate she would have it.
Jumping back to the row of seats Lisa was on, I heard a tear coming from my clothes. I hadn’t factored in the fact that my pants were now near my knees, and I screwed up the distance and the force of the leap.
“Lisa, let go; you’re breaking it!” I fretted.
“Then take it off, dummy! You’re the one who jumped,” Lisa’s answer was not devoid of guilt. She did not mean to destroy my wardrobe.
I barely managed to stay standing after my leap by balancing the tail, but Lisa still used my unsteadiness to go for my panties. My legs were held together by the jeans, and the shirt was on the way of my arms. We may have been at the very back and the room might be dark, but I was still standing in public with only the noise of a Darth Vader parody fighting a toy coming from cheap speakers to protect me.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200365 In a panic to avoid having my underwear stripped, I jumped backwards from the still-sitting Lisa who pulled in the opposite direction at the same time. All the clothing getting in the way managed to finally beat my equilibrium and I fell down, my bare bottom hit the floor.
“So we’re clear, this is your fault!” Lisa guiltily spilled, her right hand holding my torn white panties.
She threw the remains on her hand aside and knelt down. I still had my limbs all but immobilized and she used her superior weight to hold me down from my waist, pressing downward.
“Here’s all the popcorn I’ll ever need!” she exhaled her hot breathing near my most tender place.
“Please don’t?” I tried. “Ahh!”
I had already lost count of the orgasms I had during the day. A dozen? More? However many, those weren’t enough for Lisa. She pressed her mouth against my pussy and I had the impression that she was trying to French-kiss it. I bit on the shirt currently crumpled around my arms and neck as hard as I could to avoid sound escaping.
Lisa greedily dug her mouth as deep as she could, spreading my butt cheeks open with her hands as if I needed any more stimulation. My fangs started piercing the cloth, but how else would I drown my stupid cries?
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200366 “Nom, nom,” Lisa alluringly sang. “All wet and slippery down there, my Aria. Now prepare for the real thing.”
Without any resistance from my part, Lisa removed my pants, then her own shirt. She spread my legs open and sniffed my little opening.
“Where’s all the fight you had in you a minute ago?” she laughed.
I didn’t answer. This was on her, not on me. She better take responsibility.
Lisa started slurping and licking; sadly unlike other occasions her hands were otherwise occupied on her own crotch, currently sticking up and happily wagging. Lisa’s eyes were closed, and instead of using any method or technique, she just kept experimenting and playing with my private parts. A moan of surprise escaped me when she tenderly bit my labia.
“SHHH!” someone said. I was trying, damn it!
a) It is fair Aria now does Lisa. What kind of partner doesn’t reciprocate?
b) Aria is convinced to watch the rest of the movie naked.
c) Aria can’t keep it down and the pair is discovered. Aria tears her shirt trying to escape, but manages to grab her pants before running away.
d) A newcomer arrives at the room, surprising and getting surprised by the pair (Duke, Dan, Leslie, Elmira, Jill, Melanie, Medea name your pick).
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2200367 C or B+D with Duke
>>2200367 A→B for some rest after A
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>>2200367 I want C to happen so she has fewer clothes, but I'm more currently interested in A or B, and it seems like C is mutually exclusive with B
So A→B like
>>2200373 said
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>>2200370 Actually, I'll switch from A to A to B
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>>2200367 C can happen later in the movie. I'm sure a RomCom or something will play after this and get Lisa to keep going.
A into B.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200367 Ignoring the noise I was making and the social contract of movie theaters, Lisa kept going. Her movements were constantly changing. Lisa was not exploring my intimate areas just because; she was learning what made me react and how.
That would’ve been great at the bedroom if we had some privacy, but experiencing too much pleasure could be a bad thing when you were trying to be quiet. Lisa had learned that my most sensitive spot was not left, right or back; she was now twisting her tongue to lick the front of my vagina.
My jaw hurt from biting into my shirt; and I couldn’t last much longer experiencing Lisa’s treatment without climaxing.
Lisa was considerate enough to let me be for a short while as I trembled and writhed on the floor doing my best to keep my voice inside. She separated her mouth from me, leaving a clear trail of different viscous liquids mixed together.
Lying sweaty on the floor as if I had just swum a mile, my breathing slowly steadied down. I sat up taking a look at my companion; Lisa was lasciviously licking her lips and her eyes looked quite unfocused as she continued to masturbate.
“Lisa, stop,” I pointed at her hands, busy pleasuring their master. “I’ll… I’ll do it. Get back to your chair.”
It would be inconsiderate of me to be the only one in the receiving end. I finally got rid of the shirt that had been imprisoning my arms, and crawled to a sitting Lisa. Her legs were already invitingly open and her pussy was so soaked one could have guessed she had been the one receiving cunnilingus.
“I like your smell,” I revealed, and started tenderly kissing different parts of Lisa’s slit.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200474 I needed Lisa to slow down or it would be over in an instant, she was ready to explode; but at the same time it would be cruel to have forced her to stop touching herself just to deny all pleasure altogether. Being left frustrated was not an experience I wanted Lisa to go through on my account.
Once I had judged she had cooled off enough, I tried imitating what Lisa had done on me. She reacted well, it was nice knowing Lisa liked it; but it wasn’t the same. Were our bodies different or I wasn’t doing it right? I was trying to force my tongue into all angles I could reach inside of her and test what made her shudder the most; including the front as she had done with me.
It was disappointed to be unable to have Lisa reach the bliss she had made me experience. I wanted to apologize, but all I could think of then was using my fingers on her clitoris while I met Lisa’s nether lips with mine to communicate I wanted her to have more fun.
It wasn’t quite how I wanted it, but attacking several points of pleasure at once finally started having an effect on Lisa. She was finally jumping with her butt like she was genuinely enjoying the experience and not just taking what she could get. If that was just good enough, I tried adding another layer to see what happened.
My tongue contorted inside of her, touching as many areas as it could, my lips opened and closed near her entrance stimulating her labia, my fingers played with her clit that had grown a bit in size ever since I started touching it; and for the finishing touch my free hand alternated with my tongue with three whole fingers going in and out.
“Yes, Yes! YES!” Lisa cried, her pussy happily twitching telling me that I had done a good job. I gave it a last kiss goodbye and then ducked to search for my clothes, suspecting we would be thrown out soon and that I had seconds to act.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200477 “Be quiet!” the middle aged lady finally spouted with the encouragement of several other audience members who agreed Lisa was being noisy.
Surprisingly, that was the end of it. Lisa didn’t answer either way and the lady sat back down; with just a few whispers about the room on how rude some people were.
“I told you it would be fine,” Lisa drawled, still panting. “Good job… by the way… you got much better since… last time.”
That compliment elevated my self-worth more than I cared to admit. I sat next to Lisa, beaming at her and putting my pants back on.
“Don’t,” she stopped me putting her hand over mine. “What’s more, take off your socks, too.”
“Someone’s going to find us…” I objected.
“Come on! Don’t you want to cuddle? You know you’re too warm to be dressed,” she appealed.
Actually, cuddling sounded about the thing I would much rather do; just not naked in public; even if no one was looking at us.
Lisa didn’t wait for my answer. She grabbed me and covered my body with her arms over me, making my drop the pants I was trying to wear. Defeated, I kicked away my socks and just nestled on her shoulder, the familiar scent of my own juices coming from her mouth, and hers from mine.
a) Aria’s shirt was too ravaged by her love bites and is now completely unusable. Other than that, no incident.
b) Someone did notice, just didn’t say it out loud. The mysterious stranger picks up the clothes left behind by the girls while Aria is too distracted to notice. Note this will include the phones.
c) Erika thought it would be fun to join after receiving Aria’s photo. She brought popcorn!
d) When the movie ends the stern middle-aged lady stands up to tell Lisa a thing or two.
e) The pair fall asleep and is awoken by an admiring audience.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2200482 A + E
B is tempting, but phones are important so we'd end up on a quest to get them back.
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>>2200482 A + E, I would add B, but phones are too useful to lose like this.
>>2200482 A + E
Also I'm glad Aria didn't get a cat's tongue so she can still eat out other girls
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
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>>2200497 I thought about giving it to her, but it was far too disadvantageous. She doesn't need to groom, so there was no point.
Also, don't think too hard how can she please girls with sharp nails. She's just careful and tender.
>>2200497 You say that like the tongue wouldn't help please other girls. Apparently Lenny Fave is tagged as spam. Well, there goes that 'joke'.
>>2200482 A + C.
>>2200543 >You say that like the tongue wouldn't help please other girls I don't know if you've ever shoved barbs into your vaginal wall to see how it feels, but I know I sure wouldn't want to
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>>2200545 The lenny face would have made it more obvious that I was joking.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
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Updates have been slow today, but on the upside; we have all hundred campers finished! Still missing some staff members, though. If you wanted to insert a character, it is still possible if you don't mind them being staff.
Also, if we count the text on the choices, Camp of Dares as of this update is now as long as Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince!
>>2200482 “Just a little! I want to get a picture of her butt plug.”
“If you touch her they’ll wake up!”
“Shh! The one with the cat ears is moving.”
“The… EARS are moving. What the fuck?”
I woke up to a pleasant sensation of warm washing all over my body. Lisa’s satisfying scent filled my nostrils first thing. My eyes took half a second to come into focus. Three people were staring at me from the row of seats ahead of ours, the credits of a movie rolled behind them. They were all male and they were stupidly grinning ear to ear.
I was at a loss of what to do at the beginning. Memories of what had happened before my nap came flowing back in a cruel torrent of realization. Unable to help myself, I shrieked in a loud and piercing voice, hurrying to hug my uncovered breasts. Under me, Lisa startled and jumped; waking up.
No one shushed me this time.
“Do you come watching movies naked often?” one of the boys interviewed me, his phone in front. “Your friend has nice tits. Suck on them for the camera, will you?”
