>that pictureok boomer
>They're doing it because they're trying to salvage gas stations and their infrastructure for the next ~25 years. Also, said companies have the Kona-E EV and the Honda City-E EV cars.Oh yeah it's a conspiracy they are building new filling stations in Los Angeles. Yes it's a conspiracy because we know that old gas stations can be easily converted to hydrogen? Actually you are right that fuel cells could run off traditional fuels but those cars are specifically hydrogen and youre a faggot for relying on a conspiratorial argument about "muh big oil."
>What 'other' type of fuel cell is there, fucko? literally your whole post should be discarded because you cant even be arsed to look up cermic fuel cells on wikipedia.... the fuel cells (except for methanol) do use hydrogen but they REFORM the larger hydrocarbons before piping it to the fuel cell. So even the current commerical products are viable.
>What if *a* bacteria gets in that likes to eat it?flush the tank.. notice how the algae is in separate containers?
>at least then all our liquid fuel cars would be fast as fuckok? make algae ethanol then.. fuck growing crops though, at least horizontally that's gay
>think the future would be easy if people bothered.no i think the future would be EASIER if fucking socialist jew global nigger cartels STOPPED FUCKING WITH THE MARKET... ie dont tax and license nuclear into oblivion
>Hiking Carabiners, "Real McCoy" et al.ok boomer
https://www.americanactionforum.org/research/putting-nuclear-regulatory-costs-context/>Based on a review of publicly reported 10-K data, AAF finds the average nuclear reactor must navigate $219 million in regulatory liabilities ($60 million annually per plant), with many of the newest burdens arising in 2012.