>>1898471>>1898805>>1900568>>1900564Malaysia Airlines 370 was flown to Diego Garcia Military Base in the Indian Ocean. One of the passengers, Philip Wood, managed to put his iphone in his underwear before the plane was unloaded and sent a voice to text message to an acquaintance along with a black photo that had GPS coordinates in the exif data of a hanger on Diego Garcia.
5 months after MH370 went missing it was shot down over Ukraine as MH17. The two planes were identical except for a window behind the boarding door which confirms the alleged MH17 shot down over Ukraine was in fact MH370. The passengers aboard had been embalmed to preserve their bodies but were all wearing winter coats in the middle of summer. This was Obama administration and Ukraine working together to blame Russia for shooting down a civilian airliner - the story quickly and quietly got swept under the rug when it was revealed that Russia had not used those SAM missile for nearly 15 years and it was actually Ukrainians posing as Russians that shot it down. The real flight MH17 was cancelled 24 hours before departure.