>>763666hehe nic try satan
too bad i pirated the game
got to enjoy it without paying the estonians
ha gottem
>>763752its a great game
life's been good pal
slashed "getting drunk" off the bucket list
vodka's a helluva drink
got sloshed, apologized for getting sloshed and then fell asleep after dancing for 3 hours straight
learned that i cannot be trusted with acess to liquor oce drunk i kept trying to drink more
thank the lord that i have very nice responsible friends who knew how to handle a first time drinker
honestly this deepened our friendship more than anything
kinda helped that i wasn't the only one who was drunk : DDD
definitely not a hobby i will be indulging in from here on out
now that the FOMO is gone im kinda glad i waited his long to drink
aside from giving me courage to hit the dance floor it wasn't a very pleasant experience being inebriated
fari nuf i suppose
its not like they can harass me here in india
just don't want my immediate family to be exposed to this side of the internet yknow
is fine i've maintained decent enough opsec