the funniest part is that this hasn't happened for at least a solid month whereas kott has been the one harrassing people who he doesn't like much more often even if they're mentioned, especially by trying to dig up 'dirt'
>>699558 and replying to it to validate himself when he doesn't get the desired response because nobody actually cares about the drama as much as he does
>>699841>>699913>>700018he's started shit with me multiple times just because i dared to post something then pretends it wasn't him when he's the only one stalking my accounts
hell, just yesterday he made several sock puppets to try force himself into the discord that we had to invalidate the invite because he just wouldn't leave us alone
it's funnt how he points fingers at us and says we're the harrassers when he's been doing shit like this for the entire year and a half he's been on this board. hell, he started out here by literally derailing the sadness thread just because he didn't like it.
pathetic, honestly. if you're going to make your entire presence on the board harrassing people at least be honest about it instead of trying to pretend it was someone else - you're not as clever as you think