>>2673843I can appreciate the effort, and I had no idea the author of Kurokuro was releasing some uncensored panels. That's actually amazing.
I haven't checked out what you did on Tsugumomo, but on Kurokuro many of the edits on the author's Fanbox have been done more recently, and the artist's style has changed a bit, so it doesn't fit well when these new edits are plopped in (like in your first image here).
There are also other panels where the illustration on Fanbox was meant for fun, so characters becoming nude suddenly then being dressed again in the actual pages is a bit weird.
For these reasons, if your goal is to make an ultimate uncensored version, I don't think it's quite there due to the mishmashed nature of it, at least for Kurokuro.
Just think of it as constructive criticism if you like.