I'll mostly comment on road bikes and the likes, I don't know much about other bikes
>>1893153This one takes the cake. Rugged, practical and good looking to boot? You don't see that combo often
>>1893550Orange chainring is a nice touch, digging that
>>1893587I'd personally put a dropbar on it, but I guess the bike is meant to be more practical so yeah, I get it.
>>1895670This would make a wicked fixed gear bike, but I'm kind of biased
>>1895697Tricolor gang unite! It looks tiny, is it a 52?
>>1896542Cheap and cheerful, the wheelbase is kinda long for a track bike though
>>1896807Sweet colour, interesting geometry. I'd lose the spacers no matter what for STYLEMAXXING though
>>1897915Sweet. Fixies are geat, in my case they were a kind of an affordable gateway into road cycling
>>1898035I don't want to sound negative, but this frame deserves better setup
>>1899171A solid runner-up here, it just looks right, there is nothing to single out. I would probably paintmatch the fork but I can imagine how much trouble you'd have to go through for that
>>1899201It's perfect, but the chainring is kind of an eyesore
>>1899402Skinwall front doesn't really do it for me on this bike, love the colour though!
>>1899603Crazy fancy carbon (?) inserts and a steel (?) fork? Also, why not go for clipless pedals with this kind of crazy frame? Anyway, this is the fanciest frame I've ever seen. Good luck with it.
Here's mine. I hope to get a modern wheelset for it one day and put a 10s cassete on, probably next year.
>>1899725Cпacибo. Heт, я из нeбoльшoгo гopoдa нa ypaлe.