I kicked his phone away in ire, sending it crashing to the other side of the room. The boy to the leftmost got a nice view of my vag for my action. I covered myself as I could and rushed under a chair.
“Dude, my phone!”
“Hey, the tail isn’t coming from the butt. How do you do that? It’s okay! We’ve been staring at you for like, ten minutes. Nothing left to hide.”
“Shit, that’s screen’s bright!” Lisa covered her face with the palms of her hands. “Aria, can you grab me my shirt? I’m getting cold.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
Updates have been slow today, but on the upside; we have all hundred campers finished! Still missing some staff members, though. If you wanted to insert a character, it is still possible if you don't mind them being staff.
Also, if we count the text on the choices, Camp of Dares as of this update is now as long as Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince!
>>2200482 (You)“Just a little! I want to get a picture of her butt plug.”
“If you touch her they’ll wake up!”
“Shh! The one with the cat ears is moving.”
“The… EARS are moving. What the fuck?”
I woke up to a pleasant sensation of warm washing all over my body. Lisa’s satisfying scent filled my nostrils first thing. My eyes took half a second to come into focus. Three people were staring at me from the row of seats ahead of ours, the credits of a movie rolled behind them. They were all male and they were stupidly grinning ear to ear.
I was at a loss of what to do at the beginning. Memories of what had happened before my nap came flowing back in a cruel torrent of realization. Unable to help myself, I shrieked in a loud and piercing voice, hurrying to hug my uncovered breasts. Under me, Lisa startled and jumped; waking up.
No one shushed me this time.
“Do you come watching movies naked often?” one of the boys interviewed me, his phone in front. “Your friend has nice tits. Suck on them for the camera, will you?”
I kicked his phone away in ire, sending it crashing to the other side of the room. The boy to the leftmost got a nice view of my vag for my action. I covered myself as I could and rushed under a chair.
“Dude, my phone!”
“Hey, the tail isn’t coming from the butt. How do you do that? It’s okay! We’ve been staring at you for like, ten minutes. Nothing left to hide.”
“Shit, that screen’s bright!” Lisa covered her face with the palms of her hands. “Aria, can you grab me my shirt? I’m getting cold.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200573 “Y-yeah! Cold. Your nips are all stiff,” one of the boys pointed out.
“Wanna suck on them?” Lisa shamelessly suggested, pressing her chests together, shutting the guy right up. “It might warm me up.”
“No! We’re leaving! Go away, creep!” I clipped, putting on my pants and thanking I was able to do it under my current position.
“You can’t be a lesbian your whole life, Aria. How about you try…?”
“Don’t tell them my name!” I chastised. “And don’t tell them… stuff!” Why would she tell them I was a lesbian like that?
I finished putting on my pants, and crawled to recover my shirt. On my way I picked up Lisa’s clothes. She still had her legs spread, and looked perfectly content with having two brutes – the other went searching for his phone – staring into her pussy that I hoped I was at least covering on my sleeping position.
“So, you’re lesbians? You suck each other titties and stuff?” one of the creeps puffed and huffed uncontrollably.
“Actually, we’ve never done that,” Lisa casually revealed. “We mostly suck each other’s-”
“Put these on!” I demanded, interrupting Lisa and throwing her shirt and pants at her. I had already found and worn my socks but was still topless. “And hurry up or I’m leaving you here!”
I realized right after how dumb that sounded. Lisa wouldn’t mind being left here so it was hardly a threat, and it was up to me to actually watch over her to avoid the three losers having their way with her. Lisa was by far the easiest lay in the camp.
“Ugh, my back!” Lisa howled. I was extremely pleased to see she was wearing her shirt to the disappointment of the guys. “How long did we sleep for?”
“We’ve been here for ten minutes, but you looked fast asleep by then,” one of them, a ginger creep, responded.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200574 Being naked and vulnerable, being taken pictures of as I embraced Lisa while naked… all for ten whole minutes. I couldn’t even cry; the shock was too much. I hyperventilated and grabbed my shirt, finding out that I had completely destroyed it by biting too hard. It had holes all over and I had torn a whole shoulder; it was just a red piece or rags now. I covered my face with the broken article of clothing and let out a scream full of sentiment into it, biting more holes into it.
“Oh, no way! The screen got smashed in,” the third creep bitched in the distance. I was glad his phone was smashed and I hoped it didn’t turn back on again.
“Alright, the movie is over,” a short, adult guy in business casual wear entered the room and the lights turned on. “Have you guys decided what to watch… what the…?”
A girl sitting bottomless, another one on the floor, topless. Two guys gawking at us from the front seat and nobody else in the room. What would a man think walking into such a situation?”
“Uh… if you guys get me twenty bucks I’ll lock the door and put you a porno. Thirty minutes,” he slyly and quickly switched personalities. “You better be clothed by then, and no screaming.”
“What do you have?” a boy questioned, interested.
“I have an internet. What do you want? Not illegal shit, anything else goes; and we never spoke.”
I had finished fashioning what remained of my shirt as a cloth bikini like I had made out of my towel, and painfully, but successfully tugged my tail into a leg of my jeans.
“Lisa, put the pants on already! I told you we’re leaving!” I quietly asserted, making sure of not interrupting the negotiations of the two guys and the man.
“Fifteen. It’s all we have, honest!”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200575 “Look; I only get ten for myself. The other ten are for the janitor. I’m not risking my job for five lousy bucks! Oh, your girlfriends are leaving. See what happens when you’re stingy?”
Lisa hadn’t worn her pants yet and I didn’t care. I couldn’t stay another second there. Pulling down her shirt so it covered her privates, I walked her out of the movie room and into the office building, urging her to return to the cabin.
“You cannot be serious right now, Aria!” Lisa disappointingly kept resisting my attempts to push her to walk; our advance was slow and she was a lot heavier than I expected. “A porno! And we can make the guys pay. It’ll be fun. One guy for you, two for me! If you’re still hard into that lesbian stuff; that’s okay, too. We can put a lesbian porn on, guys won’t mind; trust me.”
“Lisa, shut up and keep walking. And put your pants on!” I berated, bitterly regretting listening to her suggestion to just innocently come watch a movie.
a) Lisa drags Aria back to the theater. Guys agree to delete all the videos and pictures they took for a live show to some lesbian porn (they’ll know where Aria’s tail stems from, though)
b) Pantsless Lisa has had enough of Aria and walks away.
c) Medea makes her appearance, she’s been looking all over for Aria.
d) Aria gets her way and drags Lisa to the cabin; but without pants.
>>2200576 D, time to get some more of the cabin together, maybe a group trip to dinner?
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2200576 >>2200578 I agree, D with the rest of the group (or at least Medea) at the cabin.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200576 I wasn’t making much progress pushing, so I grabbed Lisa’s arm and proceeded to try pulling instead. It was impossible. Whenever I thought I had a good grip on the floor and pressed with my legs, I simply slid down back to her. Just how much did she weigh?
Lisa wasn’t wearing anything else other than a pink shirt. She was completely bottomless. Her ass, her vag, everything was in plain view and she didn’t bother to cover any of it. I had her jeans with her phone in them over my shoulders; at least they were covering my upper body somewhat. Her shoes were left on the movie room and honestly for all I cared they could stay there.
“Please, Lisa; let’s go!” I continued to plead to no avail.
“You’re my slave, not the other way around. I’m telling you, let’s go join the boys. If you still want to be a virgin or whatever you can tell them to stick it up your ass. Not that I’d know how that is. I’ve honestly never tried it. Kind of nasty business, isn’t it? Maybe not, after all,” Lisa ranted.
“Excuse me, why are you not wearing pants?” a pretty young lady approached us, standing from her desk. “Or underpants? You can’t do that here!” she tried to reprehend, but didn’t seem very sure of herself. “Bill! There’s a naked girl here! Come tell her she has to wear clothes!”
“See? We’re bothering people? We have to go!” I urged.
Without any warning, Lisa freed her arm from my grasp, walked forward and kissed the adult woman full on the mouth. The poor lady stood there wide eyed, waving her arms like she wanted to fly.
“Y-you can’t do that, either!” the woman breathed. “N-neither can I! I can’t kiss the campers; you’re going to get me fired! B-Bill! Where the hell are you? I’m getting raped… I think!”
“Pfft. And I thought that would loosen her up,” Lisa spat.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200603 “What are you doing? We’re going to get in trouble! W-we have to leave!” For once, Lisa allowed me to slowly pull her away from the lady and to the door to the outside. I didn’t even care Lisa had her slit in full view anymore. “I’m really sorry!” I turned back to the lady, who now was looking at her face in a pocket mirror using her thumb to fix the lipstick Lisa had messed up.
I opened the glass door, heaving and panting to move the stubborn exhibitionist blonde pervert behind me. “Lisa! Damn it!” I wept, irritated. “If… if you are going to be this hard I swear I’m not sleeping with you anymore!” I threatened.
“That’s not a public thing, so I can order you to do that. You have no right!” she immediately countered. She seemed to actually care. Maybe because how she always went about how warm I was.
“O-okay, today I can’t deny; but what about tomorrow? I’ll sleep with Erika! N-no; I’ll sleep with Medea. She will have me!”
“You already agreed that we’d be each other’s teddy bear, you can’t go back on that,” she protested, but faltered enough to let me pull her faster.
I rode that train as much as I could. I was still dragging Lisa behind with her genitals out in the open, but I had to take what I could get. It was a pretty popular hour for lunch and thus we found plenty of campers on their way to the dining area as we were heading to the cabin. At least Lisa got least difficult to pull as we proceeded.
“Hey, Lisa! No pants today? Rocking that blonde downstairs!” a tall guy familiarly greeted us.
“You know it!” Lisa answered, pleased, flashing the boy a single breast.
