>>712166by that same logic twitter should be banned too or say nhentai and the myriads of other legit pornographic sites
its the bastard thirdparty firewalll that they have installed that's to blame
shit's worthless
i mean to engage with pornography on 4chan is optional and i'd argue in an ART university the students deserve some level of liberty to access forum sites despite the presence of nsfw content
i can still access and download hardcore pornography if i so desire despite the firewall
its very easy to circumvent for other purposes hell the game design department already has everyone using Tor to access pirating sites for their dumbass games
its the perfect mixture of indian boomer IT company neglect and the slow ass college bureaucracy thats fucking me specifically
After about 3 more days i will personally corner the IT head on campus and get him to white-list 4chan
they can selectively ban specific boards i know for a fact they can the dumbass firewall company specifies that its a privilege granted to the admins
I just need to get the IT guy to listen he isn't the average ignorant boomer from what i hear
I'm paying good money as fees they owe me this much in the very least