>>694253>how about you list off the times they were actually grateful for it?well usually when i have talked to them they have been very grateful for the life they have, theyve been telling me about all the fun stuff theyve done and shows they like etc. they dont seem to take anything for granted.
>You can't look at Twitter for three seconds without seeing them complain about the most inane things possiblei said the transexuals i was talking about are high status. they do not behave like that. low status/unattractive transexuals are the ones who are crazy pc like that. they are not all like that. in my experience, they were actually much more openminded to nuanced thinking than their straight and very politically correct counterparts. i have also meet trans people who had shit lives, and they were like a walking twitter post. again, i was talking about the trannies i had met at work.
>I dare you to find one tranny who wouldn't throw their "subhuman" parents under the bus as soon as they refuse to play make-believe with a 14 - 25 year oldabout 50% of them have had parents who did not accept them, or outright tried to disown them. surprisingly most were still eager to forgive their parents. jesus christ man, your worldview is literally pol. pol is not real life. just because theyre often right, that doesnt mean the world is like the pol catalog.
>They develop a complex in their heads that make them hate their own natural formsno, they geniunely feel like another gender. i believe its due to extreme hormonal imbalance. some of course devlop weird complexes often due to porn use. again, the world is not black and white. i feel so bad for you, because many years ago when i was a teenager i used to think in a black and white manner like you. you dont really know what you are talking about. this way of thinking hurts only you.