thought for the day #4:
I love music so much that it already seems ridiculous to me. Every time I hear someone talk about music that I love, it's like I'm directing a giant tube toward their heart, or like my heart has a tail and is wagging it rapidly in response. I want to study in depth the place of music in the development of the human being, in the same way dance seems interesting to me in that aspect, because it is the only universal art -as far as I know- other animals are only capable of generating sounds by instinct, independently of its function, it could be used as music (even bacteria... although that is another subject, besides that to achieve it they need human intervention) and of course, they can dance. It's time to download some books.
4 it's my favorite number.
>>785796I don't think I made myself clear, drawing is the only thing that really moves me in life and it becomes painful. Thank you very much for reading me and taking me seriously, I wish you the best.
>>785884hugs <3
>>785913>try not to abandon it after a few daysweheh, just made one before but it died
thank you for participating and for your feedback.
your drawing is quite original and fun to look at, love it !