I hurried the pace, knowing that which each snickering girl and gawking boy, Lisa was getting more and more excited. I just hoped that I would have to resort to the same tactic Medea was forced to employ. I was all sexed-out; I wanted a break.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200604 I wasn’t sure to be able to complete the last few hundred yards, when a familiar scent approached my nose.
“Lisa; Medea’s back. She’s back at the cabin,” I announced.
“What? You can’t know that from here!”
“The window on Erika’s side is open. The wind is against us. I can smell her!” I took another whiff just to make sure. There was no mistaking it. Medea’s scent was my second favorite in the world, but also the most easily distinguishable. I could probably tell her apart in a crowd.
“That. Is. Freaky!” Lisa declared in a very annoying tone I would have taken offense to if I wasn’t so satisfied she was actually walking without being dragged and hurrying to our room.
Lisa actually went in first to the lodge, she opened the door and stepped in. Now she could take off her shirt and start kissing whoever she wanted and I didn’t have to care. My mission was complete!
“Hi, Medea!” Lisa cheerfully greeted the short little thing sitting on the bunk bed above mine.
I closed the door and said hello to the people inside, then hurried to undo my pants so I could take my tail out. The tail on skinny jeans felt awful.
“Lisa,” Medea carefully addressed her. “Do you remember our deal? I specifically asked you not to go outside without clothes.”
“I was wearing clothes! See my shirt?”
“Perhaps I should have specified further.”
a) Everyone’s in the cabin. It would be nice to have them do something together outside the dares. They go out for an enjoyable meal.
b) Aria delegates watching Erika to Lisa and goes out to talk to Medea. They need to discuss stuff in private.
c) Aria borrows Erika for a moment. Aria wants to clear a few things up.
d) Aria just hangs around lazily (skip to night)
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>>2200605 C, a meal would be awkward if Aria and Erika don't chat.
>>2200605 C Some big stuff happened with Erika, need to talk about it soon.
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>>2200639 Forgot the image
>>2200605 C
OP, I gotta ask you mentioned that there was a hard deadline where you won't be able to write anymore, but you were kinda vague on when that would be before, so since ity has been a couple weeks I was wondering if you ahd a better idea of how much longer you'll be writing.
>>2200690 According to his post, end of July. So we have a month and a half is left and we are on day 7 I think.
C. Story plot suggestion....u hinted at Lisa talking about anal sex....maybe aria can do this with her tail as some sort of payback for all she has been through with Lisa? Definitely when Lisa thinks she has control over Aria. Just a suggestion from an avid follower
>>2200709 Aria clearly doesn't like her tail ging going places. At best I'd say Aria uses a dildo and puts her tail in Lisa's pussy, if she uses tail at all.
>>2200709 >>2200731 There is still the gently used dildo from a few nights before.
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>>2200735 There is. Perhaps make someone dress up like a cat and try to keep up with Aria on a dare.
@sorrysleeping...sorry I don’t know how to quote responses. True she doesn’t like that but using her weakness as an offence was my intention. I’m not a big fan of anal.....only a suggestion nothing more, nothing less.
@sorrysleeping....yes I agree with with the tail in lisa’s pussy....might increase her lust with Aria and cause jealousy with Erika or Medea
>>2200745 >>2200747 Hit the number on the top right of the post and it will reference it.
If you highlight anything before clicking the number, it will quote it.
Gnattering Yawn
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
It's a tad sooner than expected, but all the bios are finally done. Any camper that is not in the character notes isn't there for good reasons.
The next update will hopefully include the cabin number of each camper and with a map we'll get a picture of who sleeps where.
>>2200708 Day 6, around 3 pm.
>>2200690 The reason for the vagueness was because there is no specific date. "End of July" was the best estimate available. After further research, chances are I'll be gone 2 to 3 weeks into July; so we have around a month left.
If anyone wants to be my replacement, I'll hand over my notes and they can ask me whatever they want about the story. This is best done a week or so into July just to be sure.
>>2200709 I'll try to accommodate your tastes somewhere along the line. Tail isn't probably going to be it; the tip of it is white and it's actually a pretty weak limb compared to an arm. Other than that, sure; we can do some Annalisa. I included a little something for you.
>>2200605 In an unexpected turn for me, I started doing something I didn’t think to have the courage to. As I was taking off my clothes, I talked to Medea. I needed to put some underwear between my jeans and my body, and of course I had to get rid of the scraps of the broken shirt.
I wouldn’t have believed it a week ago, but I was there, casually talking to another girl while naked like it was no big deal. I wasn’t even embarrassed, just a little excited that it was happening.
“Medea, are you and Lisa… all right?” I delicately approached the subject, not sure what had happened between the two.
“Of course we are; what kind of question is that?” Lisa butted in into my conversation.
“I am well aware of the meaning and implications,” Medea explained. “There is no need to worry. We arrived to an understanding and while I was… baffled by her stamina and eagerness, we stoke a deal that I deemed satisfactory.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200831 “Erika?” I called her attention and walked to her, buttoning up a blue blouse, one of the last things I had found to wear. I wasn’t wearing anything other than a white pair of panties.
“ ‘sup?” she responded, but didn’t look up from her phone.
“I was wondering… do you think we could, have a talk? In private?” If I hadn’t being nervous while undressing in front of the girls, I very much was at that moment. My heart thumped unnecessarily fast and I half-hoped Lisa would keep her eyes glued to her phone so she wouldn’t notice the blood rushing to my face.
It was uncomfortable hearing Carmen trying to quietly close her book at her own bed and slowly turning an ear in our direction.
“Sure, what’s on your mind?” Erika left her phone alone and smiled my way.
“I mean, in really, really private,” I insisted. My courage had all but evaporated and I was struggling to just be standing there in front of Erika, instead wishing I could go wear my pants.
Erika sighed. She looked at her phone one last time, pressed a few more buttons and then left it under her pillow.
“Yeah… I saw this coming a mile away,” she mumbled. I got out of the way for Erika to spring to her feet. “Lisa, cover your ass and take Medea to eat, will you?” she energetically but derisively instructed.
“I will refuse to go anywhere with you whenever your buttocks; sexual organs, be them internal or external; and mammary papillas are not properly covered,” Medea scolded Lisa.
In response, Lisa quickly extracted a black thong from her things and wore it. She looked at Medea raising her eyebrows and extending folded arms, expecting approval.
“Buttocks are still uncovered,” Medea repeated. Lisa grabbed a sweater and tied the sleeves around her hips, having the cloth covering the back, and repeated her raised eyebrows gesture. “It will have to do,” Medea accepted, jumped down and lead Lisa outside.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200833 “Carmen, I swear if you don’t leave right now I’m sticking up three fingers up your ass. I’m not kidding,” Erika warned, and Carmen quickly climbed down her bunk and left the cabin.
As soon as Carmen closed the door, Erika began talking. “I’m sorry for saying in public you’re gay. That was a shit thing to do.”
“That’s… fine. I don’t blame you for it; and I’m also sorry for hiding stuff from you. I didn’t mean to. Carmen would have found out eventually, too,” I reasoned. “Also, she’s just outside your window. She’s listening in.”
With an agility that befitted me, Erika jumped to her bed and opened the window, extending a powerful arm that grabbed an uninvited listener.
“Ah, ah, oowww…” Carmen gestured, having the scruff of her neck grabbed and pulled. Erika forced her into the cabin through the window in a painful looking way.
“What the fuck were you doing there?” Erika fumed, clenching the scruff even harder, and shaking it a bit.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Carmen cried. “I’ll be going on now! I swear to God!”
Erika let her go and threw her to the floor. “Bend over and pull up your skirt. Panties down. Oh, right. Just pull up your skirt, I guess. I made you a promise, remember?”
Surprisingly, Carmen didn’t argue much. She lifted her skirt and sighed. “W-want me to wash it, first?”
“You’re okay,” eased Erika. “Easier to wash my fingers after. Now, apologize to Aria.”
“I’m sorry, Aria,” Carmen hurried to say. “Hnnggh!” she cringed as a finger went inside her anal cavity. Erika was not kidding around. “I’m… I’m just a sucker for these things... R-romance and stuff. Don’t… HHNG!! Hold it against me.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200834 “Spread them nice and wide, one more finger to go,” Carmen grabbed her buttocks and she stretched them apart, saying she was sorry all the way through.
“And that’s three fingers, right there!” Erika laughed. “What do you say, Aria? Should I twist them around a bit? Teach this bitch a lesson?”
“T-that’s o-kay,” I stammered.
“Your call,” Erika pulled her fingers out much faster that she should have, making Carmen groan; and with a very sonorous spank, she made Carmen stand. “Now go to the cafeteria with Medea and Lisa,” Erika ordered. “Tell them what you did, and what I had to do to you. I’m catching up there with Aria later. When we get there, I want to be able to see your ass; you hear me? If you’re sitting and your ass is covered it’ll be my whole fist next time,” Carmen gulped at Lisa’s threat.
“Y-yes ma’am!” Carmen acknowledged and ran away holding her butt over her skirt. This time around I heard her steps actually getting farther and disappear into the distance.
“Where were we?” Erika asked, washing her hands using way too much hand-soap.
It was not as romantic as I had hoped, but I guessed that in this crappy camp that was as good as one could expect.
“Do you… remember that thing I told you,” I started. “How I… Erika. We should talk.”
“We’re talking.”
I just looked at my bare feet, heavily breathing. I had kind of banked on Erika taking the lead as always, telling me it would be fine, or that it already was. The water on the sink stopped running, and Erika stepped out of the bathroom. She folded her arms, expecting.
“Well, it’s… it’s true! Erika, I love you!” I properly admitted, feeling lightheaded all of sudden.
Erika didn’t say anything for a little while, she staid immobile and inquisitive, her head leaned to the side.
“I really don’t want to hurt you, Aria,” she finally said. “You know I’m not gay.”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
Quoted By:
>>2200835 “And what do you want me to do about it?” I sobbed. “I can’t help it. I can’t help loving you!”
