>>1456657>Try it anywhere else and it will quickly become a homeless sheltermost homeless people in the united states are white
most heroin addicts are white (see dave chappele,) and while it's heroin addicts can be perfectly capable of being functional members of society, and in fact most of the mare, the problem is that the drug war has created conditions where many white males end up as dysfunctional addicts (maybe 30 percent) and those are the ones you see because functional addicts keep it a secret... although it doesn't change the fact that many heroin addicts and meth addicts you see on the street are white
heroin and meth has completely overtaken the "crack epidemic" of the 80s and the face of the problem is a white face
Also take note that das fuhrer Adolph Hitler and Goring were both ironically meth and heroin addicts despite sending any visible drug addicts to their version of the gulag. Probably a case of resenting their own character traits like when gay church leaders end up jerking dudes off in the bathroom then going to "coversion therapy." In fact many Nazi leaders were gay... makes sense actually.