>>1448741>I believe the term is vertically out of true.the correct term is radial truing and it's the solution for an oblong (egg shaped) wheel. You would correct it similarly to correcting lateral true, except radially and not laterally. So the truing gauge should be at the edge of the rim instead of the side (as you would when you true laterally). There's tutorials out there but basic advice in truing radially is to pair spokes so each pair goes to the opposite side of the hub flange. Keep in mind that after radial adjustments, your lateral adjustments could be off which would require correction which could throw off your radial true. Then after all that, the dish could be off which needs to be corrected which could throw your radial and lateral true off again. Plus in between all adjustments you want to release spoke tension, maybe even ride a bit once it all seems good, release spoke tension, then check again. Truing is a pain in the ass because any adjustments will throw the rest of the thing off but that also makes it somewhat of an art form. Make sure you read tutorials carefully and understand how spoke tension works before you start fucking with your wheel or you will fuck up your wheel.