Erika carefully approached me, and hugged me, pressing my head against her chest. “You poor little thing. If you just hadn’t said it…” she sighed and kissed my forehead. “I love you too, Aria. Not in the way you want me to, but I love you.”
I didn’t know what was about what she said, but I just started sobbing louder. I kept crying on her shoulder, until she grabbed my chin, and held it up. Erika leaned and kissed me.
“My poor, little Aria…” a tear of pity ran down Erika’s face.
a) Even if it’s hard, it’s better this way. Erika cannot return a lesbian love. She will in the future go out of her way to find someone for Aria. That doesn’t mean their sexual relationship is in any way over.
b) Love breaks all barriers! This is the beginning of Aria’s quest to make Erika fall in love. It might be painful, and it might not succeed; but she has to try!
c) Easy mode. Erika will in time realize she actually likes girls better and Aria will triumph in the end.
Pretty fucking important choice above; so I ain’t doing shit until we reach 10 votes, at least. I'll meanwhile work in the cabin map.
1) Go to the cafeteria. We can’t leave Carmen with her ass out the whole day.
2) Erika wants to at least give Aria some loving.
3) Who cares about Carmen? Erika invites Aria to skinny dip at the lake, just for shits and giggles.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200834 “Spread them nice and wide, one more finger to go,” Carmen grabbed her buttocks and she stretched them apart, saying she was sorry all the way through.
“And that’s three fingers, right there!” Erika laughed. “What do you say, Aria? Should I twist them around a bit? Teach this bitch a lesson?”
“T-that’s o-kay,” I stammered.
“Your call,” Erika pulled her fingers out much faster that she should have, making Carmen groan; and with a very sonorous spank, she made Carmen stand. “Now go to the cafeteria with Medea and Lisa,” Erika ordered. “Tell them what you did, and what I had to do to you. I’m catching up there with Aria later. When we get there, I want to be able to see your ass; you hear me? If you’re sitting and your ass is covered it’ll be my whole fist next time,” Carmen gulped at the threat.
“Y-yes ma’am!” Carmen acknowledged and ran away holding her butt over her skirt. This time around I heard her steps actually getting farther and disappear into the distance.
“Where were we?” Erika asked, washing her hands using way too much hand-soap.
It was not as romantic as I had hoped, but I guessed that in this crappy camp that was as good as one could expect.
“Do you… remember that thing I told you,” I started. “How I… Erika. We should talk.”
“We’re talking.”
I just looked at my bare feet, heavily breathing. I had kind of banked on Erika taking the lead as always, telling me it would be fine, or that it already was. The water on the sink stopped running, and Erika stepped out of the bathroom. She folded her arms, expecting.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200839 “Well, it’s… it’s true! Erika, I love you!” I properly admitted, feeling lightheaded all of sudden.
Erika didn’t say anything for a little while, she staid immobile and inquisitive, her head leaned to the side.
“I really don’t want to hurt you, Aria,” she finally said. “You know I’m not gay.”
“And what do you want me to do about it?” I sobbed. “I can’t help it. I can’t help loving you!”
Erika carefully approached me, and hugged me, pressing my head against her chest. “You poor little thing. If you just hadn’t said it…” she sighed and kissed my forehead. “I love you too, Aria. Not in the way you want me to, but I love you.”
I didn’t know what was about what she said, but I just started sobbing louder. I kept crying on her shoulder, until she grabbed my chin, and held it up. Erika leaned and kissed me.
“My poor, little Aria…” a tear of pity ran down Erika’s face.
a) Even if it’s hard, it’s better this way. Erika cannot return a lesbian love. She will in the future go out of her way to find someone for Aria. That doesn’t mean their sexual relationship is in any way over.
b) Love breaks all barriers! This is the beginning of Aria’s quest to make Erika fall in love. It might be painful, and it might not succeed; but she has to try!
c) Easy mode. Erika will in time realize she actually likes girls better and Aria will triumph in the end.
Pretty fucking important choice above; so I ain’t doing shit until we reach 10 votes, at least.
1) Go to the cafeteria. We can’t leave Carmen with her ass out the whole day.
2) Erika wants to at least give Aria some loving.
3) Who cares about Carmen? Erika invites Aria to skinny dip at the lake, just for shits and giggles.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
//WEARING *DESTROYED OR LOST -DIRTY WARDROVE: UNDERWEAR: BRAS: -Beat up blue sports bra (dirty) *White with Blue Polka dots, light blue ribbon (wolves tore it) *Red beaten up one (Medea broke it) -Light-blue bra (dirty) *White bra with black frilly borders (held by Duke) PANTIES: -Black, lacey panties (dirty) *White with Yellow Polka dots, light blue ribbon (wolves tore it) *White panties with alternating purple and red horizontal stripes (Dan has them) *Purple Lycra briefs (held by Duke) White pair with lacey borders *Plain white with pink ribbon (torn by Lisa) //Plain white with pink ribbon Yellow pair Black tanga Plain white Red with transparent sides Blue and red stripes Blue with laces in front CLOTHES PAJAMAS: -Pink with yellow, Lyrical Nanoha (dirty) Yellow, Spongebob Pink, hole in butt TOPS: *White t-shirt (destroyed by wolves) -Long sleeve button-blousse (dirty) -White undershirt (dirty) *Blouse (held by Melanie) *Blue baby doll (destroyed by Medea) *Red t-shirt (destroyed at movies) //Button blue shirt Blue jumper dress BOTTOMS: Blue jeans (destroyed by wolves) //Blue skinny jeans Blue skinny jeans Levi's (held by Melanie) Caqui shorts Black mini-skirt White knife-pleated skirt
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
Quoted By:
*White sneakers and socks (held by Elmira)
Black loafers (ruined)
Gold Earring
*Baseball cap
Second and last pair of sneakers (lost in the woods, survived the wolves)
6 clean pairs of socks
-3 dirty pairs of socks
*1 pairs of socks destroyed
Blue ballerina flats
//Brown slip-on shoes
-Tennis clothes (2 sets) Melanie (1 set was left ouside the cabin, it's gone missing)
-Tennis clothes (1 set) Jill
-big underwear (Jill)
-unfitting bra (Melanie)
Quoted By:
>>2200844 Looks like we need a lot more panty destruction
Gnattering Yawn
>>2200841 B2, Aria doesn't deserve to be beaten down like in A but C's a bit cheap.
Whatever happens though, Aria is sad right now and needs to be comforted a little.
Quoted By:
>>2200841 A3
Erika is not best girl. Just ask around.
Quoted By:
>>2200841 A1.
It sucks, but probably better this way. Erika never seemed to really care about who she was fucking, just using it creep people out or mess with them.
I want to say B, but I feel like Aria will be crushed if we reach the conclusion that and don't get Erika. I don't think she is bad, but I feel like we can do better. I'm just not sure who we can bond with other than Medea and not have some problems with out cat girl ness.
If anyone has a better suggestion, I am always willing to change my vote, but this is how I see it for now.
>>2200841 #A1.
It sucks, but probably better this way. Erika never seemed to really care about who she was fucking, just using it creep people out or mess with them. I'm sure that could change, but eh.
I want to say B, but I feel like Aria will be crushed if we reach that conclusion and don't get Erika. I don't think she is bad, but I feel like we can do better. I'm just not sure who we can bond with other than Medea and not have some problems with our cat girl ness, since anyone else in our cabin is a no-go.
If anyone has a better suggestion, I am always willing to change my vote, but this is how I see it for now.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2200863 >>2200885 Yeah, giving it some thought Aria would be worst off if she got her hopes up only to fail. Instead, we can have Erika rip off the bandaid and then be there for Aria to help her figure out how to cope. I'll switch to A2.
>>2200841 B2, I'm quite torn personally, while I agree trying and failing is aweful. We have seen a fairly good sample of the other girls at the camp, and I'm not sure if anyone fits better.
>>2200888 We must go full 360 turbo lesbian and find ourself a man, obviously.
The only candidates I see are Medea, Elmiria, and Melania (unknown sexual status). The list of suitors is pretty short.
>>2200892 I'm not sure if Medea is gay either, I always got the feeling she was more like Erika that way, just kinda didn't care.
Though I believe there was a mantion of Jill being into girls, but even then thats not a long list.
Gnattering Yawn
Quoted By:
>>2200893 Even romance aside, I think Aria and Jill are a good matchup. Aria's got great tennis potential and can learn from Jill which would give Aria some self-actualization to find something she's really good at, and at the same time Jill's an exhibitionist tease so I expect Aria and Jill could get along really well, especially with Melanie there too.
>>2200893 Bio has hetero but willing to mate with anyone to further her own needs.
I see a better chance of turning Medea into a life long companion over turning Erika.
>>2200901 I suppose it would make an appropriate turn if Aria became the little witch's black cat.
>>2200905 I was saving that quip for later.
A witch does need a familiar. Aria gives her master +3 in stealth checks and Alertness as the feat (+2 to perception and sense motive). </meta>
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>>2200841 b3
Even if they don't get together, the emotional journey will be wonderful
>>2200841 B3
Couldn't Aria just ask Medea to make a love potion designed to make Erika fall in love with her? It should be simple enough even without using plot authority.
Quoted By:
>>2200926 I don't know, that seems kind of out of character for both Aria and Medea. Plus Medea may not even know how to make a love potion like that, since she sort of stumbled onto the first one
Gnattering Yawn
>>2200926 Medea being able to accidentally turn her remedy potion into a love potion was because of the unique properties of her blood, so I'm not sure if she could make the recipient fall in love with anyone but herself (and we don't know how difficult regular love potions are).
More than that though, a love potion like that would be a huge breach of trust. Camp of Dares said that Lisa could still end up hating Medea despite the blood bond; if Erika knew that Aria had brainwashed her, I expect she would hate Aria for it.
