>>731342cool lad (Little)'s the son (daughter) of a junkie tattoo artist and a junkie stock broker (both make a decent living). they (the son [daughter]) kick cans around the neighborhood (City park) and steal groceries from the grocery store (City park[boys gotta eat][girls chow too]). they (boy[girl{City park's most wanted}]) go to a school at a Jewish owned academy (steep tuition), and (((they))) are renowned for being generally good people much loved throughout the area as being both a place for prestigious learners of a diversity of people as well as champions of further blending school and community (((but mostly cuz their bakeries, lox and cream cheese))). cool lad drinks dr pepper's (goes great with their dumpsters [grocery store [City park is offering a reward of $100 to anyone with information pertaining to that gay little sock wearing vagrant