The devs hid something into this skin.
If someone's interested, here's how to get to all of the files:
The .apk file you can get with some app from the app store that allows you to copy other apps' .apk files. But that .apk file won't include all images.
You can extract the images from the game without a rooted phone with android debug bridge with this command
adb backup -noapk com.your.packagename
Then you can process that with android backup processor with this command
java -jar abp.jar unpack <backup.ab> <backup.tar> [password]
And then you can finally open the .tar file with 7zip.
The character images are in assets/res/spine in the .apk and the user files (uncensored) are under "f\new_version\hotfix\res\spine"
As for making an animation, you can use this website but it's shit for these kinds of images