Wrong Person
Quoted By:
>>2200841 A There are plenty of girls here and Erika seems more of a player anyway.
3. Can't go wrong with skinny dipping
Quoted By:
>>2200930 Backing up the point, the love potion is a potion more of a potion of acknowledgement. The default is love, but that doesn't mean it is a strong default.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200909 Strictly speaking, you actually got your meta quite right. Aria's attributes haven't been modified at all. She's just got really sick bonuses.
>>2200930 >>2200926 Vampire blood is a hell of a thing best left alone by simple folk wanting to see some naked girls being cute. It's my job to be neutral either way. If you want me to write a 300 year old Aria surrounded by hundreds of thralls in a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk wasteland after killing and betraying everyone she loved it in her lust for further power; or most likely viciously annihilated during the struggle to get there; you got it.
It all starts with a sip. Addiction. Pain. Greed. Madness. Death.
>>2200888 There's over 60 girls to choose from in the camp alone, though.
>>2200841 I had a good cry on Erika’s shoulder. She was very patient and understanding, far more than I deserved; I loved her for a reason. I stained her nice black blouse with snot and tears and the only thing she did about it was pressing me against bosom even further; she wouldn’t let go.
I had never been rejected before, but then again I had never been in love. It felt like a hollow deep into my gut that ravaged everything surrounding it, making me uncontrollably sob as it pierced into my lungs.
The weirdest part was having the person who was responsible for that pain and aggravating it with her presence hugging me tightly, cradling me between her arms trying to dry my tears. Eventually, she succeeded.
“I’m sorry for being such an idiot,” I prided myself to be able to say with a still and steady voice.
“I’m the one who’s sorry. I’m okay with you loving me, I just don’t want you getting hurt,” Erika cooed me.
It was a little too late for that.
“I’m not going to stop loving you just because you rejected me,” I lamented, getting a bit emotional again.
“Yeah… I’ve been there,” Erika sighed, continuing to pet me.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200967 I nuzzled into Erika one last time, I knew I had her trapped there with me and she was the kind to stay there for as long as it took.
“Do you want to get something to eat? They’re probably waiting for us,” I proposed.
“Are you sure? Don’t you want to…?”
“No. I want to go out,” I pressed, interrupting her. Erika would spoil me to death if I let her. It sounded tempting, but I liked to believe my love wasn’t completely selfish. I didn’t want to drag her into my misery.
Erika again grabbed me by the chin, as the last time we kissed. She inquisitively looked into me. I tried to put on a strong façade.
“No offense, Aria; but you’re kind of a mess right now,” she lovingly brushed aside my hair with her hand,and then passed her fingers under my eyes drying the last of my tears. “How about a little rinse before?”
We exited the cabin all giddy. Erika was right behind me, not an inch apart, covering us both with her red bath towel. We awkwardly walked trying to synchronize our steps and failing. I was trying to tickle Erika’s armpits with my tail and she flashed my naked body for fractions of a second at a time as revenge. We were giggling like morons.
I wasn’t even worried when we went past a boy we knew. One of Dan’s friends, the dark skinned one who wasn’t quite black. He had a canned coffee on his hand and looked at us marching with a single towel like we had gone crazy. He didn’t say a word.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200968 When we walked not four yards distance from him, Erika again pulled the towel away for an instant, making me shriek. The boy stared intently, taking a sip of his coffee. I recriminated Erika, laughing and thinking how to get back at her. All I could think of is she wanted to give the guy a show was turning around and kissing her.
She got caught off guard, but readily and tenderly accepted. Behind me I heard an aluminum can around one fourth full clang against gravel. Next, the towel fell, but it seemed like someone else’s problem right then. I fished for a second kiss, and obtained it, then a third.
Thinking that had to be enough payback, I kicked Erika’s tip of the nose and ducked, retrieving the towel and covering us both back up.
“Excuse us!” I dumbly giggled to the dumbfounded wide-eyed guy holding an invisible can on his right hand.
“I can’t believe you did that!”, “Neither can I!”
Erika tossed aside our cover when we reached the lake. She ran and gave herself a head start, the challenged me to a race to the water. I rapidly went in all fours and ran with a speed I hadn’t tested yet easily overtaking the beautiful naked girl in front of me.
It was not after I went past Erika and took a huge leap forward that I realized where I would land. For a few milliseconds I regretted every life choice that made me end up jumping into a cold and huge body of water and pathetically meowed before breaking the surface tension with my unwilling buttocks.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2200969 Erika was a very strong swimmer. She gracefully waved her arms and methodically kicked the water like she had a small propeller attacked to her ankles, making her way to me.
“Alright, you win,” she admitted.
“Great! And what do I get?”
“This!” Erika predictably leaned and kissed me again.
“Oh, Erika,” I sadly purred, knowing that I probably shouldn’t go on, but unable to help myself. “I love you.”
Erika put on a terribly fake serious expression and in the deepest voice she could muster, she deadpanned: “I know.”
I laughed. For once I got the reference.
a) Some boys at the shore got Erika’s towel, flaunt it and eagerly wait for the girls to come out.
b) Aria finds out how is that people wash their clothes in this place.
c) Aria and Erika attempt underwater sex, but it’s a lot harder than it looks.
d) Elmira (her cabin is just next to the Lake) comes out and greets the pair. She’s in a bad mood.
Tons of votes, still tied for this one. Take your time, it’s more a future thing that something immediately relevant.
1) Aria must move on. She’s just hurting herself and there’s plenty of fish in the water.
2) Aria must not give up. Being friends with Erika is not enough.
Don’t worry, this time I won’t wait for too many votes.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
Quoted By:
enpApgsp Pastebin link to character bios. Now they include the cabin they inhabitate. Still liable to change, but unlikely.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2200970 Tied? I count A having had a four vote lead (though I did switch from B to A (
>>2200886 ), so that might've done it)
Well, anyways, B1, let's not ruin the moment.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
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>>2200975 Shit, you're right. I didn't count that one last recount. Nevermind, then!
1 or 2 don't matter anymore.
>>2200970 B/D 1.
I also believe if I counted correctly (i.age doubling vote) that A did have a lead, only because of the switch from Mr.Yawn.
Side note - Aria needs to become a purrito at some point.
Gnattering Yawn
Quoted By:
>>2200987 Hmm, why not? I'll go B/D too.
>>2200970 -B
I'd rather Aria didn't find out how to replenish her stock of clothes.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2201024 She's gonna want to go and do her laundry soon anyways, and when she does it's not like she'll have a hard time getting the info. (If anything seeing the laundry be washed correctly narratively sets up the next one (aka hers) to go incorrectly)
Quoted By:
>>2201024 >>2201025 It's best for her to find out about this spot for laundry, run out of clothes, then have to try and steal some and get caught by someone later.
That's how I see it.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
We've been getting creative with the combined votes; I'm just going to formalize more or less what I've been doing already. This is not set in stone, merely information on how I've been working and how D wins.
A (A) You want A to happen. All your vote unquestionably goes to A.
-A (Negative A) You don't want A happening. Your vote's worth is subtracted from A. It can go into the negatives.
A/B (A or B) You want either A or B happening. Your vote gets split into A or B. In case of a tie, your vote can un-split and be used as a joker to add to an option you want winning. Otherwise you are giving me permission to use your vote as A or B.
A+B. (A and B) You want both A and B happening. Your vote goes to a different category (A+B) category AND also gets split into A and B. If either A+B category wins, or A, B win AND at least half the votes making it possible are A+B, A+B will happen so long as they're not mutually exclusive (self-evident).
>>2201024 It's not like Aria'd rather go naked than use dirty clothes. She may hate the sensation of grime and old sweat, but she actually likes the scent of her own body.
>>2200970 I played with Erika. We laughed, we enjoyed ourselves; we had a great time. She tried to teach me a different swimming style other that doggy style – that she found overly amusing I was using –; Erika argued that she didn’t need a shower today anymore; no one came out to bother us; and I beat Erika at another race despite her obviously superior swimming technique. Our games got a little sexual at times; we weren’t afraid to touch or kiss each other; but it was always in a friendly way.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201055 I didn’t cry. The tears that I had shed for that were already shed; at least for today. Instead, I used my time with Erika the best I could, and wished that no matter what happened, at the very least we could keep things like this.
I must have told Erika I loved her at least a dozen times. Each time she felt less sad by hearing it, and I felt a little better. Despite my newly enhanced athletic abilities, I still got tired sooner than her and had to ask for a break at the shore.
The cabins were just a turn and a short walk away; anyone could come at any moment, and we still sat there in the nude embracing one another and enjoying the afternoon sun while talking.
“So, that’s all? You can’t grip any harder?”
I had my tail wrapped around Erika’s neck. It was her idea. I was grappling as hard as I could; my teeth were gritting, I was frowning, and I might even have farted. It was all I had and Erika barely faced any discomfort.
“It’s like a four year old is trying to strangle me,” Erika compared. “Your lie detector sucks as a deadly weapon.”
“Oh, you didn’t have that yesterday, did you?” Elmira asked, walking towards us.
Erika turned, surprised and a little embarrassed to see a stranger get closer; maybe more so because Elmira did look a bit androgynous. I had heard her ever since she stepped out of her cabin, which had a window with a nice view to the lake. She could have seen Erika and me playing the whole time.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201058 “No, I grew it overnight. Crazy, huh?” I exposed. “Don’t worry, Erika. She also knows the whole deal; she’s Elmira. You guys met at the cafeteria,” I reminded Erika to defuse any misunderstandings or worries. Erika actually changed her mannerism on an instant upon hearing calling Elmira a ‘she’.
“And… what are you guys doing around here?” asked Elmira in an affected tone, sitting right besides us. Erika didn’t seem to be partial to the familiarity; I didn’t mind, having the realization that I felt no shame in my nudity towards people I had sexual encounters with.
