Quoted By:
>Hey, New Kid! You're probably wondering why I'm bothering with your lame ass, but I'm here to start your journey towards becoming UN-lame! all you gotta do is join the fight for the Stick of Truth!
>Hold on there dumbass, you can't join the fight wearing whatever THAT is. it's the fuckin' middle ages, dude. you need a costume and a kickass fantasy name and class. you can't be a wizard, i'm the only wizard. otherwise, it's fair game; just be creative peabrain.
>So, whaddya say New Kid? when you're ready, show me your costume and class(by replying to this anchor post duh) and you can choose your faction! you can either join the totally cool and amazing humans in Kupa Keep (led by yours truly, obviously) OR you can join the fuckin' hippy ass princess-shit gaywad elves led by Khal (who's a JEW by the way-i know, gag.) I'm SURE you'll make the right choice-but if you don't, you're a fuckin dickhead man.