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Noseless saddles are not a solution. They strain your arms and create balance problems. I've tried them. The only solution to discomfort on a bicycle in all places is a recumbent. But while riding a recumbent is physically very comfortable and - if riden right - very healthy, however, a recumbent is mentally very uncomfortable unless you are male and old. Because every time you know you get your bent out of the stable, you are going to get attention from everybody, a lot of negative, a lot of positives, a lot of nothings, everywhere, and you will be considered weird. The average person does not like this or want this. A regular bicycle, while physically uncomfortable and unhealthy for the dick after a while, is socially so accepted that you can ride everywhere without looking like a tool (while, if you think about it, a regular upright bicycle is actually much weirder than a bent, perfched on a tiny hard saddle, bent forward, compared to the more automobile position, of a person on a bent). So who is all to blame for this ? UCI