>>1048586yes this is Dave: I participated in the C Road Race and Crit (I can post the full results once Sunday's Crit standings are posted) and came out in 3rd and 2nd respectively- I won the C ITT which was ultimately meaningless (it was out of 2 C riders, plus no USAC upgrade points are given for the ITT), although I put out 320 Watts averaged over nearly 20 minutes for this time trial, so now GC upped my FTP estimate by just over 30 W (don't know if I can believe this though!). Overall I can't complain too much since I have never worked on sprinting form, haven't raced a bike in 5+ years, I have little to no actual tactical racing intuition and limited cornering abilities- I wasn't even planning on doing the Crit until 1 hour before the start because I was too much of a pussy
>>1048589Somehow a teammate and I got our numbers and assigned transponders switched before the race- he DNF'd while I got 3rd.When they where calling out the podium, our team camp was far enough from the announcers booth (plus an adjacent team camp was blaring loud music making it that much harder to hear) that when his name was called instead (since I was registered as him,of course), I didn't think twice-plus no one told me about the podium procedure, so I completely missed out kek. The results where updated and corrected on my behalf after the race though so it's okay
Also, any tips (specific workouts, intervals, dietary info, etc) y'all have regarding ways to increase my Zone 6 and Zone 7 power would be greatly appreciated- I obviously will eat shit if I don't get a structured plan going starting this week