>>1499769>Wonder if there's a reason why they do tho?Its a PR experiment, the value of which is vague and immeasurable. The lobby argues that more tourism, regardless of the effects on the local economies, is good just because. They dont take into account that cruise tourists are not exactly influential people, to put it politely.
>Source?https://www.bt.no/nyheter/lokalt/i/ng7JLd/med-loven-i-haand-kan-cruiseskipene-slippe-ut-kloakk-midt-i-byfjorden(45 per cent of cruise ships visiting Bergen harbour do not have sufficient sewage and wastewater treatment.)
https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cruiseskip#cite_note-1(During cruise season fish disappear from west coast fjords)
https://www.cruiselawnews.com/2010/04/articles/pollution/alaska-reduces-taxes-and-relaxes-pollution-standards-for-bullying-cruise-lines/("gray water" of cruise ships releases the most dangerous environmental toxins, such as bromoform, cyanide, naphthalene, benzofluoroanthrene, carbon tetrachloride and toluene, into water and air)
>Yeah I'm sure it's all from the boats Its 99% from the boats, yes. That blue haze is unmistakable, you can literally see it rising from the ships in the picture.
All the cars in Norway exhaust 13.000 tons of NOx per year. The cruise liners release 19.000 tons, mostly over the course of a couple of months, and focused in a relatively small area. On top of that cruise liners release ten times more sulphate emissions than all 260 million cars in europe.