Whats a "cheapish" portable L O N G chain lock that cant be bolt cut?
im going in fucking circles kryptonite and abus websites are so fucking shit
why do they make such fucking retarded naming schemes fucking germans
>>1869336>3.5k>130>U lock + cable - which is fucking aids to lock up with on a huge bike>0 but its new>+ apple airtag, samsung smart tag & tile all securely hidden very well>>1869366how many shopping bags do you use?
my family uses like 5 or 6 which i can fit
2 in side panniers, 3 in wide milkcrate on rack, 1 on front basket
could do 2 more on handlebars but dangerous
>>1869393>because I let some crackhead borrow itwhen i was a kid i had another kid on a bike chase me down and ask to try my bmx
was 110% sure he was going to steal it but he actually didnt, was just weird and very outgoing
if you knew he was a crackhead why would you do that though retard?