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!sbwvMTnf4o No.2196625 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
CYOA /e/ general #3. Post stories, post votes, post images.

Latest story: Camp of Dares. Previous thread: >>2188380

List of Story Before last thread: j33PCQMC
List of Characters for reference (can get out of control, might contain spoilers): BMvd6LF0

A girl in her late teens visits a summer camp. Her roommates start a game of dares that progressively get more extreme as time goes on. The protagonist finds out The Game is being used by a young witch as a way to garner Ritualistic Power. As the price for her silence, the protagonist is given a potion that gives her superhuman agility and senses, cat ears as a side effect.

Vote on dares, write the story. Join us in a populated world in which your actions have future consequences in an /e/ centered adventure long enough to be a novel which isn't even half done!

A few points!

1) The content of the story has basically no restrictions other than what might be seen on /d/. In the end anything goes as long as the audience wants it to. Make your suggestions and you'll see them eventually implemented, although don't get mad if people don't vote for them. The story mainly focus on /e/ content (mostly ENF) but if you cannot tolerate /u/, beware!

2) We are still in an imageboard. People may vote at their leisure with a single post, but votes containing images will count double. Images are encouraged to have something to do with the situation the story is dealing with at the moment, but any good ol' pair of titties will do.

3) We need for 6 different people voting to continue the story. This number is liable to change at any time depending on the size of the audience. Updates will be posted 5 or so hours after the last vote is reached (usually less) unless author is sleeping.

4) IRL will make this story end by the end of July, or at least slow down significantly. Even after a hiatus, if there's enough interest it will be continued.