>>783418>>783420Who I think would join the trend or not
>TrishaDoesn't, but has some of her brother's hand me down clothes from the metrosexual trend but it isn't quite the same
>CindyShe does and finds it fun to dress up, Bobland becomes very angry and flustered about the whole trend and is one of the more vocal critics
>MuteShe does because Cindy did. She doesn't change her personality though so there's a weird contrast in how she looks and acts
>Time TravellerNo, people don't question it though assuming she's a boy
>MandyDoesn't have any interest in joining in, only to discover her mom bought her a bunch of SSW stuff assuming she'd want it. So Mandy starts wearing it out of guilt and gets made fun of by her male friends
>MineralDoesn't, but gets several compliments from other girls who think her regular outfit is a SSW outfit
>PosieShe does, and her mom becomes the other most vocal critic alongside Bobland
>DrewProbably not because she's poor. If Slappy tried getting her an outfit it'd probably be some slutty clown version
>RosalindShe does, although her outfit isn't very revealing
>LisaDoesn't because she never leaves the house. But she lies around in her underwear half the time so it isn't like she's any less indecent
>EsterDoesn't really mind either way but Blenny finds her hot in one of the outfits so she starts wearing it
>DellyJoins in but struggles to find an outfit that looks good with her cast
>Lydia and her gangLydia considers herself too punk and doesn't initially join. Addison does however in an attempt to become more popular with the boys, Savannah does because wearing less clothing sounds fun, and Penny has been feeling prettier after the Jerry stuff so joins in as well. Lydia feels betrayed and eventually caves in and joins so she fits in with her gang again
>AshleyBegs one of her brothers to buy or steal the outfit and playset for her until one of them relents, keeps up with the trend even a bit after it falls out of fashion