Hello I am considering buying a bike for commuting to work.
I don't really know what I should be looking out for. I've been looking at hybrid bikes though I am pretty sure 99% of the time I will be on roads.
Also in terms of pricing I'm at a loss to what sort of range I should be considering. I don't think I really want to spend more than £500 but even up to that point there is a lot of seemingly variable prices below £500.
For instance I'm looking at pic related and it's £356 and then I look at:
https://www.evanscycles.com/pinnacle-lithium-3-2017-hybrid-bike-EV275573And it's £475 for a bike which (to my eyes) seems similar. What is that extra £125 getting me in the 2nd bike? I don't understand what I should be considering. Thanks.