>>1712097>What is your experience with pilots, /mg/?Semi related, experience with the son of one
>going on my last summer sea term for my maritime academy >one of the freshmen in my section is the kid of a pilot, his dad forced him to come into this industry>kid doesn’t want a thing to do with it, guess he put up with it for the school year but once sea term got underway? Total shutdown >doesn’t come to watch, work, class, and is late to every formation>fucking over all his shipmates at this point since he causes his section at least a half hour of extra waiting around every day, and whoever he doesn’t relieve for watch is just fucked>literally just sits in his rack all day and pouts>first port is New Orleans>in a shocking twist of fate, his daddy’s the pilot taking us up the river>kid’s supposed to be on watch while this is happening, doesn’t show, doesn’t know his dad’s on board>just as we’re about to arrive, Cap pulls the pilot aside and tells him he has to take his son with him when he gets off>mfw