For the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympics, JR East will build 49 (so 50 in total) E235 sets to replace the 52 E231-500 sets currently serving the Yamanote Line starting next year. The current E231-500 sets will be modified to serve the Chuo-Sobu Line (number of them actually being modified are unknown, but 2 of the 52 sets have already been modified), not sure what will happen to the current 209-500 Series sets and the current E231-0 Series sets
This is the current list of rolling stock used for the C-S Line stationed in the Mitaka Rolling Stock Center (all sets have 10 cars)
209-500: 13 sets (1998~)
E231-0: 43 sets (2000~)
E231-500: 2 sets (Former Yamanote Line sets, 2015~)
209-950 > E231-900: 1 set (1998~)
Sauce for the announcement:>>967863I'm pretty sure the locomotives on the side are supposed to be EF60s due to the American Train livery, but what's the one in the center? Can't tell since too many of the JNR ELs are basically samefaces