the narrative is set off by the protagonist whos a therapist failing to realize that his wife is actually suicidal after their son's death due to unmentioned reasons
the selfish woman gives up the rest of her life and without notifying her husband volunteers herself to an early suicide
the setting is such that somehow all animal life besides humans is gone cuz "muh climate change" and everyone lives in a shitty plastic dome city and has to die after age 50 and get turned into psuedo tree via some wierd paraite being implanted into their heart so that these "trees" can "produce le oxygen"
it was such shit dawg like we thought on multiple occassions that some cool detail in the framing/staging would pay-off later down the line but never was cuz those detail were only these cuz the writer prolly thought that it'd be a cool visual
the animaion itself was putrid fetid shite looking very sloppily done
it reeks and i mean reeks of psuedo intellectual faggy money laundering scheme shit sincee apparently it was funded by a buncha eastern europe film ministries
0/10 I am now worse off for having watched this utter shite