>>739606>>>/ic>neckneck converges a little to top but from front view its noticeable
>boobieserase the middle part where two boobies meet. When drawing outlines think about what physical part does that outline slice through? If I had two melons and a plane gone through them the intersection would be my outline here. Thinking like that where do you think that plane cuts these melons from?
>think in 3d>waistagain I see that you tend to converge just to converge. Also from a consumer POV you hadn't finished drawing there. Your mind maybe able to fill in the gaps but your average normie is so bad at art that they don't even have that ability. So its a good practice to finish a drawing. Also even within seasoned artists disputes can happen when a drawing is not complete
>skirtcoloring and size is fine there
>leg splitfemales have their pussy higher up then there. In everyday observations you mind can categorize things wrong if you don't keep your attention high. If you're dozzy all the time your mind image of irl stuff is going to be inaccurate.
>armsthey're not snakes
>shoulder to neckagain wrong use of highlighting
>mouth and nosenose is a long. It should go down a little more