>>1253008k so if i take a measured risk i'd rather it be a non cuck technology and one that has a higher energy density, relative safety, and less cost
>>1253011https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flywheel_energy_storage#Energy_storage_efficiency>For energy storage, materials with high strength and low density are desirable. For this reason, composite materials are frequently used in advanced flywheels. The strength-to-density ratio of a material can be expressed in Wh/kg (or Nm/kg); values greater than 400 Wh/kg can be achieved by certain composite materials.>The strength-to-density ratio of a material can be expressed in Wh/kg (or Nm/kg); values greater than 400 Wh/kg can be achieved by certain composite materials.>values greater than 400 Wh/kg can be achieved by certain composite materials.>greater than 400 Wh/kg >400 Wh/kg >400 Wh/kg >400 Wh/kg The best most expensive and toxic lithium battery sourced from the blood and sweat of niggers mining conflict minerals with their bear ass only are capable of 200wh/kg.. so flywheels btfo your cuc.k liberal bootlicking authoritarian dick sucking ass at 50 percent effeciency.. that's what's called a satisfactory margin!
>This system is only viable under very specific conditions, i.e. frictionless bearingsnot for short term energy storage.. that's why RACE CARS USE THEM.. and i said early on that fully rechargeable cars/bikes are gay af because CARBON NEUTRAL BIOFUEL has an energy density 5-10 times greater than anything fully rechargeable. RECHARGEABLE ENERGY STORAGE IS ONLY USEFUL FOR COMPENSATING FOR TUBRINE SPOOL TIMES AND RECOUPING BRAKING ENERGY! Unless youre a gay dicksucking liberal that complains about "asthma" even though particulates and even NOx can be captured by catalysts or filters.
>you have to convert electrical energy to mechanical energyelectric motors have 90+ percent efficiency