>>1497666my roadie rides are breddy gud
>on dodgy mup>naked homeless dude tries to tackle me>whiffs>ggeznore>crush hillclimb #1>whee 50mph descent>crush sick hillclimb #2>some kid walking his bikes up with his crew on the 20% section says "you look like you're training for the olympics!">exchange some bantz with his crew>whee 60 mph descent>chillin on mup on the way back>dude rolls up behind me >1v1mefag>headwind kicks in yo>we piss off at least one unracer karen with titegap passes and total dick moves>"OH MY GOD THAT WAS THE MOST UNSAFE" something something>btfo opponent after 10 miles with a big attack and another bullshit move around some unracers that he couldn't match>maxeffort tt the whole way back because will never let anyone pass me on my turf if I can help it>mfw