>>785482Greetings frogget I'm Negus the frog scholar, traveller and a diplomat of great imperium of Anuria I will answer all of your questions
Do do we breath?
The air of Anuria is the cleanest in the world due to our racial supremacy and our scientific and arcane achievements
But should you venture outside of our nation carry a gas mask with you
How do we reproduce?
We Anurans are not a single frog race but many we have catesbeians and caeruleans and rananians
Catesbeians are a straight forward folk they marry the frog by proposing and later fuck creating their generation
Caeruleans are a bit different
First caerulean male will cum on female
Later they fuck and then they venture into a path of lilies where ancient caeruleans traveled to proof how strong is their future marriage and if they survive they take the magic waterlilies and fuck as hard as they can they believe the crazier the sex the healthier the offspring
Rananians are back in the day used blood magic and rituals to reproduce but such practices are a thing off the past so they just gather in the pond and fuck as hard as they can
We're a race of Numerous cultures with different cultures we have our own holidays and architecture our culture is the envy of our environment where ever you go you will find that we don't have the same culture and customs but we share the unity
We're extremely smart we have advanced technology and we also practice magic
So don't mess with us if our tech won't get you our battle mages will
We have a communicating with different races as they gave us trouble and shit also our arch-lagushka doesn't take shit from anyone so we communicate with genocide, biological warfare, chemical warfare, destruction magic, and we also nuclear warfare
We hate cats and humans the most