“Skinny dipping, isn’t it obvious?” Erika boringly monotoned without looking at Elmira.
“Oh, I see. We also did that once, Aria and I. Do you remember Aria?” Elmira reminisced, but I guessed she was trying to make a point. “Right after we… you know… do you remember?”
“Does… anybody want me to leave?” Erika insinuated, making an observation on how tense the atmosphere was becoming.
“Wait! Wait! I know you!” Elmira suddenly exclaimed. “You’re… the one with Jill! At the bonfire party! S-so, you’re a lesbian!”
“No, I’m not!” Erika corrected.
“No, she’s not,” I sadly sighed and started drawing circles on the ground.
“Then why are you here? With Aria? Are you cheating on Jill?” Elmira asked in quick rapid-fire succession with an increasingly higher pitch of voice.
“I’m not cheating on anyone; and I’m not in a relationship with Jill. She isn’t gay either, dumbass,” Erika derided.
“Yes, she is!” vehemently claimed Elmira, her nostrils had expanded and she was fairly worked up. No doubt a sensitive topic for her. “And before you go around denying, too; Aria right there is a lesbian as well!” she pointed at me, my right ear facing to her twitched from the discomfort of the increased volume.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201060 “What the fuck’s up with this tomboy?” Erika quipped, annoyed.
“W-well, if you have a problem with us butches you can just go ahead and kindly go away!” Elmira shouted, very offended. “You’re the odd one out in here, if you aren’t a lesbian as you claim, if you haven’t noticed!”
I didn’t know what made Elmira so confident and assertive being short and scrawny around the tall and athletic – and beautiful – Erika; maybe the ginger girl didn’t realize what trouble she was getting into. I silently prayed that the situation didn’t escalate any further.
a) Erika grabs Aria and then leaves (Elmira and Erika dislike one another).
b) Erika decides to be the bigger person and leaves, expecting Elmira to provide clothing for Aria (increases relation with Elmira).
c) Aria gets mad Elmira shouted at Erika and leaves, offended (damages relation with Elmira).
d) Elmira says the wrong thing, and Erika gets mad (Elmira and Erika hate each other).
Now, Erika can be a bit mean when she’s mad. This is to mix with D.
1) Erika pushes Elmira into the water.
2) Erika strips Elmira and keeps slapping her butt forcing her to run naked.
3) Erika uses three fingers.
4) Erika beats Elmira up.
5) Erika hangs Elmira by her underwear.
Quoted By:
>>2201061 C
I don't like the tomboy desu
Gnattering Yawn
Quoted By:
>>2201061 Personally, I don't care much for Elmira. She's not easy to lewd like Melanie and is kinda abrasive and possessive. She's probably better potential as an enemy, to be honest.
C + D5, let's get on her bad side.
Quoted By:
>>2201061 C + D3 why stop at three fingers
Quoted By:
>>2201061 I didn't know everyone hated Elmira so much.
>>2201061 B
Come on, Elmira is fun to dominate. If she doesn't have clothes for Aria to wear, we can steal hers and make her go back to her cabin naked.
We could also have her do tricks in exchange for a pair of used clothes.
>>2201128 Elmira is the 9th vodka shot. Fun now but you regret next day.
Wrong Person
Quoted By:
>>2201061 B I am giving Elmira a chance, Even though I like Jill way more. I am also fine with a lesbian harem for Aria (despite how impractical it is).
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
Overslept, thus late.
Short part, needed to hurry. I'm late.
>>2201061 Erika gave an evaluating glance at Elmira and stood up, towering over us. Elmira for the first time looked scared, maybe even a little regretful of her harsh words.
“Yeah, I’m not gay. You got that right,” Erika bragged, but despite her boisterous tone, her admission entailed sadness and a somewhat apologetic emphasis.
Erika confidently walked to Elmira, who stood aside to let the sensual and toned girl pass.
“I’ll be on the cafeteria, Aria; I can’t let the whole camp see Carmen’s ass, after all. See you there, maybe?” Erika vacillated, picking up her towel and slowly walking away.
Both Elmira and I admired the pretty and round, voluptuous hips gracefully bouncing back and forth in a hypnotizing dance. Erika’s butt was the best.
“So… what have you been up to?” Elmira awkwardly asked with a hand behind her neck, maybe for the first time aware that she had been overly rude.
“Nothing much, growing a tail,” I swayed the thing around to make a point as I rose to my feet, dusting my behind with my hands.
I expected some sort of reaction from Elmira, but she unabashedly ignored my furry new tool. “I heard that a girl with cat ears and a tail in a bikini won a tennis match against Jill Crosier,” she confided. “I can’t find even a single picture of the game itself, but what happened after… that’s the talk of the camp right now. The cat-girl; would that be you?”
“My… eyes are up here,” I chided self-consciously, realizing Elmira had been starting at my genitals ever since she turned away from Erika. I still didn’t cover up.
“And your vagina is down there. Want me to undress, too?” she proposed.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201330 She didn’t wait for me to answer and pulled down her shorts and underwear down to her knees, revealing what was by far her most feminine feature. “We don’t have to stare at each other’s…” I started, but decided just leaving it alone. There was one thing Elmira wanted, and she was making it very clear. Sadly, she was too late; Lisa had already taken care of running me dry for the day.
“Do you remember Brad?” Elmira effused. “He texted a picture of your ass to one of my friends. Were you doing the same game we did yesterday at the cafeteria? You must have been really horny,” she hoped.
“Elmira, is this talk going anywhere?” I politely queried, having my tail go down my butt and up crotch, covering what Elmira had been unapologetically looking at.
“Well, if you don’t mind me asking… can you tell me what you and Jill have been up to,” she snickered, rubbing her hands together. “I promise I won’t get mad. I mean, it’s not like we’re a couple or anything, right? But back to Jill, maybe you could even introduce me to her? If you did, I would be very, very grateful,” she insinuated, getting a bit closer to me as if that had any effect.
“She’s always at the tennis courts,” I dismissed, unimpressed. “Just walk up to her someday. I’ll give you her number if you want it.”
“Do you have her number?” Elmira blurted. “She gave it to you?”
I didn’t have it, but it made little difference. Jill had my number and there was no doubt in my mind she would call or at least send a message, and soon.
“She’s not a celebrity, Elmira,” I rolled my eyes.
“Of course she is!” she countered without wasting a breath. “She even appears in magazines! Well, one magazine. It’s an old issue. I have it. Even at our age she looked amazing!”
“I’m not...”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201331 “I’ve tried talking to her before, but I never manage the courage. I even thought about using your tennis uniform back when I had it to try my luck! Not that it would ever happen; I have two left feet. B-but you! How did you win? Did she train you? Tell me about the training! I’ve heard things about her trainings, so many things!” Elmira sputtered without giving me time to talk. “I wish I was so lucky!”
Just when I was about tired of Elmira and ready to ditch her, my ears caught notice of something. It was Erika, she was talking to someone a good distance away, and she was trying to be loud. I realized soon after she was warning me; she had been forcefully talking to a group of boys and they were probably heading towards where I was.
“Sure, I can introduce you to Jill, we’re actually very good friends,” I hurried.
“Would you do that for me? I’m not great at sports, but Leslie is! Maybe she wouldn’t mind me watching her train Leslie,” she blubbered.
“Sure, sure. Listen, you said you’d do anything if I introduce you to Jill, right?” I rapidly remarked, making it clear that I expected an immediate response.
“I said I’d be very grateful; but yes, you could interpret it like that,” she surmised.
“Good, because I need you for something right about now!”
a) Aria wants Elmira to undress so Aria can cover.
b) Aria wants Elmira to strip completely naked so Aria can cover… and have fun.
c) Aria asks Elmira to distract the coming party so Aria can sneak away.
d) Aria thinks it’s actually better not to owe a promise to Elmira, and jumps back to the water.
Quoted By:
>>2201332 B
We will make it up to her by giving our tennis uniforms. They're not even at our size.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2201332 C, preferably with Elmira naked so as to properly distract them.
>>2201055 I've done some thinking about the voting system, and I think its structure may disencourage dual votes.
If I have voting preferences A >>>>> C > B > D, I vote for A as normal. A goes up one point relative to the other options. But if my preferences are A > C >>>>> B > D, and I vote A/C, A and C are only half a vote up relative to B and D. This is a problem because, since in this example I really hate B and D, I should vote whichever is leading between A and C to put it a full vote up relative to B and D. As-is, the voting system encourages voting for only one option, strategically picking which agreeable option is most likely to win rather than just voting for everything you like.
Full-strength approval voting is better because I am encouraged to vote for A/C, what aligns with my voting preferences. It may sound like it gives voters more than their fair share of votes, but voting A/B/C is identical to voting -D and voting A/B/C/D is identical to not voting at all. The only meaningful difference between full-strength approval voting and what we have now is how things work in situations like A > C >>>>> B > D, and I believe full-strength approval voting does it better.
In the last voting cycle, pure C got 4 votes, C+D got 5 votes, and B got 8 votes. The five C+D votes got split into 2.5 votes for C and 2.5 votes for D, causing B to win. If I had known then what my vote getting split meant, I would have (despite truly preferring C+D) voted pure C because to vote for what I actually wanted would give the other votes a comparative advantage.
>>2201359 The author explained the new voting system before that last vote, you should have known what your vote getting split meant.
Your proposal gives too much outvoting power to those who are against one specific option, they will just vote for all others to make what they don't want not happen.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2201363 Voting -D at full strength is already supported in the current system, so that's really not true.
>>2201365 It gives more outvoting options, since you can outvote more than one option. Let's say there are 5 choices and you like neither D nor E. You could vote A+B+C which would give votes to many combinations that aren't D or E, for a total of 14 votes given in one go.
