>>686256irl pedos are usually lanky, balding leftist with a hint of basedface in them
look at you the earlier image it matches the "i had no father figure and love sonic" look
now compare that to your recent image
you're a balding leftist i can tell by that sad attempt at hiding your receeding hairline under the beanie/hat
hell even your sona ozzy hides his receding hairline to help you self-insert, i can already tell you're gay from your furaffinity presence your homosexuality is prolly rooted in childhood trauma from some close family friend/member touching you, hence your need to seek sexual pleasure in obsecure and specific disgusting fetish to avoid bringing up memories of abuse that you've associated with normal sex its a common trend i've noticed in these hyperscat/diaperfag/furfag retards
i'm willing to bet both my testicles that you probably have actual cp on your hard drive
kill yourself you damaged goods moron
you have nothing over loli-chads