>>2215849You can get the "raw" resolution from a twitter image by changing the url of the image.
For instance to get the raw resolution for this image:
- original url: (elided)/media/DiX6UF-V4AAC8le?format=jpg
- raw url: (elided)/media/DiX6UF-V4AAC8le?format=jpg&name=orig
You can play with the "jpg" part and change it to "png". If it returns an error than no png version exists.
If the url of the image uses the "old" scheme like so (elided)/media/DiX6UF-V4AAC8le.jpg, you can replace the file extension to get the raw (elided)/media/DiX6UF-V4AAC8le.jpg-orig. Depending on the browser you use, it will use the file extension from the url instead of using the extension for the content-encoding the server returns in the response. In other words, it will use "jpg-orig" instead of "jpg" as the file extension.
If you need to rename your "jpg-orig" file you can use the following powershell code in a powershell terminal (windows 7 and up, macos and linux supported with "powershell core") IN THE DIRECTORY WITH THE FILES TO RENAME.
Get-ChildItem *.jpg-orig | ForEach-Object { Rename-Item -LiteralPath $_.FullName "$($_.BaseName).jpg" }
It should work but use at your own risk.