>>682582>but I would baby the shit out of Dorothy.She seems to have that effect on people, lol. And it's no different for her in universe parents either (Neither of which are gingers, by the way). They are very doting and protective of their daughter, but who could really blame them? Imagine being told by the doctor that your daughter may not survive through her childhood. They do everything they can to protect her but living in North Park puts her at risk on a regular basis. They promised her that they would do everything they can to make sure that she gets to live a long and fulfilling life no matter what, which is why Dorothy always tries to keep a positive attitude about her, even if it is really hard sometimes when random shit just sort of happens around you.
The thing about Dorothy though, is that despite her fragility she really does have an insatiable curiosity and desire to explore and have adventurers. But she has very little actual experience in the outside world thanks to how restrictive her parents are with where she goes. She jumps at the opportunity for independence but finds many things outside strange and frightening. But she tries her best to put on a brave face and chase her dreams.