>>1251181Thanks for nutting up. I found the article your table is from, and while the author makes several good points regarding the difference in school allocation of resources and the quality of teachers, at best he obfuscates the data presented and at worse outright lies by omission.
The data you displayed is for a single year of school expenditures, 2006-2007. Despite having district and state level available, your author aggregates it to the national and regional level, and then calls it proof that no funding disparity exists. However, school funding is primarily district level, in the form of property taxes. The next biggest source of funds is state level, and different states use different methodologies to determine which schools get more funds. This means that no meaningful conclusion on average student expenditure can be drawn from the regional and national average, and does nothing to support your claim that poor neighborhood inner-city schools are better funded than rich neighborhood suburban schools.
To give a better understanding at the state level, another here's a table of school expenditure covering the same year he did, but also with data from 2005-06 and 2007-08 (this data was available to your author, but he neglected to include it in his study). These calculations used the exact same methodology as the calculations you posted, but were only aggregated to the state level instead of regional/national. As you can see, depending on state education funding policy, in many cases there is a large gap in spending per student between white and black students. If you cared to go down to district level, this gap would be even more glaringly obvious.
For those interested, the paper
>>1251181is from is here
https://www.heritage.org/education/report/the-myth-racial-disparities-public-school-fundingand the paper this table is from is here
https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED536079.pdf>inb4 you attack the source