>>1456614>but they aren't in any way leftistThat is actually not true because Keynesianism is basically a form of socialism. Public infrstructure spending, such as those undertook during "the new deal" can help some people that "get into the system" in the short term but it degrades our currency, creates a stronger police state (see after ww2) and denies help to the people outside polite society (punks and hippies and mentally ill that dont want chemical lobotomies.) And these words get subverted and morph all the time. Liberal used to mean what libertarian means now.
For all intents and purposes leftism can be interchanged with basically any form of collectivism and no matter what aesthetic you might think you are promoting you are creating a privileged class of people favored by the government, such as those people whose medical treatments are approved by the state versus those who need alternative treatments like medical marijuana or dosages not yet approved in the textbooks of even over the counter drugs. In this way all forms of collectivism is a fascistic.
Common counter arguments would be "hurr durr you are the government" or "if the majority votes for it then it's freedom." Well if you are in a room with 10 people and 9 of them vote to kill you or take all your money then that is not freedom for you, and it does not uphold a greater sense of free market for even the 9 other people who are only benefiting in the short term but actually are ruining their chances in the future of having a healthy community and market.