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Buses are clearly and objectively for The Poor.
People who can afford cars, own and drive cars because they're objectively better; they like and want them.
The Poor want to own cars and will own them when they can afford them. They ride the bus only because they have no other choice *at the moment*.
You cannot refute this.
Expecting people to ditch their cars and ride buses is ridiculous and demonstrates a lack of understanding of human nature and reality in general, i.e. 'fringe elements of society'.
I can be understanding about this: if you're Poor, from generation upon generation of The Poor, you know nothing else. You've been raised to dislike and distrust The Rich, because they seemingly hoard their money instead of helping You. You know nothing else because that's how you were raised; organized religion works the same way (vis-a-vis, the Catholic Church; you are indoctrinated from birth into the Catholic faith, and even when you intellectually 'outgrow' it, the imprint it's left on you remains; they fight against the 'programming' constantly), 'programming' you into a certain worldview/mindset. Minorities, especially African-Americans, experience a distrust of white people, because they've been raised that way. The Poor, who can't afford cars (yet?) raise their children to believe that The Bus is good, and Cars are bad because The Rich own them, and The Rich want to 'keep them down'. So I get it: you're fighting against stereotypes and indoctrination-from-birth. But the statistics don't lie: people who *can* afford cars, *will* afford cars, because they're objectively *better* all around. We're not *evil*, we don't *hate* you; we want you to succeed. But you have to get past this fixation in your minds that's clouding your judgement: buses are *not very good*, even if they do serve a purpose. Personal transportation is a normal and natural desire in humans, always has been, always will be.