>>1949121>without an iceBatteries have 92 times less energy density. If you want bicycles to take over you have two problems to solve:
1. Human power equivalency.
Grandma, and girls have no pride of getting where they need to go under their own strength. If you could standardize batteries, and find a way to not have all the money go to china....but you can't, so bolt on micro engines for any bike are the answer. Once people have experience of paying 3 dollars to go the same places as same 30 dollars as their 3 empty seat car.....cycling has won. And front trike with car ride height. Preferable with 3 feet wider on each side of the riders shoulders, so if a car clips them, absolute proof of unsafe passing.
As so much of this board is beta try hard clawing at being a man by cycling far who step on their own dick by not realizing they could still get sweaty using the same hyper bike friendly/finally cars banned infrastructure, we will never get anywhere.
2. Equal OR BETTER, crash worthiness of a car.
That means front trike so something 6 feet tall isn't suddenly 6 feet wide and 2 feet tall when it's hit from behind and become a speed bump. And equal eye space visibility of a car OR BETTER. So wide as a car as viewed from the back. Hi-vis colors, 7 feet wide so not murderous cager can weasel out of responsibility when they intentional ram it, and we bring back the death penalty in all 50 states for ONLY this crime.
You are welcome.