Gnattering Yawn
Quoted By:
>>2201367 14 votes for a certain definition of vote, but at the end of the day A, B, and C have exactly one vote, not fourteen, over D and E. I could replicate the exact same magnitude of 'outvote D and E' in our current system by voting A, the *only* difference is that I can't approve of B or C without weakening my disapproval of D and E.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201359 Precisely. If there was no advantage to voting a single option, why would anyone do such thing? You would vote your favorite option and even when you don't particularly want anything else happening, you would just go against whatever you want happening the least and that messes with what I'm trying to do.
I've always advocated to go your own way; vote whatever you want happening and don't worry about the rest. Now I know that people enjoyed Erika anally molesting people, even if the option didn't win. Being left alone with Elmira MIGHT have won, but you will notice that now all her options lead to Jill so we can prepare to ditch her if she's disliked further.
Voting doesn't just tell me what option won, it tells me what you want. It is my job to build you a world you enjoy. I make notes of everything and you will notice very recurrent themes of options that may not have won in the past, but were just popular enough. You are all helping me write, and I especially like it when you explain your vote or give your 2 cents.
And why did Erika even molest people anally? Because one single guy suggested it and I saw the chance to include it because the part was too short otherwise. It's the huge advantage we have over a regular videogame. I learn and accommodate expectations, unlike a machine.
If you want to min/max, I won't stop you. My recommendation? Vote with your heart.
Wrong Person
Gnattering Yawn
>>2201373 People don't need preferential treatment to be encouraged to vote for single options. In an A >>>>> B > C > D setup, you'll vote for A and only A because voting B puts your support behind something you really don't want winning. If you want to single out and vote against your least favourite option, you inherently give up the ability to advocate your favourite option, and vice versa. People will choose to vote for single options simply because they like it more than they dislike their least favourite.
The system as it is only encourages single votes because it's broken for everything else. I know that you want people to vote with their hearts, but that's why I don't understand you implementing a system that goes out of its way to punish people for voting for what they want to see.
>>2201332 C
>>2201373 I get where Yawn is coming from, I guess I didn't fully understand the official voting system before, but personally I would have voted -B last round had I understood it. that being said now that I understand it I won't be making that same mistake again, so it is probably fine?
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201409 We'll implement it the way you describe, only to be revised upon discontent or abuse.
C won, but B was winning three minutes ago. Here's what I had:
“What do you want me to do?” Elmira eagerly proposed.
“Finish taking off your clothes. All of them,” I alluringly suggested. My tail was starting to betray me upon my increased heartbeat and intent to deceive her, but Elmira didn’t know what that meant so it didn’t matter.
“You don’t have to ask me twice!” Elmira quickly finished taking off her shorts with her panties still tugged somewhere inside, kicking off her sneakers in the process. She also took off her t-shirt and undershirt in one single movement of her arms in a similar way. Her skinny and small frame was proudly displayed to me in its naked glory. “What do you have in mind?” she beamed at me, hoping I had an use for bare body.
“I just wanted to see how I would look wearing your stuff,” I dumbly excused and started grabbing her shorts facing the fact that the crumpled panties inside were just going to have to be uncomfortable if I wanted to make this fast.
“Err… okay?” she consented despite making it clear she didn’t get what I was trying to do, which suited me just fine.
Wearing Elmira’s shirt and undershirt at the same time was just not possible. I had to lose valuable seconds separating the two pieces of clothing and then wearing them one over the other as it was properly intended. I had made myself decent barely in time.
“Elmira, can you stand facing this way?” I smiled at her, politely grabbing her arms and making me face me, and away from where the boys were coming. “Your arms to your side. Yes, just like that. Can you stay like that for a minute?” My hope was that if they saw her from the back
2 hours tops and I'll have C ready.
Gnattering Yawn
>>2201430 Thanks, and I'm sorry for being pushy about it. Whatever ends up prevailing, I have every faith that you're capable of making a story that everyone can enjoy.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201435 Sorry, found a way to re-use the paragraphs, being given an idea by your own
>>2201359 vote. No need in having them there anymore.
>>2201332 “What do you want me to do?” Elmira eagerly proposed.
“Finish taking off your clothes. All of them,” I alluringly suggested. My tail was starting to betray me upon my increased heartbeat and intent to deceive her, but Elmira didn’t know what that meant so it didn’t matter.
“You don’t have to ask me twice!” Elmira quickly finished taking off her shorts with her panties still tugged somewhere inside, kicking off her sneakers in the process. She also took off her t-shirt and undershirt in one single movement of her arms in a similar way. Her skinny and small frame was proudly displayed to me in its naked glory. “What do you have in mind?” she beamed at me, hoping I had a use for bare body.
“I just wanted to see how I would look wearing your stuff,” I dumbly excused and started grabbing her clothes from the ground.
“Err… okay?” she consented despite making it clear she didn’t get what I was trying to do, which was just what I intended.
“Elmira, can you stand facing this way?” I smiled at her, politely grabbing her arms and making me face me, and away from where the boys were coming. “Your arms to your side. Yes, just like that. Can you stay like that for a minute?”
My plan was to wear Elmira’s stuff and have her pose as a boy again; it sounded like fun; but as I was still untangling the mess that were Elmira’s tangled and hastily removed clothes, I heard the footsteps that had until now been predicable and tame accelerate without any warning. A few cries of excitement told me they had challenged each other to a race. Even Elmira could hear them and she turned around, worried.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201445 “Here you go!” I threw Elmira’s clothes back at her. She was too distracted to catch them. “Sorry, but can you distract those boys for me? Just cover your front and they won’t know you’re a girl. Come find me later, I’ll introduce you to Jill, I swear!” I blabbed it as fast as my mouth allowed.
Elmira looked like she wanted to say something else, but the boys would be able to see us at any time. I went in all fours and sprinted into the grassy area away from the Lake. Not being bipedal would make spotting me harder, something deep inside told me.
I’ve had a little taste of the speed when racing Erika, but now for the first time I ran until I tired. It was all in the distribution of forces; I didn’t need to teach myself because I seemed to already know how. If I was in two feet, running was hard because if I leapt with all the strength my legs had, stabilizing was hard. With four ‘legs’, I could have my hands stabilize me after every leap, my hindquarters press my legs forward again while I bent my spine, and taking another terribly fast jump ahead once the legs were into position to repeat the process. Meanwhile, the tail staid stretched and to the back; I didn’t know why I did that, but I knew I had to do it.
A feminine scream coming from where I had just been told me that Elmira hadn’t followed my strategy correctly and the boys had just found out they had different sets of genitalia because she messed something up. At least she would serve as a distraction. I mean, I had to hide my cat features; didn’t I? Elmira would understand; it was not about being seen naked anymore.
Okay, yes it was and I just left Elmira there to be embarrassed to literally cover my ass. But I would make it up to her!
Okay, I probably wouldn’t and instead would just keep milking that attraction she had for me for all it was worth, because honestly I didn’t quite like her. There.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201446 The speed I could reach sprinting was pretty crazy, I didn’t know for sure but I guessed it was much faster than the actual world record. I couldn’t keep it for long, before I had to slow down because my lungs felt like they were burning. Even after slowing down, the sensation didn’t get better and at one point I had to stop to pant like I was a dying animal even though I hadn’t run for a third of a mile.
After recovering and earnestly expecting Elmira didn’t blame me too much for what happened, I had to focus on my next problem; I was completely naked hiding in overgrown grass, actually closer to the dining area than I was to the cabins. With no phone in hand, there was zero chance anyone would actually find me here, so it was up to me to sneak somewhere.
I prowled around, weighing my options.
a) Sneak back into the cabins.
b) Sneak ahead into the dining area, my friends would be there to help me.
c) Sneak back to the lake, see how Elmira fared. Even if angry, she should be dressed like now.
d) Catch something to eat and take a nap (skip to night).
>>2201427 Hmmm. Lisa + Jill?
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2201445 Guh, deleted my post (replicated below) because it was referencing a deleted one, sorry.
>Thanks, and I'm sorry for being pushy about it. Whatever ends up prevailing, I have every faith that you're capable of making a story that everyone can enjoy. >>2201448 B, given how fast we were moving we might just beat Erika there, and if that's the case then Carmen would still be bottomless.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201448 Actually,
>>2201427 looks more like Erika if we ignore the pubic hair. Great pic.
>>2201448 -C
>>2201457 It wasn't my work, but as an artist I do try to collect only high quality pieces.
A bit late but,
>>2200967 Is the story planned to extend beyond the camp itself?
>>2201409 >>2201363 >>2201373 I think it make sense to see the votes as split vote if options are mutually exclusive, but when options aren't mutually exclusives, I guess maybe it would make more sense to treat each vote for combination of options as a full vote (unless those options are maybe getting too long or out of way or become difficult to write that reducing their voting power would helps progressing the story)
>>2201448 B
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201462 The story will go on as long as people keep voting.
If you're asking if you can "escape" the camp; yes. If you're inclined to, you may leave at any time. Both Aria and Medea may live naked in the wild if they had to.
Now, realistically I'm not going to be around for much longer; so we have around a month to go as far as we could possibly go. If anyone wants to take over, they're more than welcome to.
>>2201461 Something about that one just clicked.
>>2201448 I was exhausted from a mere short run. Making it to the cabins seemed like just too much distance to cover at the moment, and the dining area was just ahead, already in sight. I decided to just take a quick look and make my decision there. Who was to say the place wasn’t nearly empty and I could just sneak into a table with people I knew who could help me?
I crawled moderately fast to my destination, the movement was about as natural as walking itself.
It was hardly a minute by the time I had made it to the back of the building; but that was the issue; I was facing the back. My ears immediately told me that there was plenty more activity going on the front, probably too much to be able to successfully go around unseen.
