>>698365>>What are Sylvia and Rodney's latest scheme?"Come hither Ryhonus, I have perfected out latest scheme to spy on the apes."
"It's not another one of those lasers thingies is it? Last time, it almost sliced off my appendix."
"Only because you wanted to put on a light show for your after school club! You got six kids injured and me in trouble."
"At least the rave kept going strong. Good times."
"Now listen, this cube isn't any ordinary cube, it's one that sends transmissions to the brain in order to gage what it's thinking. We'll plant them around the human's bases and wait for their thoughts to come to us. Brilliant plan if I d-Ryhonus, are you tasting your cube?"
"It taste like cherry! Can you eat it?"
"NO! You place them on the ground and press the button. Get it out of your mouth."
*chewing* "Is ith reedin ma mind yet?"