>>1282263It's this one, my brother got it as a present in the 90s when we were kids. Since then It's been improved with what gear it can receive, like I was thinking about putting kevlar tires to one day try to get this on tubeless for more comfortable rides but also the possibility of a 1.5x26 slick tyre form pirelli.
I use the bike mostly to go get food on the market near us. Problem is when I go a bit far away like 10km, I can feel sometimes i want ot straight my back and wish the handlebars were more near me, a bit up. As well as sometimes i want to straight my neck without having to bend it to look straigh. That's why i made these posts
>>1282220 >>1282221 >>1282223My question would be if i transformed my bike into something like this
>>1282223 it could become as comfortable (as i imagine) as this
>>1281985So, what do you think? Ah, and I never rode a speed drop bar style bike before, only xc style mtbs and for a while a more relaxed position bike with coil saddles but i never got to put it for more than 7kms)
thanks for any upcoming answers