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>taking train home after class
>enter train
>entire car smells like rotting corpse
>some hobo looking guy sitting at the end of one of the benches
>he was the only one occupying that bench
>everyone else seems to be avoiding him
>didn't think much of it at first so I just sat on the other end of the same bench, which was like 10 feet away
>his entire body is shaking like he's on crack
>barefoot but wearing his flip flops on his hands instead
>an old shopping bag hanging from his left arm
>frequently rubs his flip flops against his hair and then smelling it
>more and more people start moving over to the next car because of how smelly it is
>after a while he puts his flip flops back on his feet
>then starts digging through his shopping bag
>smell suddenly becomes stronger
>suddenly he takes out a dead rat and lays it out on the bench
>I leaped out of the bench and went straight to the door and stood there for the rest of the ride since it was already near where I wanna get off
>soon arrived at the station
>at that point I was already literally right up against the doors ready to dash out as soon as they open
>I turn around and sees him packing up
>puts the rat into his pocket
>"oh fuck, he's getting off here too"
>he gets up and stands behind me while the train pulls in
>doors open
>large crowd in front of me because it was rush hour and it's the central station
>didn't care and just pushed my way through to get away from him immediately
>made it to the back of the platform
>see guy walking slowly towards the exit while continuously sniffing his palms, and possibly licking them as well