>>1266157>What is the AK-47 of utilitarian bicycles and what is the best brand of solid tires? It'd be used for mountain biking on trails, not on trails, and loaded with panniers & cargo racks on front and back. I may ride it sometimes or I may merely push it sometimes. I would like as few moving parts as possible, so folding shit is out of the question. I could fix a cracked frame with some bushcrafting, but fuck doing that really. A bent rim on the other hand is a game stopper.Focus first on the tires you will need, then the wheels. Sounds like you want a touring mountain bike like a surly troll, orge, ECR or even pug. (In order of tire size, roughly)
Wheels are the key factor for everything.. spend all your money on really nice tires and handbuilt wheels. 36-40-or-48 spokes, butted... Wide ass heavy ass rims. Cheap option is Rhynolite XLs. You can get a whole 26" disc wheelset with those for $150 sometimes
But really we're taking $500+ custom order from somewhere. Put some fuggen schwalbe marathon mondial or whatever on there if you wanna be a real shithead monster bike owner
I wouldn't be riding stupidly with it. I'd just be using it for cargo and the easier pedaling areas, so gearing isn't a huge concern.
You need gears to pull shit. Single speed and fixed are most durable but I think you're underestimating what you would need
It's most likely never see paved roads.
You need more than a Marrakesh. Wider tires.. Marrakesh is for classic touring conditions - mostly road, rough road, and gravel