My mind split into taking a better look and just going back to the cabin where my clothes were. I ventured forward, called by what at first I thought was an interesting smell. I was sadly and quickly disappointed when I just saw the back entrance to the kitchen, a bunch of metal trash cans packed full with black garbage bags and… a rival.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201498 The rival was another female. She had an orange and white coat, greenish eyes. Her tail twitched and she lifted her head in recognition of my arrival. She had her sights put into a small bowl containing fish skins, chicken bones, and that smell that had called me to come out and investigate; it was the wet food I had tasted yesterday. I jumped out of the foliage, and unable to help myself, I hissed at the cat. She recognized my superior size and made herself scarce, giving up the easy meal.
I finally stood to my full size since talking to Elmira, and furiously sniffed around the half open door to the kitchen. I wasn’t brave enough to take a look inside, so what I did was jump and take a peek through the high awning windows, holding myself up by a small ledge.
The kitchen had only a fat lady stirring a huge metal pot and a young woman sweeping the floor with headphones stuck in her ears. No one else. If I had spoken the idea that brew into my mind, it probably would have sounded too crazy and had me desist at once; but as a just abstract concept it seemed perfectly plausible and reasonable.
I jumped down, lightly landing as far as I could from the garbage. I skipped silently to the door, and without moving it an inch I contorted my spine around the entrance to let myself in. The two women weren’t even aware of my existence. They carried on with their duties and I leapt behind a nearby metal counter. My sense of smell was stupefied by the intense odors emanating from seemingly everywhere, but my hearing was like having a camera supervising the whole room, telling me where everyone was at all times.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201499 I could have easily stolen the wallet of the voluntarily deafened girl sweeping; sneaking past her wasn’t even worth mentioning. I confidently danced around her always having her back facing at me. The fat lady proved more of a challenge, since she seemed to have a decent peripheral vision. My heart nearly jumped out of my throat whenever she suddenly turned to a corner, thinking she had seen something. Luckily, that ‘something’ was always a little too quick to let herself be caught.
Just after the fat lady, my last test was a swinging door. Should I go through? The lady could not stir that pot forever, I had to go through or exit the kitchen again. Convinced that the best idea was to go ahead and just do it, I crouched and passed the door in one swift motion. The lady turned to the sound of the door swinging, but I was just gone by then.
On the other side I realized my instinct to sneak into places might be a tad unwise if performed nude. The food counter was right in front; a guy with an apron had his back at me, and was serving a girl some food on a tray. The girl looked at me, and silently vocalized “What the fuck?” clearly by the movements of her mouth. There must have been close to thirty people having their afternoon meal at that time. The cafeteria was as full as I had ever seen it and one girl had already seen me.
With nowhere to run, nowhere to turn back, regretting my choices and seeing no other path available to me at the moment, I ran, jumped the counter, locating the table I wanted while midair and hopefully before the people in the line to receive their food had time to process that a naked girl had just skipped behind the stand, I rushed forward.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201500 Plenty of exclamations were heard all around as I streaked in all fours beneath two tables to arrive to my final destination.
“Aria?” Medea and Carmen asked at the same time as I made my way between their legs under their seats so they could hopefully hide me.
a) Lisa opens her legs. If Aria wants help, she has to earn it.
b) Someone behind Aria grabs her tail and pulls her out.
c) Medea selflessly takes off her dress to hand it to Aria.
d) The fat lady comes out of the kitchen and demands whoever was sneaking about to come out.
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2201501 C+D. As tempting as B is that would be a pretty anticlimactic way to out Aria as a catgirl.
>>2201509 Interesting. I've never seen a pic where the girl has paws instead of feet.
[spoiler:lit]Is it bad that I kind of like it?[/spoiler:lit]
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>>2201510 I didn't notice that. Opps.
Well, I like most flavors of catgirl, from just ears to pushing furry (human face, fur everywhere, possible paws). Just don't go cringe and buy a fursuit and you'll be fine.
>>2201510 >>2201510 #I didn't notice that. Opps. Artist is rimuu, if you are curious.
Well, I like most flavors of catgirl, from just ears to pushing furry (human face, fur everywhere, possible paws). Just don't go cringe and buy a fursuit and you'll be fine.
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>>2201515 Thank you for giving me a new artist to follow. Paws are cute. I like them on my catgirls. If it has a snout I'm out though.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201543 Terribly sorry, you tied the votes back up, but I was about done.
>>2201501 “How come she gets to run around without any clothes on?” Lisa bickered at Medea.
“Long story!” I preemptively interrupted both Medea and Carmen who were meaning to start speaking, very easily guessing the general gist of what they would try to say. “Do you have anything that I could use to…?”
“Yes, absolutely!” Medea cut me off, partaking into the same pattern recognition prediction as me.
I had been undoubtedly quick to jump from the kitchen to the table I had found myself under; inhumanly so, I would argue. That still wasn’t enough to draw the attention of a fair number of people who had at least caught glimpses of my au-naturel status and were now starting to react to it.
Most females contented themselves with whispers and using me as a topic of conversation, but males ducked, turned and shouted; all thirsting to catch more of my body than the mere afterimage I must have left on my desperate race to my friends.
Lisa was wearing only a piece of skimpy underwear on her bottoms, covered further by a sweater; and Carmen had been faithful to the still not present Erika’s orders and was using a pin to raise the back of her own skirt, probably having exposed her unimpressive buttocks to anyone who cared to take a look already.
The sum of all this circumstances made our table the focus of plenty of attention; and even under all that attention, Medea quickly sprang out of her seat, and stripped her white sundress to throw it to me. She was only wearing a pair of light blue panties underneath, and even though she covered her small breasts as soon as she was able to, by the time she had taken off her clothes there was at least a dozen people who knew of the pretty pink-colored nipples crowning said breasts.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201549 “Hurry, cover yourself!” Medea asserted, and I obeyed, inwardly thanking her for her selflessness and insulting myself for thinking coming to the cafeteria in the bare was a good idea to begin with when it wasn’t even a dare.
“If you want my sweater, you can have it, you know?” Lisa proposed, referring to the only thing covering her behind because of the scantly thong she was openly wearing.
I came from under the table, the dress fitting me fairly well if we ignored how painfully oppressive it was on my chest area, not that I would ever admit that in front of Medea. I hugged my semi-nude miniature savior in both appreciation and in an attempt to shield some of her body from the merciless cameras and faces pointing our way, earning myself an unfriendly glare from Lisa.
“Mark my words,” prophesized Carmen, who was even more blushed that Medea, “in a week or so we’re all going to be naked, all of the time. We’re always escalating things! Is it me, or does anyone else thinks we should stop while we still have… well, while there are some people around who at least have to WONDER what we look out without clothes on.”
“I am well aware of the risks of the path we undertook,” lectured Medea. “It was unavoidable from the beginning, but it is all for a higher goal.”
“What higher goal? Giving stiffies to some creeps?” Carmen countered, surprising me by speaking of something so vulgar. “Whatever. Aria, where’s Erika? Back at the cabin, laughing her butt off to the idea of me having to be like this in front of so many people, I bet!”
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201551 “We got separated on the way,” I began, and proceeded to recount most of what Erika and I had been through, at least sparing the details of my failed romantic experiences and aspirations. By the time I was done, relative normality had returned to our table; even if we still had to endure a few things here and there from boys. The cameras never stopped and one guy was shameless enough to give a slap to Carmen’s ass and bolt out running.
To complete our group of freaks, Erika finally had made her way into the cafeteria, and she hadn’t gone against our dress code. We had a girl in dress too small for her that was going commando, a girl wearing nothing but a pair of panties, another girl with her skirt permanently raised to explicitly uncover her posterior, a girl wearing a thong and a shirt, and finally a girl in a towel. She had not stopped to change.
“How the hell did you beat me here?” Erika cheerfully asked, ignoring the wolf calls and other inconsiderate behaviors from our neighbors.
Not willing to repeat the story I had just finished telling, I shrugged and smiled innocently.
a) The girls are playing with fire. Males go wild (no rape, though. Some touching).
b) Aria returns her dress to Medea, and sits by Erika’s side who shares the towel. They eat in peace... for now.
c) Males are not the only ones who can be terrible. A table of mean girls criticizes Aria’s group for their state of clothing. Conflict ensues.
d) Lisa flies off the handle.
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>>2201552 B, also image limit reached
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2201552 A/C. I remember the last time these options were on the table in a situation like this (Carmen in a towel) we took another route so I'm curious as to what it looks like this time.
Would add an image, but we seem to have reached the image limit.
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>>2201552 B image limit reached.
Does anyone have a paste in for the first two threads?
Gnattering Yawn
>>2201562 First thread, compiled by someone who seems to have disappeared: j33PCQMC
Second thread, compiled by me: ZsyZ8C0t
I'm planning on compiling this thread in a little bit now that we're probably at the end of the thread.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
First time we ever reached the image limit!
I'll make a new thread next update.
Maybe tomorrow, internet decides.
>>2201565 Thanks. Always appreciated.
>>2201552 B
image limit so umm ASCII boobs
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
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>>2201568 Failed to upload a test image on another board. Internet juice will be probably back by morning.
Until then!
Sorry for all the people who couldn't get double votes with images.
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>>2201569 For elmiria.
| . . |
>>2201568 One of us could start the thread if you want. We just the post is copy/pasted anyways.
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o
>>2201574 It's okay, I have already gathered 6 images that showcase some of what I imagine the characters to look like. By the time I finish the next part there will be probably no internet to speak of to even upload text. There's a reason you'll rarely see updates past midnight (CDT).
Gnattering Yawn
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>>2201565 >>2201568 Finished up the pastebin for this thread (PG6Y5C6U), meaning we can finally have the opening posts of the new thread include easy links to all previous segments.
I assumed the winning vote this cycle is B (I mean, it's leading by five votes), but if there's some kind of surprising turnaround I'll make a new one.
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>>2201582 I just assumed you lived a normal life and didn't have a shitty graveyard shift job.
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>>2201582 Why do you keep saying you are going to die?
Camp of Dares !sbwvMTnf4o