>>2703586This applies to America today since food security in America works differently. Food security actually has 4 broad levels:
Food secure, you get all the high quality food that you want
Food anxious, you have some trouble getting all the high quality food you want, but it doesn't affect the amount you get at the end of the day
Food insecure, you get enough food in amount, but the quality suffers
Very Food Insecure, you don't get the amount or quality you need
The core point here is that the bottom two are considered "food insecure", affecting 1 in 8 Americans. The thing is though is that based on the idea that puberty's start date is nutrition based, the food insecure level should be the ones to start puberty earliest since they get the hamburgers full of hormones that also might have a compounding affect on puberty's start date. This also compounds with just generally being fatter meaning they have larger breasts too since breasts are basically completely just fat bubbles.