>>1456675also btw you are just referring to one kind of corporate growth where boomers try to leverage their one idea as hard and far as they can and push their employees to market the shit out of their one uncreative meme idea (hurr durr a meal in a bag or some shit)
what you are not considering is VERTICAL INTEGRATION and companies venturing off into supply and resources and all kinds of cool shit and becoming more effecient and giving the smart people at the top all kinds of resources to invent new shit and innovate (daddy musk meme)
youre also not considering DECETNRALIZED PRODUCTION MODELS.. imagine if some boomer politician could tell Linus Torvalds he wasn't allowed to grow linux anymore and just be happy with 50 percent share of the market??! Imagine if some boomer politician could tell Satoshi that bitcoin grew too much and they are not allowed to market it anymore?!? In those cases they can resist the government but the point is WHY DO YOU WANT SOME OTHER MAN TO BE ABLE TO TELL YOU TO EAT BUGS?!?!?!?