>>803985he was stil harrasing some female game dev on twitter only recently
there's a pattern in his behaviour (and thats only the confirmed cases)
one that you must've known and chosen to ignore from way before people started the kiwifarm thread
independent of my collaberation mind you
he's managed to make multiple communities hate him in parallel
he was a convenient dog to sic on people you dont like while avoiding any liability
now that he's no longer useful you throw him under the bus
>>803992they coordinate spamming report
/i/ is very small board with fewer jannies assigned prolly
hence vulnerable to seething shitcord report campaigns
best solution i've got is posting a doodle w the post
that way it they cant use "post is offtopic"option to couch in "im mad butthurt"
>>803995>especially the pedoshitsee thats the funny thing people in the discord grand stand over loli drawing
while defending an known sex pest creep in the very same breath
they care more bout appearing virtuous to others than being so in action
lmao a female dominated group is a den of hypocrites ?
who could've seen that one coming
>>803998toxic people create toxic communities
sucks to suck, huh?