>>2027940Those with most disposable income tend to be much smarter about how they spend it, as they tend to be secure in themselves and free of the need to signal status by way of conspicuous consumption. Also being smart with money and spending it wisely tends to aid ones ability to build and preserve wealth.
By my experience those who shout slurs like poorfag and broke tend to be those most desperate to conceal their own poverty by purchasing items, not for their quality or excellence, but for superficial reasons like price tag or brand name, which they then wave about desperately as though in need of approval.
I'm not a particularly rich man, I do earn more than I need to survive and have zero debt, our modest home and the land it sits upon is all paid off, my cars are mine as are my bikes. I could easily afford to buy this years branded carbon bicycle, but I know it would be like flushing money down the lavatory. No, for the same reason that I drive a Series 2 Land Rover and a 1978 Mini Cooper, things that resonate with me, are of proven quality, are easy to service and maintain and that will accumulate value over time.
I was young once of course, and made the same mistakes as everyone else. Like most people I tried to learn from them.