>>1462913>it's not like there's an impending global recession or anythingno shit you fucking nigger but if at least half the country is able to restart their economy up sooner then AT LEAST THAT WILL SOFTEN THE BLOW
and more importantly allowing people to make their own money will slightly slow down the oncoming DEEP STATE MILITARY PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX NANNY WELFARE SURVEILLANCE STATE TAKEOVER aka "Patriot ACT 3 it burns my peepee"
you just see how the media and dems were SEETHING when they heard Trump was going to allow part of the country to return to work! hahahha and combined with Pelosi blocking financial AID to workers IT MAKES IT REAL FUCKING CLEAR WHAT THEIR INTENTIONS ARE!!!!!! (they want you as broke and weak and scared as possible so THEY CAN SEIZE CONTROL)
(also note as a libertarian im usually against welfare but when Trump does it I like it and also because the whole situation is bad and I dont support forcibly shutting down the economy so if they do that i would rather them pay for the losses it causes to poor people and they can get some of their inflation and tax money back that was violently stole from them)
trust me if you can get a job at a grocery store or something it will positively affect your social credit score when they roll out the quarantine/vaccine mandatory smartphone app aka "can i please leave my own apartment daddy government?"