>>704631Coerce? Not at all. Gretel is very prideful and snobbish, she'd sooner break your nose before she fulfils your request. However, she often feels bad about Hansel pretty much doing all the work to support the two of them so sometimes she goes out on her own volition looking for work so she can get paid. The only problem is she is shit at doing everything besides hurting people, so she often fails at whatever job it was she set out to do, leading to her having another crying episode and running back to Hansel to whine about how she just wants to help.
Doesn't help most of the other girls hate her because she is violent, weird, bitchy and kinda whorish (in that she likes to look good and show off that she looks good, but no touching allowed). Gretel is often left out of the girls club as she keeps trying to derail sessions to make it all about her. The only girls that seem to tolerate her are Cindy and Mute (the latter of which enjoys her violent tendencies), Ashely who considers Gretel another sister, and Dorothy who is terrified of her instead of hating her. I could also see Rayne liking Gretel for the same reason Mute does.
I could see a situation where the girls realise they need someone tough to fight someone for them, and obviously Lydia's gang would give the girl's club the middle finger. So maybe they'd finally be "nice" to Gretel to get her to fight their battles for them. Could be an interesting senario.
On the subject of Lydia's gang, I'm interested to see how them and Gretel interact. Because technically Gretel is another outcast girl, but would Lydia be okay with having someone like Gretel on their team? Gretel is one of the few girls who could probably beat Lydia in a fight, and Gretel is too prideful to just be a grunt, she'd probably want to be the gang leader.
I think it'd be cool to flesh out some more of Gretel's interactions with other characters.