>>1352576>Why should I give a shit about crime that isn't near me?American individualism in a nutshell. Enjoy being Brazil 2.0, it is well deserved.
>Why should anyone?Healthy societies operate with some degree of care for other members of the society. This is part altruism and part self-interest, as society's problems eventually show up on your doorstep and fuck up your day no matter how hard you try to run. Eventually you need to put gates around your low density sprawl, then eventually you end up having to take harsher and harsher members to keep the increasingly violent poors away, until eventually you are like Brazil or South Africa where no one is safe. My mindset yields Japan, yours yields Brazil, ask what society you'd rather be a part of.
>We'll seeYes, we shall, Amerilard. It won't turn out well for your kind.