>>2028217>The rule is basically if it has pedals it doesn't require registration.Hah. Reminded me of how a similar thing was treated in Moscow.
>migrant delivery guys start importing cheap chinese electric scooters, no pedals at all, just a platform>try to pretend to be bicycles, get stopped and forced onto the road>they start mass importing these instead, stop getting bothered for riding whereever they please eventhough it's literally the same thing except with token pedals>most of them have the seat too low and leaning too much forward to pedal, with feet always on the platform, but they still get plausible deniability points>throught the summer of that year, more and more of them remove the pedals and wrap the cranks in tape because pedal strikes on pedals you don't control are annoying, don't get bothered because still technically a bicycle that can be pedalled>by winter, a lot of them start removing the chain because it rusts, and some even remove the cranks altogether, baisically recreating those original scooters, but it's winter so nobody gets bothered>by spring, these fuckers are plentiful enough that they don't get bothered for riding unregistered mopeds on sidewalks at all, some people start importing (or un-mothballing) those original scooters that got them into trouble in the first place and nobody bats an eye>cue scooter hell we're in for the last few years>somehow still less trouble than rental e-scooters despite these guys riding like lunatics (guess having good handling helps)also tangentially related, why does english use the same word for a range of 2-wheeled vehicles that starts from a kids' kickscooter and ends in a burgman 650? can't they have a separate word for vehicles where you're standing on a platform and ones where you're sitting on a seat with legs on the platform?