>>805049This is one of those times I wish I saved some of those relationship charts. Hopefully, this isn't too confusing. To be curt, they all respect and like each other (some more than others). How they all met? I am still debating that myself, desu. CG is relatively easy; she roams the city the most and works with music, so she has to be a people person and network. Pod could have met him through recommendations or forced him to be on one of her nightly shows. Dolly met him through the other bots when she came to the city. Goon...I actually can't think of any way they met, hm. Nothing is concrete atm.
>does CG bother him the mostOh, and then some. She might as well bunk with him at this point.
Pod is the second most. She ranges from herself to her stations that need fixing.
Goon seldom needs to be fixed, and even when she does, she puts it off until she can't anymore. Even if hers are rarer, they are usually the most severe of the four due to her waiting.
Dolly has never gotten fixed nor needed tech support in some way. Pico is 50/50 on her being a bot, but every time he brings it up, Dolly tends to get distracted.
A bit off-topic, but I know NG has other bots. I don't know who or when, but one of them is getting the Thundercleese personality: